Elemental Survivors

Elemental Survivors

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Samobee Games  [developer] Sep 2, 2023 @ 12:49pm
While we're in Early Access, we have several things planned for updates. These are in no particular order, and may change as we hear community feedback or find that the plan needs to change.
  • Add attack types for enemies.
  • Add the Shepherd character and the Holy Cow attack.
  • Add Chippy enemy.
  • Dungeons?
  • Add shrines that award temporary bonuses.
  • Add Martial Arts character and Parry attack.
  • Add Emby and Bunnify attack.
  • Add Elemental Evolutions to all attacks and how to unlock them.
  • Add hover tooltips.
  • Boom-o-lanterns go boom.
  • Add Princess Survivor character.
  • Look into mouse movement.
  • Perm upgrade that shortens distance to buildings.
  • Add rare chance for music shop to spawn with no notification arrow.
  • Add more effects for stats.
  • Add the Water area.
  • Possible: look into local co-op.

Update v 0.3.10:
  • Add the Fairy area.
  • Add Summons.

Update v 0.2.34:
  • Add item pull distance to perm upgrades.

Update v 0.2.33:
  • Add the Ground area.
  • Add the Archer and the Arrow Strike attack.
  • Add Samantha the Beaumont and the Rosary Whip attack.

Update v 0.2.30:
  • Add Journey Mode.

Update v 0.2.28:
  • Add Cyberpunk vol 2 minidisc.
  • Add Quirky EDM vol 2 minidisc.
  • Add enemy elemental damage and player elemental affinities and defense.
  • Add enemy attacks.

Update v0.2.25:
  • Add Birdee character.
  • Add Shelly attack.
  • Add Quick Retry.
  • Add details to Banish menu.
  • Add cursor customization.
  • Add accessibility menu with customizable features.

Update v0.2.20:
  • Add Wolfguy character and Arrow Blast attack.
  • Add more Shop rerolls.
  • Add more equipable items.
  • Add special hp bar when boss is active.
  • Add a zil magnet.
  • Add the levelbar to level select menu.
  • Add more banishes.

Update v0.2.15:
  • Add more Levelup rerolls.
  • Add more Party rerolls.
  • Add the Underpass area.
  • Add the Summoner character and Summon Magic attack.

  • Add area difficulty unlocks and perm upgrades.
  • Add banish unlock.

Feel free to provide feedback on these plans, such as priorities and other ideas.

Thanks for playing!
<3 <3 The Samobee Team
Last edited by Samobee Games; Mar 14, 2024 @ 10:07am
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Showing 1-15 of 38 comments
chengsta Sep 2, 2023 @ 11:36pm 
I would totally like to have some kinda unlock to make money faster. coins only amount to 1-2k even after a 200% boost, and they don't seem to affect non-coin boss money from treasure chests.

maybe change 'coin price increase' to 'all money recieved price increase'?

Also I hope the hover tooltips works for the party member profiles when in battle. because i forget what their names are, what their stats are, etc and unconciously hover to find out but see nothing.
Last edited by chengsta; Sep 2, 2023 @ 11:38pm
Samobee Games  [developer] Sep 3, 2023 @ 7:43am 
Originally posted by chengsta:
I would totally like to have some kinda unlock to make money faster. coins only amount to 1-2k even after a 200% boost, and they don't seem to affect non-coin boss money from treasure chests.

maybe change 'coin price increase' to 'all money recieved price increase'?

Also I hope the hover tooltips works for the party member profiles when in battle. because i forget what their names are, what their stats are, etc and unconciously hover to find out but see nothing.
I'll be sure to add to the ticket to be able to hover over the party profiles. It's a thing that's a bit lower priority than other items, but we do plan for it at some point.

I'll mention to the game designer about the coins, but we've actually found that there are too many coins being earned. One other thing you can do to boost your coin earning is to equip the Logbook from the Offhand items. Could you please explain "non-coin boss money"? Is this when everything has been upgraded and you get coins instead of upgrades?
Thanks! <3 -Bee
Dragoonus Sep 3, 2023 @ 11:58am 
Zil-wise I can get like 40-50k zil in a single run, and I don't have the upgrade maxed out.

Now I highly suspect I could get even more if that's the aim of my run by simply refusing to open chests until I've max-levelled everything so the chests contain only gold and nothing else. I haven't counted the number of bosses per map yet, but doing the one with the most, coupled with extreme side quests can probably get that zil waaay higher.

And I think it's those zil chests causing the massive variance in player's zil-gaining experiences. Coin drops aren't worth overly much in comparison. So if you're not getting everything maxed out until late game and taking all chests as they drop, you're not going to see much zil gain vs someone who only took one or two weapons and saved their chests for zil.

If players are gaining zil more quickly than you'd like, perhaps reduce zil in chests then increase gain from coins disproportionately. Possibly even removing the bonus zil for being maxed out and replacing with a level or two instead allowing the player to chose between health and zil (at a significantly lower value).
Samobee Games  [developer] Sep 3, 2023 @ 12:34pm 
Originally posted by Dragoonus:
Zil-wise I can get like 40-50k zil in a single run, and I don't have the upgrade maxed out.

Now I highly suspect I could get even more if that's the aim of my run by simply refusing to open chests until I've max-levelled everything so the chests contain only gold and nothing else. I haven't counted the number of bosses per map yet, but doing the one with the most, coupled with extreme side quests can probably get that zil waaay higher.

And I think it's those zil chests causing the massive variance in player's zil-gaining experiences. Coin drops aren't worth overly much in comparison. So if you're not getting everything maxed out until late game and taking all chests as they drop, you're not going to see much zil gain vs someone who only took one or two weapons and saved their chests for zil.

If players are gaining zil more quickly than you'd like, perhaps reduce zil in chests then increase gain from coins disproportionately. Possibly even removing the bonus zil for being maxed out and replacing with a level or two instead allowing the player to chose between health and zil (at a significantly lower value).
I've mentioned this to the game designer and she'll take a look at it. Thank you! <3 <3 -Bee
Defmaster Sep 4, 2023 @ 8:30am 
Having Stats on the left also show max hp instead of only current hp.

Having Daily/Challenge runs. Giving rewards for completing like certain map with a specific set of character etc.

Having reroll not giving the same options. Have at least one or 2 options change.
Also there could be an option/upgrade/whatever to keep the currently selected upgrade and only reroll the others.
This way you can keep a fallback option if the new ones are even worse.

Option for spell transparency.

Option to disable "special zoom out".

Option for aiming to use auto-aim but override it temporarly with right stick (controller) and go back to full auto when stick is no longer pushed.
Alternatively use a button to switch between auto and manual.
Ava Sep 4, 2023 @ 10:41am 

-Preventing the same quest from showing up on the quest board more then once (Get doubles often).
-Timer for quests if they are timed, I believe I took too long to kill enemies at one point and got no reward.
-Names of items on the banish item screen, its hard to tell what some of the items are as they do look similar.
-Purchasable pick-up range increase in the buy menu.
-A more flashy animation on the 3 and 5 items chests.
-Magic Missile and Magic Card both do very underwhelming damage even when investing heavily into them with upgrades.
-Zil for beating a stage, the final boss drops Zil but you dont pick it up as the match instantly ends.
-Luck based weapons/characters
-A endless mode map
-Maybe some sort of casino for gambling your earned zil, a lot of older rpgs had various ways to gamble your gold for special items or more gold.
DDaylive Sep 16, 2023 @ 4:43pm 
Am i crazy to say the upgraded bomb ( aka throwing bomb) doesn't scale right as it feels like it shouldn't be doing around 25-40 damage at max with the witch hat?

I have a feeling it's supposed to be worse Evolved but it just feels so bad at even scaling to dex. Accidentally picked it to be Evolved and it made the last bit of the game take way longer then it needed to be.
Samobee Games  [developer] Sep 16, 2023 @ 5:27pm 
Originally posted by DDaylive:
Am i crazy to say the upgraded bomb ( aka throwing bomb) doesn't scale right as it feels like it shouldn't be doing around 25-40 damage at max with the witch hat?

I have a feeling it's supposed to be worse Evolved but it just feels so bad at even scaling to dex. Accidentally picked it to be Evolved and it made the last bit of the game take way longer then it needed to be.
Which character were you using? If the character had low DEX, then it does less damage. We've tested the bomb and seen a lot of endgame screenshots and it can be very powerful if you have a lot of DEX. Let me know and if you were, we'll look into it. Thanks for the feedback! <3 -Bee
DDaylive Sep 17, 2023 @ 12:16pm 
I was Vierra and the evolved bombs seems weak and a waste of time to do compared to the normal bomb it's such a down grade.
Gambit Sep 17, 2023 @ 12:58pm 
I actually also noticed that a few weapons are weaker after evolving. Some have other gains that balance them and some are stronger but lose area etc. But I did notice that bombs evolved kinda sucked compared to it's unevolved form. I am sure pairing them with gear and party members can make them better but some weapons I will refuse to evolve as they just seem weaker. Bombs being the main one I remember.
Samobee Games  [developer] Sep 17, 2023 @ 4:44pm 
Originally posted by DDaylive:
I was Vierra and the evolved bombs seems weak and a waste of time to do compared to the normal bomb it's such a down grade.
Okay we'll look into it, thanks!
Samobee Games  [developer] Sep 17, 2023 @ 4:45pm 
Originally posted by Gambit:
I actually also noticed that a few weapons are weaker after evolving. Some have other gains that balance them and some are stronger but lose area etc. But I did notice that bombs evolved kinda sucked compared to it's unevolved form. I am sure pairing them with gear and party members can make them better but some weapons I will refuse to evolve as they just seem weaker. Bombs being the main one I remember.
If you have others, let us know! We're open to tweaking!
Gambit Sep 18, 2023 @ 11:42am 
I mean the shield slam skill (sorry have not played in a bit and I forget it's actual name) I never evolve but not because it's weaker, but because it has a 360• attack cone before evolving and then when you evolve it's like a 90• cone either up or down. Which unless you play as seraph (once again sorry forget the right name) it's not as powerful IMO simply because it's attack area.

But that's more of a personal problem with it not an actual nerfing when evolving.
Radiowavehero Sep 18, 2023 @ 9:07pm 
I really love the music , but I wish we had an option to make the individual songs loop , they usually switch to the next song right as I'm jamming out to them. They might not all loop perfectly but I think it would be less noticeable than a different song starting.

Of course I can just press the back button but I figured it was worth asking about.

Maybe other people felt the same way or maybe it would be something easy to implement ? If not no worries.
Dellfringer Sep 19, 2023 @ 1:01pm 
Originally posted by Radiowavehero:
I really love the music , but I wish we had an option to make the individual songs loop , they usually switch to the next song right as I'm jamming out to them. They might not all loop perfectly but I think it would be less noticeable than a different song starting.

Of course I can just press the back button but I figured it was worth asking about.

Maybe other people felt the same way or maybe it would be something easy to implement ? If not no worries.

It is possible to only play one song. On Mouse/Keyboard I don´t know the button but on a Controller you press R2 and a one appears on the buttom right corner of the musik screen.
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