Waves 2: Notorious

Waves 2: Notorious

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SquidInABox  [developer] Aug 14, 2022 @ 7:50am
Final Update
Hello, I am CJ, I am Squid’s (Rob’s) partner. I have an announcement, and quite honestly it’s one of the hardest announcements I think I will ever have to make. Rob passed away a fortnight ago as a result of complications from cancer after a prolonged and arduous stay in hospital. I would have liked to have made the announcement sooner, but I simply wasn’t composed enough to sit down and write something meaningful until now.

By now you will have noticed that both Waves and Waves 2 are free to play across all platforms. This was something Rob was considering anyway within the past two months as their health entered into more substantial difficulties, so I hope this can be seen as a parting gift to all those out there that haven’t yet played either of these games.

Rob was very passionate about their work, and ever so dedicated, over the years we were together they were always dreaming big and trying so hard to create the best game they could possibly make. This did mean that sometimes Rob would shoot for the moon and miss, and it does mean that unfortunately, Waves 2 will definitely remain incomplete. But that doesn’t take away from my awe and the pride I always had in Rob; to see someone so dedicated to their craft. It was a joy to support Rob, through that initial kickstarter, and the years of indie development that followed. I know they would have liked to have completed that final project, but as covid encroached, the need to have a more stable income was looming and between these factors and Rob’s struggles with their health, they never got the time to cap off this particular branch of their legacy.

But what Rob did achieve was inspirational and amazing to me; to have done all that solo development work, to be continually challenging themselves and polishing their games as they went…it was a joy to witness, and something that I always supported wholeheartedly.

So I hope all of you out there, whoever you are and however Rob’s games have reached you, that you can at the very least hold a special place for the Waves games, and that they continue to bring you many more hours of chill, challenge, and possibly even frustration, but most of all I hope that you can continue to feel the passion and love that Rob poured into these games long after the pain of their passing begins to fade.

Thank you all so, so much,
CJ xXx
Last edited by SquidInABox; Aug 14, 2022 @ 7:51am
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Showing 1-15 of 161 comments
kantal Aug 14, 2022 @ 11:43am 
My condolences. I was playing Waves 1 back in the day. It is / was a great game. Really sad to read all this sad info.

This means that the Waves 2 development won't be continued by you CJ?
(Just finding out I'm blocked on Twitter from the account, which is bizarre as I don't recall *any* issues between the dev and I, and I've always been a supporter of his work. Only mentioning as I was looking to spread word of the news)
midori Aug 14, 2022 @ 9:10pm 
This is so sad. I haven't played Waves 2 yet but Waves was a fantastic game, one of the best in the genre for sure. Thank you for this update and I wish the best to you and your family.
Poe Tayder Aug 15, 2022 @ 3:19am 
Rest in peace, Rob. Waves was a quiet gem of a game that's brought me many hours of joy. Thank you for your diligent, tireless work.
Fappy Aug 15, 2022 @ 4:12am 
Limygeorge Aug 15, 2022 @ 6:52am 
This has really saddened me. Thank you C.J for passing this news to us, you didn't need too.

I can promise you that Waves 2 will live on. Waves original too I guess. Recently I mentioned that waves 2 in now by very favourite game of that genre. It is pretty genius what he made. It beats what I consider it's only close rival, Geometry wars three.

The game he left us in my opinion is finished as I only play arcade which is brilliant. I said to squid about 7 years ago why not release the arcade section as a game in itself. But he would have none of it. A true perfectionist. Not only did he try to get the other part which I never even tried totally finished, he continued to up the quality uniqueness and, zero memorization totally skill based aracade section.

I have well over 500 hours in that alone and play and still play.

Not sure it's appropriate, but Squid - to me at least - lives on in a sense through the master piece shooter. I will play today, and probably 10 years later, if it's still up, I'll be playing.

He will never be forgotten. His game has given me hundreds of hours of joy - I really mean that. It still has unlimited levels of joy years into the future. Of course, I will think of him every time I play.

Actually CJ, I just read your post again and your last paragraph is spot on and better written then mine just above.

I wish you the very best and want to thank you again for letting us know. It means a lot to some of us who have played over a decade and spent hundreds, maybe it's a thousand of hours with it. You had no obligation to post, but you did and although it's a sad message of course, thank you very much for passing it on.

He will not be forgotten by me. He left a great thing in the form of Waves 2.

Sincere condolences.

I'll end by saying everything you said, CJ, is true, and x10. He was brilliant.
Tyrian Mollusk Aug 15, 2022 @ 7:07am 
There's a lot of brilliant stuff in Waves, and it's great that it can still touch people's lives, but sad people won't get to see anymore of what Squid had in them to enrich people's play in this and future games. A darn shame people can't even see the cool ideas they already had working in Grid mode, unless there's a previous build before Grid was hidden lying around that could be uploaded to Steam as an alternate version to install, or you know some developer who could get in there and switch Grid back on and see if it still works to upload as a beta branch or something. Twin-sticks need ideas like Squid's.

I know dealing with Squid's affairs must be beyond awful still. Thank you for taking energy from grieving to let us know. I hope there's a little comfort in the sympathy of strangers, and words of the joy Squid brought to many. There's love and art both in Waves, and in playing it.
Linkblade Aug 15, 2022 @ 1:29pm 
Thanks very much for sharing this with us! I played Waves and enjoyed it very much. I could tell that much work and love had been put into creating it. I anticipated Waves 2 full release and was baffled when I checked up on it to see that it was free. Rob must have been very dedicated to his project, I can see that in the Waves games and Waves 2 looks even double as awesome which I thought wasn't possible. I'm sad for Rob and his family members and wish them the best they can make out of this situation. I will fondly remember him when playing his/Squid's awesome games! Life is a game we all should enjoy the best we can, because everytime it can be game over.
Flexo Aug 15, 2022 @ 2:25pm 
hi CJ,

really sad news you have to make. I think no one will ever have to make such sad news about his friend or partner.

Even if I don't know you or Rob, I want to express my honest condolences.

And I want to thank you both for the games you made and the joy you brought and will bring to the people.

rest in peace Rob.

Wiawyr Aug 15, 2022 @ 11:53pm 
Oh no. I'm very sorry to hear this.
Petch Aug 16, 2022 @ 6:07am 
Such a shame. Hopefully by making the games free there will be some publicity and even more people can enjoy Rob's work now
Plaid Aug 16, 2022 @ 7:25am 
Well, it's too late but, thanks for all your work, Rob. Waves was amazing.

I'm in a bit of disbelief at the moment...
Last edited by Plaid; Aug 16, 2022 @ 7:26am
Bubblegum Witch Aug 16, 2022 @ 3:37pm 
I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. Squid was an incredibly talented game designer and I always had a great deal of respect for their craft. I wish we'd spoken more than just me bumming around Discord. Rest in peace.

Have you considered releasing the assets and source code to the community, since you're not interested in monetizing the game further?
Last edited by Bubblegum Witch; Aug 16, 2022 @ 8:50pm
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