Intrusion 2

Intrusion 2

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Single-player only? No, thank you.
Comon guys. Sequel without co-op it's just so disappointing. Yeah the game is great and all that, but knowing that they lost this crazy opportunity is making me not buying this game. Third try maybe?
Zuletzt bearbeitet von aristides; 15. Juni 2013 um 8:15
< >
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I hate this new generation of gamer who likes a feature then arbitrarily decides that they DESERVE it in EVERY game that they play. This is a brilliant single player game that would not be greatly improved by co-op. The AI and bullet-dodging challenges are geared towards being challenging and fun for a single human player and the way the physics are so exaggerated would not work as well if there were two people interacting with the environment.

This guy hasn't thought the implications of multiplayer through AT ALL and it is not needed.
Vahvi 23. März 2013 um 8:28 
This isn't even a sequel. Yes it says 2 but all it really is is a complete version of Intrusion. First version
faust.twi 23. März 2013 um 21:16 
you won't believe. i don't buy multiplayer games because i hate multiplayer.
BDO 27. März 2013 um 10:33 
There are so many multiplayer games.

Thank you for making a good single-player game. Checking out the demo today.
... hey yeah, i'm a single-player gamer as well. I find it frustrating when developers are too lazy to bother with any AI and release games as multiplayer only. It takes talent and creativity to develop a good balanced and challenging SP game ...
Ursprünglich geschrieben von aristides:
Comon guys. Sequel without co-op it's just so disappointing. Yeah the game is great and all that, but knowing that they lost this crazy opportunity is making me not buying this game. Third try maybe?
Ursprünglich geschrieben von faust.twi:
you won't believe. i don't buy multiplayer games because i hate multiplayer.
I love this game, and while I think it's not necessary for it to have multiplayer (I'm not some elitist tool who thinks they're entitled to having multiplayer in every game) I'd find it a neat feature, since this is one of those types of games that, if they do have multiplayer, it's incredibly fun to play with a friend.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von The Gvidaz:
So it's not al-qaeda then? Oh man i was really hoping to be at least the second in that list.

Updated the first post.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von aristides; 15. Juni 2013 um 8:16
So you're saying a sequel needs to have multiplayer or co op to be good?
That's really stupid.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Uberwatch:
So you're saying a sequel needs to have multiplayer or co op to be good?
That's really stupid.
You can't read can you? I'm saying this game is too good to be single-player.
This is saying the game is too good? Please point that out.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von aristides:
Comon guys. Sequel without co-op it's just so disappointing. Yeah the game is great and all that, but knowing that they lost this crazy opportunity is making me not buying this game. Third try maybe?
this game is really good with singleplayer. i'm not sure how multiplayer would go, although players fighting eachother inside mechs sound amazing.
al-queda are the good guys :closetgamer:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Vahvi:
This isn't even a sequel. Yes it says 2 but all it really is is a complete version of Intrusion. First version
Actually, it IS the next part of the story. It's consistent from the rocket at the end of the game.
< >
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