Fairy Bloom Freesia

Fairy Bloom Freesia

Statistiken ansehen:
Can't see background or characters.
Everything shows up on the menu but when I start up the game it does this. Here
Is anyone else having this problem? Is there a way to fix it or am I just not able to play it?
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kisa 14. Jan. 2014 um 2:17 
could this be the problem(Stereoscopic 3D)
Zuletzt bearbeitet von kisa; 14. Jan. 2014 um 2:18
Fawn 14. Jan. 2014 um 3:18 
Yeah, that's the same exact problem. Thank you I didn't see that post. :)
How to fix that for openGL ? I can't find "Stereoscopic 3D" in the 3D settings
Fawn 22. Jan. 2014 um 12:46 
Honestly, I don't know. I haven't been able to fix it yet either. I don't have a Stereoscopic 3D setting nor do I have the control panel the guide mentioned. I'll let you know if I figure it out though. lol
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