Fields of Mistria

Fields of Mistria

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chismoso Nov 20, 2024 @ 6:57pm
My Two Cents About Gender Diversity and Character Writing

This is actually gonna be closer to a quarter than two cents, so maybe get a snack and glass of water first.

Before I say anything else I want to say that I have a lot (a LOT) of praises for this game. Many more praises than I have critiques for sure, and given the fact that it's early access I think most if not all of those critiques will be addressed. I also trust the dev team is prioritizing more major developments of the game that take precedence over anything that isn't about how the game itself functions. So I'm going to save bug reports and gameplay feedback for--you guessed it-- the report and feedback forms, and focus elsewhere for this post. Other people have already given their two cents about both of these things, but here's mine.

Gender Diversity

This comes first because it's the first major thing I noticed about the game that dampened my enthusiasm. Which is that, for a game that makes character creation fairly inclusive of different genders (and even recently added more pronoun options), there trans characters in the game itself. Don't get me wrong, I love the pronoun options, and I think it was a great decision to allow players to change their appearance however and whenever they want. I'm grateful for these things, but for me it feels more akin to being thrown a bone rather than actually given a plate at the table. I love being able to play as myself, for sure, but what's being conveyed to me is that I'm allowed to buy the game, but not be represented in it. I can be trans and romance these characters, but there can be no trans romance inherently part of the game. Trans people can play however they want, but everyone else can simply play a game where they don't have to see or interact with any trans people.

I don't think the devs have bad intentions or purposefully set out to exclude trans people, and it's not like I think every single game has to have trans characters in it-- Okay, well, sure I think that'd be cool, but my thoughts on transphobia in the gaming and game dev communities and the double standards of it being considered selfish or too much for trans people to ask for some trans characters while cis people don't have to ask at all for cis characters is a long ramble for a different time. So I digress! I don't think every single game has to have trans characters in it, but it cannot be denied that a non-significant part of this game's appeal and success is the unspoken visual promise of diversity (side note, it's so refreshing to see the different skin tones and body types in this game, fair job there). And so, that being the case, I don't feel that it's a stretch or out of nowhere to ask the game to walk the walk when it comes to trans people.

It wouldn't even require majorly rewriting, adding, or remaking any characters. Really. It doesn't need to be that deep (this isn't exactly a narratively rich game that delves into heavy or deeply personal issues), and trans people are just people after all. Edit some dialogue to use they/them for a character. Change one of the guys' beach sprites to have top scars. Add in some lines for a woman where she mentions a different woman (or, hell, even a trans guy character) giving her some dresses when she came out. Have one of the "obviously" masc or fem characters use pronouns that don't normatively align with how they present. Have a heart event that includes a character officially coming out to the player. These are just a few examples of what can be done. Again, it doesn't need to be super in depth. I know there's trans people that would disagree with me on that, but I simply don't think it's necessary for a game like this to get too into it. It's impossible to satisfy every single trans person in the first place, since we're not some sort of hivemind. It can be small things. What actually matters is that they're genuine to a trans experience.

I'm going to be honest, I don't have high of hopes that this part about gender diversity is going to be addressed or fulfilled within FoM. Obviously that would be an ideal outcome. An outcome I wish would come true. But realistically speaking, the main thing I hope to achieve by saying all this is to make people think. I hope that maybe the FoM devs or any other game creators reading this will take this chance to expand how they approach character and cast designs for their games not just for current projects but in the future. To get people to not only ask if they should include a trans character, but confront why they only want to include cis characters.

Whew, that was a lot of words. Good thing I have more so I don't run out!

Character Writing

So this part is more like Preamble 2.0 but I feel it's necessary context for me to say this before getting to my second point: I want to praise the sheer amount of character dialogue and the effort that no doubt went into it. For an early access game--honestly, even compared to most fully complete games--there's an astounding level of variation according to time, place, events, quests, items, who else is present, etc. Not only that, every single piece of dialogue I've encountered so far feels cohesive, true to each specific character, and fitting for the circumstance. It's the one thing that truly stood out to me about FoM that I felt made it more organic and immersive in the day-to-day interactions than any other farming+dating sims out there...but that's where the character immersion ends.

...Okay, a bit more praise before I get into it. I think FoM has wonderful characters and character potential, truly. Even putting visual diversity (and lack of gender diversity, cough) aside, they each have their own priorities, likes and dislikes that actually reflect in their words and actions and friendships rather than just being a list of things, their own quirks and way of speaking, and it's really fun to see the different friendships and interactions in the game. It's also refreshing how it feels like a genuinely caring community. I can tell that the "vibes" goal of the game isn't to be realistic, but to give that sense of care. This is not a flaw, like so many people seem to think, it is a purposeful intention. Not every game needs to aim to be deep or have realistic levels of conflict and consequences. Plus, sometimes the antagonistic forces lie elsewhere. The main "antagonistic" forces of FoM that the player has to overcome isn't other people, but rather the circumstances surrounding how the town has regressed in stability, and solving the mystery of what the heck is going on with essence and the mines. Different games have different driving forces. That's what makes them different and not cookie cutter.

The extremely wholesome and caring and light-hearted setting isn't everyone's cup of tea, but criticizing a game for not being earl gray black tea when it is very obviously supposed to be sencha green tea is sort of ridiculous, you know? Personally, I like a lot of different teas, this one included. I can always drink black tea another time. I love how warm and nice it all feels...


All those (many, many) things being said...It is possible to have that wholesome and caring and light-hearted cast of characters and storyline, and still give the characters dynamic qualities. At this point in time, every single character is extremely static. Static characters aren't inherently bad. There are circumstances where a static character is fine to have. That is not the case in games like FoM. When a major mechanic in the game is supposed to be deepening relationships, static characters simply don't achieve that growing sense of depth properly. They don't change in any significant way. It's nice that everyone's nice, but the one thing I agree with other forum posts and reviews on is that they're too perfect. I don't agree on the degree to which there needs to be flaws...but there's gotta be something for each character to improve on that feels actually impactful, not snap-my-fingers-and-its-done levels of easy to get through. There doesn't need to be anything dark or horribly stressful that affects the "vibe" of the game for there to be some internal or external factor that leads to a character changing or growing. You just gotta dial them back a bit to start with so they have room to do that.

It's early access and there's more heart events and major changes to come, so I'm hopeful this will improve. As I said at the start, the variety in dialogue makes things feel really organic, but I want there to be some sort of change or growth in the characters to make them feel relatable and alive. I believe FoM--more than any other farming+dating sim out there--has set up the perfect foundation to be able to achieve that. After all, Stardew Valley (sorry to bring this one up devs, I'm sure you're tired of seeing it), for all its excellent character growth moments, only really shows these character beats in isolated events, and maybe a few town changes. It's not very good at making the characters feel organic out in the world where you interact with them the most (though lots of daily dialogue has been added in recent patches, it still feels remarkably flat and pre-programmed outside of heart events/cut scenes). FoM, on the other hand, has that part down pat, and I feel it'd be easier for FoM to add and incorporate these sorts of character beats (and pull off a permanent reflection of the characters' growth in their day to day behavior) than it would be for SDV to achieve that organic feeling FoM has in the day to day. So, uh, yeah.


I kind of suck at wrapping things up, but this is me letting you all know that's basically all I've got to say about this at the moment. I may make another post about my thoughts on disability (or lack thereof) in the game, but I would no doubt have to deal with a slew of rancid comments about it, and I'd much rather just go to sleep for tonight. Anyways, I'd love to hear what you all have to say too--whether you agree, or disagree, or are coming from a different angle, let's all talk! Although, if you're about to comment something that basically sums up into "I'm going to put words into your mouth and also whine about the idea of even possibly playing a game with a trans character in it" consider growing up and learning how to handle the existence of people different than you instead. Peace and love, or whatever the kids say these days.

Full Disclosure, everything below this has been edited in:

I would like to thank everyone who is actually taking this seriously. And I don't just mean the people who agree with me fully. Even people that partially agree or outright disagree with me, I appreciate everyone who approached this with the intent to actually discuss this and have a conversation. Regardless of whether we have changed each other's minds, I think it has produced some important talking points. That's part of the reason I made this post at all (as stated in my outro, though it seems some people don't read). I've done my best to reply to people with integrity, taking any differing opinions seriously, and giving honest responses.

Thanks out of the way...Honestly a lot of you people are so afraid of being genuine or using your heads to consider different viewpoints that it's embarrassing. You're so eager to leap at any chance to insult trans people that you completely forgot that this is the discussion board for a game in early access, and you look like idiots trying to pretend you're mad at someone for giving feedback on an early access game. Y'know. One of the main points of a game being early access.

You're not actually mad that I'm criticizing or giving feedback on the game (or else I'd have people discussing the second half of my post with me as silence on that front though). You're not mad that I'm suggesting something "unrealistic" or "unscientific" a fantasy game with magic and monsters and a talking dragon. You're mad that I'm trans and that I said a trans character in the game would make me happy. Like, can we be honest here? Can we handle facts like an adult? Can we grow a backbone and say the truth with our whole chests? The real issue isn't my suggestions, it's that you have such paper skin and glass bones about anyone who's even a bit different than you. So much so that it's kind of astounding you've survived this long. If just the suggestion of a fictional trans person in a fantasy game you play is producing such wildly overblown responses, it must be so hard for you to pull up your grown-up pants and step outside and live in the real world where people different from you exist literally everywhere. My condolences.

Edit 2: Electric F.A.Q.


It's been pointed out to me people don't read what I'm saying since it's too long, or assume I want to pressure people because I lay down so many words. Fair point, so here's a summary in the form of a silly Q and A.

Q: Do you think every single game has to include/cater to trans people?
A: Nah.

Q. Do you think the devs excluded trans people on purpose/are transphobic?
A: No, and I definitely never said that.

Q: Do you think the game has to change? / Are you trying to force the devs to change their game?
A: Not at all. This is my personal viewpoint, and the devs can decide what they want for their own game. If they take my viewpoint into account, cool! If not, then such is life.

Q: Can't you interpret the characters as you want?
A: Yes, and I already do.

Q: Who's to say some characters couldn't be trans already?
A: You're right, but in the end that's still a "could be." It would be a more meaningful thing if there was a character who "is."

Q: What's your intention behind this post?
A: To share my perspective, give a suggestion, and to get people thinking. I'd be happy if myself and others could see ourselves in more games.

Q: Why not just play a different game?
A: Because these are just a few points I have thoughts about, and everything else about the game rules. It's a masterpiece that a lot of love and care went into. I'm very fond of it.

Q: Why not make your own game?
A: Because this is a discussion board for thoughts, questions, and feedback about FoM so that's not really the point. Also, we do! Trans people make really cool, fun, and cute games (and other stuff) with trans characters in them.

Q: What about mods?
A: Mod makers are the strongest soldiers among us, and I already use (and made) some for myself, but mods are not actually the game itself. My post is about the game itself.
Last edited by chismoso; Nov 27, 2024 @ 9:39pm
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Showing 1-15 of 78 comments
Susiron Nov 20, 2024 @ 7:16pm 
Yeah I was honestly pretty disappointed to not see trans and/or nonbinary characters represented in the cast as well. I thought, based on some of the designs, that they might be (and maybe they could be interpreted as such still), but idk that any explicitly are and that makes me said).

Like I really thought that March might be transmasc, and then I saw him at the beach shirtless with no scars and it just kinda told me that naw, this character is this way and it's not left up to interpretation (outside of maybe Magical, scarless top surgery, I guess).

At this point I really would just love to see games that allow your character to be queer to represent that more in the cast of characters as well.
gnewna Nov 21, 2024 @ 2:55am 
Yeah, I agree it's a shame that (outside of headcanon) there's no trans (including non binary) characters in the game. Also no same-gender couples, at least at the start of the game and up to the point things currently progress (if they DO introduce rivalmances, I think it's not wildly out of the realm of possibility that Valen/Juniper could be a thing, for example, given some of their interactions). Would love to see this in the future.
Daiidaii Nov 21, 2024 @ 8:15am 
As far as trans/etc goes, not everyone can write that convincingly into a story. Or who knows whether the devs feel comfortable with it themselves. The devs don't care what we look like, that's our style of play, but what they give us as a basis is what they have to write.
I understand what you mean, but think about the other side too.

Likewise, not everyone wants trans people, nonbinary etc. in their game and even as a person who belongs in this category, it's starting to get on my nerves to be honest. Take the game as it is, it's based on Sailor Moon and all the old days in terms of style. Think of Sailor Uranus, she looked male but she wasn't, like our dear Doctor.

That's why I don't think it's a shame that the whole "everything has to be thought of and represented" thing isn't in the game here. At least that's my opinion.
Last edited by Daiidaii; Nov 21, 2024 @ 8:16am
Stronghold2306 Nov 21, 2024 @ 9:58am 
These two cents of yours are a huge reinforcement of the whole "it'll never be enough for them" stereotype.

Aren't there any trans or nonbinary characters in the game? Make YOUR character be the trans/nonbinary one. Aren't there no "trans romance" in the game? Make YOUR romance arc to be like this. As a ROLE-playing game, Fields of Mistria already offers up a HUGE amount of customization, choice of pronouns for gender stuff, allows romance and marriage between same-sex characters. Everything you need to insert yourself on this magic world, feel represented...... and, still, you're searching for reasons to complain? Seriously?

It's easy for everybody to see how much love and effort these guys are putting into this game, and even so, you call it "being thrown a bone rather than actually given a plate at the table"? Just because the gamedevs didn't replicate, frame by frame, a very specific scenario that crossed your mind?


Between this and a rant I saw on Facebook about a girl wanting some characters to have romance options restricted, so they could be exclusively gays or lesbians, I'm very worried with the kind of fandom FoM is gathering. It's a shame, because this game looks wonderful.
Last edited by Stronghold2306; Nov 22, 2024 @ 7:33am
chismoso Nov 21, 2024 @ 11:25am 
Originally posted by Daiidaii:
As far as trans/etc goes, not everyone can write that convincingly into a story. Or who knows whether the devs feel comfortable with it themselves.

I think there's an assumption here that I haven't thought of "the other side." I do! I think about it a lot (though I view it less as "the other side" and more as just "fellow people" Us vs. Them mentalities never help anyone, imo). I felt that I addressed this fairly in my original post, but let me try and expand on it a bit to aid discussion.

I totally understand if the devs don't feel prepared to write a trans character. There's been a huge surge in this...unhelpful mentality that every single "representation" character needs to be written perfectly or you're a horrible person who is racist/homophobic/transphobic/misogynist etc. It's extreme, and intimidates people who may otherwise be open to trying into just giving up. Dogpiling, harassment, and disparaging comments don't exactly make for an encouraging environment.

I want to say right now that do not share this belief. I think if we ever want to see games and shows and stories that reflect the actual people around us--diverse people!--we need to allow creators to start somewhere...but that does mean we need to try to start. Not even necessarily in FoM. Just generally. I think it's important to try writing women, and gay characters, and Black and Native characters, and people of all stripes. And yes, this includes trans characters, even if someone can't get it perfect. Perfect isn't possible anyways! My post in not in any way, shape, or form intended to guilt or pressure or force the devs into changing FoM. I don't want to harp on any genuine effort. In fact, I praise the effort that went into making their character creator inclusive in my post itself. But this post isn't about the character creator, it's about the cast of the game.

As I state in my post, it would be cool if they changed or added in even one trans character, sure, but that's not what I'm actually realistically aiming for. I want people to think. I want people to feel encouraged to grow and to try, or we're just going to be stuck in the same place forever. Maybe some people are satisfied with that. I am not.

Originally posted by Daiidaii:
Likewise, not everyone wants trans people, nonbinary etc. in their game and even as a person who belongs in this category, it's starting to get on my nerves to be honest.

I understand, really. I even say as much in my original post. I don't think every single game (or show or book etc.) needs to have trans characters in it. There's lots of stories that just...aren't about that, and don't need to be. That being said, I don't think it's wrong of trans people to at least ask to be included in things, especially in settings where there is more than enough space for us if we're just given the chance.

The one thing I take direct issue with is people Not Wanting trans people. Don't get me wrong, not every single person needs to actively Want us in things. But an absence of Want is very different from the presence of Not Wanting. The former is passive: I didn't ask for a mug for Christmas, but if I get one or not it's fine either way. The latter is active: I do NOT want a mug for Christmas, and will complain if anyone even suggests it. Do you get the difference? This isn't about mugs. It's about wanting to exclude an entire group of people. I hate to break it to you, but actively not wanting trans people in anything is just baseline transphobia. Maybe that's not what you meant when you described that kind of person, but those kinds of people do exist, and are a huge part of gaming communities. I'm not even exaggerating or cherry picking. You can see multiple of them in the replies of this very post.

Despite all this, I think my post has merit, and isn't an unfair or untruthful critique. A huge part of what draws so many people to this game is the refreshing amount of diversity in it. When they're making money off that pull, I don't think it's a huge thing to ask them to back it up a bit more. "Walk the walk" as I say.

There's a reply on here that accuses me of being one of those "it's never enough" types. According to that person's standards yeah maybe I am. But believe it or not, I don't go into every single game's discussion board and demand trans characters (this is actually the first time I've ever made a post like this in my long gaming career, haha). Hell, I don't even outright demand trans characters in this post. I suggest it. I propose that it would be a good idea. I provide a handful of small examples. I leave the devs and people reading to do what they will with that. If nothing changes, I'm not gonna stop playing the game or call the devs transphobic or anything, because that would be ridiculous and, I believe, untrue.

Sure, it can all come across as annoying. We're always asking! We're always saying the same thing! "When will it ever be enough for you people?"

I think it'll be enough when I can name more than a small handful of popular games that actual include us. I think it'll be enough when I don't have to be that annoying person asking anymore. I'm just as tired of having to ask as people are of having to hear me ask. People complain about us always asking for more. But have they stopped to look around and ask themselves how much we've actually been given? We aren't asking to be a majority. We don't need to be at the head of the table. But can we at least eat at the same table as everyone else?

Aaanyways, sorry for the huge essay of a reply. As you may have noticed, I'm not a very succinct person. I know it can be a pain to read everything, haha. Still, I think it's more helpful to say too many words than not enough.

(PS - I do find it a bit odd that you used Sailor Uranus and The Doctor as examples for the right way to go about it, when both of those characters have moments in canon where their gender and presentation are addressed. We don't have to headcanon or assume anything. Uranus us canonically GNC and uses non-feminine Japanese pronouns while dating a woman, while The Doctor, of course, doesn't really permanently identify with any human labels.)
chismoso Nov 21, 2024 @ 11:39am 
Originally posted by JoyceHilda2306:
It's easy for everybody to see see how much love and effort these guys are putting into this game, and even so, you call it "being thrown a bone rather than actually given a plate at the table"? Just because the gamedevs didn't replicate, frame by frame, a very specific scenario that crossed your mind?

I agree, there's been an AMAZING amount of effort and love and care put into FoM, and I'm not discrediting all of that work that's been done and continues to be done. I think maybe you're slightly missing or maybe misinterpreting the point of my post because you think I'm exclusively coming at it from the angle of a personal complaint. And yes, undeniably, there's a personal element to my post. I am trans after all! But, firstly, my goal isn't exactly to complain about what's already in the game. Only to give my thoughts about what could be added. It's less about disparaging and more about improving.

Secondly, I need you (and others!) to take my personal angle out of this and look at what I'm actually saying at the core of the post. Can you (and any non-trans person reading this) ask yourself the following questions: When YOU play Fields of Mistria, are you playing a game with a trans person in it? Out of all the games you have played, what percentage of them have trans characters in them? Are you opposed to playing any game with a trans character in it? If so...Why.
smsalsbery2008 Nov 21, 2024 @ 2:10pm 
Originally posted by Susiron:
Yeah I was honestly pretty disappointed to not see trans and/or nonbinary characters represented in the cast as well. I thought, based on some of the designs, that they might be (and maybe they could be interpreted as such still), but idk that any explicitly are and that makes me said).

Like I really thought that March might be transmasc, and then I saw him at the beach shirtless with no scars and it just kinda told me that naw, this character is this way and it's not left up to interpretation (outside of maybe Magical, scarless top surgery, I guess).

At this point I really would just love to see games that allow your character to be queer to represent that more in the cast of characters as well.
they gave you guys the pronouns there is no need for all this extra stuff you guys are complaing about there are many ways you can get around this issue and if you dont like it just play a dif game.
smsalsbery2008 Nov 21, 2024 @ 2:13pm 
Originally posted by Daiidaii:
As far as trans/etc goes, not everyone can write that convincingly into a story. Or who knows whether the devs feel comfortable with it themselves. The devs don't care what we look like, that's our style of play, but what they give us as a basis is what they have to write.
I understand what you mean, but think about the other side too.

Likewise, not everyone wants trans people, nonbinary etc. in their game and even as a person who belongs in this category, it's starting to get on my nerves to be honest. Take the game as it is, it's based on Sailor Moon and all the old days in terms of style. Think of Sailor Uranus, she looked male but she wasn't, like our dear Doctor.

That's why I don't think it's a shame that the whole "everything has to be thought of and represented" thing isn't in the game here. At least that's my opinion.
you are so right about everything you just said people always want to add in stuff that is not needed not everyone and everything needs to be represented.
Susiron Nov 21, 2024 @ 2:29pm 
Honestly pretty disgusted to see how many people here are putting their feet down over this.

No not everyone has to be thought of and represented in every piece of media, but is it wrong for people to wish that they were represented? To want to see that diversity?

Out of all the characters that exist over every game to have ever been made, a microscopic amount of them are canonically queer, let alone specifically trans. It's easy to say you don't care about representation when you're constantly being represented. And it's sad that even trans people are being convinced that there's "too much" trans representation being pushed in modern media when, statistically, that is completely not true.

This is a game that lets your character be as queer as you want, and I think it's entirely valid for a queer person to hop into this game, see those options, and then be thrown off when it stops there.

Trans people can want more representation, and if the idea of a trans person being in a game you want to play would somehow ruin it for you, then you really need to take a long look at yourself.

Also, if the idea of writing trans people into a story is somehow more daunting than doing research for writing POC, characters of varying ages, and characters that are performing a wide range of skills and jobs that you likely did not have the necessary knowledge to reflect without research-- then research some more. There's always room to learn.

This game is queer, with the ability for same sex marriage alone. Trans people are going to play it, and they're valid in being disappointed when that queerness is more surface level.
TamanduaGirl Nov 21, 2024 @ 2:41pm 
Some representation of a minority group other than visual as you put it would be nice but it doesn't need to be gender. Some want Olric to be Asexual/aromantic, some want March to be autistic, some would like a poly character or 2 etc. Everyone can't get what they want though or it would start feeling a bit weird.
gnewna Nov 21, 2024 @ 2:58pm 
Originally posted by smsalsbery2008:
Originally posted by Susiron:
Yeah I was honestly pretty disappointed to not see trans and/or nonbinary characters represented in the cast as well. I thought, based on some of the designs, that they might be (and maybe they could be interpreted as such still), but idk that any explicitly are and that makes me said).

Like I really thought that March might be transmasc, and then I saw him at the beach shirtless with no scars and it just kinda told me that naw, this character is this way and it's not left up to interpretation (outside of maybe Magical, scarless top surgery, I guess).

At this point I really would just love to see games that allow your character to be queer to represent that more in the cast of characters as well.
they gave you guys the pronouns there is no need for all this extra stuff you guys are complaing about there are many ways you can get around this issue and if you dont like it just play a dif game.

I presume you're saying the same thing to everyone else talking about what they hope to see in future updates, yes? All the people talking about romancing Olric and wanting slower timescale and stuff? Right?
Susiron Nov 21, 2024 @ 3:04pm 
Originally posted by TamanduaGirl:
Some representation of a minority group other than visual as you put it would be nice but it doesn't need to be gender. Some want Olric to be Asexual/aromantic, some want March to be autistic, some would like a poly character or 2 etc. Everyone can't get what they want though or it would start feeling a bit weird.
"Everyone can't get what they want" is a pretty limited take on this issue.

Like Gnewa is right, you can literally point to any other request people have to add something to this game when you're breaking it down to bare essentials. But it's an acceptable complaint, somehow, when people want to romance Olric, but it's somehow not an acceptable complaint when people say it would be nice to have a tiny amount of trans representation in the cast.

Like no ♥♥♥♥ they can't add everything to this game, but it's really not out of line for people to look at a game where you can have same sex marriage, and make your own character queer, and think "huh, it's weird there's no actual trans characters though. Wish they had that."

Also sorry for being snippy, but the second reply on this thread being openly transphobic has me in a bitey mood.
Last edited by Susiron; Nov 21, 2024 @ 3:23pm
Jean Nov 21, 2024 @ 3:43pm 
I think there's something important to note here, as a fellow trans person: Just because none of the characters are proclaiming that they're trans doesn't mean they aren't. Perhaps it's better in a sense to leave it up to interpretation, as some people would rather date a man or a woman, and some people would rather see those characters as transmasc, fem or nonbinary. Perhaps all that's really needed would be a patch that allows optional pronoun changes for other characters, but that might be hard to implement and I suggest just waiting for a mod for the final game in that case. They made the characters they wanted to make and imo that should be respected.

But I say all this because personally I do not need my trans characters TELLING me that they are trans in game. This game is queer as hell very obviously.
chismoso Nov 21, 2024 @ 3:50pm 
Originally posted by smsalsbery2008:
they gave you guys the pronouns there is no need for all this extra stuff you guys are complaing about there are many ways you can get around this issue and if you dont like it just play a dif game.

I think the point of "if a game doesn't have what you want in it, you can find one that does" holds merit, especially when it comes to things like gameplay mechanics and stuff. I myself make a similar point in my original post. There's lots of people critiquing FoM for not being hard enough or having enough conflict, for example, and I say that there's plenty of games that already do the grindy minmaxxer farmsim gameplay thing. You can go play those games if you wanna play something like that.

And I don't think those games are bad (I play some myself). It's a good thing for there to be variety for people to choose from so they can find stuff they do actually like. ...But what variety is there for trans people to choose from? Where can we go to see ourselves when every single place has people like you telling us to not even ask, to go somewhere else, etc? You say we can just play a different game. And so does the next person. And the next person. And the next person.

If we just shut up and accept things as they are, then in the end, there's simply no room for us anywhere.
chismoso Nov 21, 2024 @ 3:56pm 
Originally posted by Jean:
I think there's something important to note here, as a fellow trans person: Just because none of the characters are proclaiming that they're trans doesn't mean they aren't. Perhaps it's better in a sense to leave it up to interpretation, as some people would rather date a man or a woman, and some people would rather see those characters as transmasc, fem or nonbinary.

I agree it's great to have room for interpretation. Where did I say it wasn't? For example, if you notice a character who looks normatively feminine using he/him or they/them, you can still headcanon (or, interpret, as you say) them as whatever gender you want. No character has to explicitly box themselves in by saying "I am a trans woman." or "I am nonbinary." for there to be clearer trans representation. You don't have to ever have to make a person in a binder at the beach declare their identity for that to be clearer trans rep. Saying we're free to interpret things is one thing (which I agree with!) but ithat's work that we, the players, are doing to interpret trans representation for ourselves where there is none. That's neither here nor there, it's just factually true.
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Date Posted: Nov 20, 2024 @ 6:57pm
Posts: 78