Divine Divinity

Divine Divinity

Hex edit a scorpion trap into my inventory
I'm in the last map, the black ring and I can't be bothered hacking and slashing through 100's of death nights and I have no scorpion traps on me.
Does anyone know how I can hex edit in scorpion traps into my inventory or something else to make this part less tedious?
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You can simply run past most of the opponents (especially using a frog statuette), except when you need to stop to open a door, etc, or going through the buildings for the Black Ring bosses.

You can use the technique in the topic below to transfer a stack of scorpion traps from an earlier save to your current one.
Lost Items - guide and directory of inventory files[www.larian.com]

If you check Kroxy and the orc at the start of the wastelands to buy at least a couple scorpion traps, there is a cheat to duplicate them (or any stackable object): drag a stack out of (or into) your inventory (or container) and hold down the control key before dropping. This will bring up the split stack pane; type in a negative number and hit enter (the checkmark will be greyed out). This can also be done in the trade window.
Thanks mate
Well I finally finished DD. Brilliant game but that last level is a joke really. I must have used 1000 scorpion traps.
The end of the game was cut back quite a bit when the release was rushed by the publisher, so ended up being pretty much just hack and slash. It shouldn't have been that hard, though... unless you were just referring to the region size and number of opponents. Either way, using Aura of Command to get some of the scorpions to follow you would have helped, if you didn't do so.
I didn't know that. Thanks. Size, number and relentless wave after wave of mobs.
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Geplaatst op: 20 aug 2016 om 13:42
Aantal berichten: 5