The Land Beneath Us

The Land Beneath Us

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Hello Obedient Souls Underworld Dwellers,

Here is the place where you can share your feedback. We're happy to hear and see what we can do to improve the game!

Thank you for your support!

Last edited by Terry_Dear Villagers (Com Dev); Apr 9 @ 1:05am
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Showing 1-15 of 22 comments
I'm actually reviewing your game and since there's no embargo I figured i'd leave some thoughts here, and I didn't see my two specific bugs mentioned in the press pdf.

This is genuinely one of the funnest games i've played in a while. Super fun concept and well put together.

I've made it up to the TGA Office (left wing) and haven't had any real issues. But man, this level has some issues. I can't recall exactly but there are two major bugs i've run into, and one of them genuinely kills every run I have. The first is enemies seem to die and spawn a gravestone that locks all controls until you use RB / E for some reason. Generally harmless but more than once this bug combined with stun locks you until you die to something. The second is much worse but my best guess seems to be that when a mage and one of those pillars that hits the entire area, attack on the same turn, it just insta-kills you. I've had 100 HP and died instantly from it. It's absurdly frustrating and there's no counter cuz the pillars usually spawn way out of reach and go off a few times before you reach them. I don't know the exact issue but it's definitely tied to those pillars. I thought it might be related to stun but even with status immunity it insta-killed me. It definitely doesn't feel intended because it looks like I take several hits rapidly and die instantly no matter what.

The English translation is also a bit rough. It's like 90% there but you need an English speaker to iron it out a tad. It feels very stiff, and a few item descriptions are a bit poorly explained. An example being Hafgan's Locket "Your Weapon will be set to the +2 level."
Should be more like "+2 bonus levels to your weapons (applied on top of base weapon level)" or something.

But overall like I said, this is an incredibly fun game and i've really enjoyed my time with it. Honestly, i'm a bit addicted. Hope it does well for you guys.


I'mma add a suggestion for fun.
After beating a level with blood moon difficulty, unlock the modifiers and add some more. I don't need more rewards. I just wanna cause chaos.
Let me set add extra enemies to 99 and fill every room or modify damage to make everything lethal.
or add weird quirky modifiers like "Disable 1 random directional movement every turn". The modifiers are definitely the lifeblood of replayability and currently they're pretty meager. It's the perfect way to let out some pure masochism.


Encountered another bug

I cannot do a max difficulty run. For whatever reason any time I enable all difficulty modifiers, even though it says MAX, I load in to a level with absolutely 0 modifiers. It happens every single time too.
Last edited by Hells Malice; May 8 @ 11:30am
JKjoker May 12 @ 12:28pm 
There is no controller dead zone option so i am having problems keeping the guy still with my ancient 360 controller

Both with controller and keyboard, the window randombly blinks when i click left or right while in the weapon/artifact selection menu or dialogue and goes into window mode (as in, i can see the bar at the top, the windows task bar shows for an instant too) then i click a direction again it goes back to full screen.

The control tooltips do not change when the player switches from controller to keyboard, they changed in some menues but not in the main game screen

Its not clear that the mouse will not work with the game at the start, i can still see the mouse cursor on screen and i thought the game froze at first since i could not click on new game

It is not clear why you "cannot move" in a certain direction and there is no feedback when you attempt to move in that direction anyway, it feels like its not registering my inputs, maybe do a "you cant" sound or something
Last edited by JKjoker; May 12 @ 12:29pm
[GER] Tobi May 13 @ 11:04am 
My suggestions for improvement

- Add more weapons and relics so that you can put together your favorite combination of weapons and relics to survive the runs longer and longer.

- Add various negative status effects to enemies through weapons (poison, burn, bleed to death, etc.).
GDJ May 13 @ 11:20am 
Feedback = didn’t even know about this game, bought it from the New Release window on a whim, instantly hooked. Fantastic gameplay and progression. Love the puzzle/tile-based combat. Only thing is I’m getting old, so it’s hard to make out lava/burn tiles sometimes, hahaha.
I'm up to the last area and it didn't take as long as I thought to get there. However, I feel like one of the mini-bosses in the area is super overtuned. There's an elite skeleton lich with 4 big bodies that leave you no room to run or to attack with. All the enemies in the room are super spongy either at floor 10 or at 20. I had 20 or so shields from overkill and it wasn't even close to doing enough damage.
scromblo May 14 @ 10:25am 
I would love Steam Cloud support and more relics.
It just would suck if I ever change PCs only to find out games I played on my previous PC didn't have Cloud saves :IMCRYING:

Edit: also mid run save game so you can exit the game and return to finish the run
Last edited by scromblo; May 14 @ 10:37am
Asa May 14 @ 11:59am 
Thumbs up for saves! Wanted to play on a laptop, while the PC was unavailable, but it was irritating as hell to not have the savefile.

Plus, I witnessed a bug with stucked scrollbar during difficulty adjustment. Don't know the actual reason and was lazy enough to not restart the game and just pick whatever options was on screen.

And is it possible to drop the weapon after replacement? There was a situation, where I accidentally lost my lvl 4 gear due to missclick.
Naberius May 14 @ 11:59am 
I tried the demo, I would really love it if it was possible to remap the "move" control. There's no reason to need two hands on the keyboard with one sitting acwardly between E, Shift and U. a classic roguelike numpad would work great, especially for lefthanded people. (or just the classic WASD / UHJK )
Cyder May 15 @ 9:26pm 
For the achievements, hovering over the weapon unlocks should show what they are. I never liked the choice of knowing something is going to be unlocked, but not telling me what. I would like to know what I'm working towards.

Also, I'd love a way to move without attacking. It feels like I sometimes lose mobility by selecting long range weapons.
schrader May 16 @ 9:46am 
Originally posted by Cyder:
For the achievements, hovering over the weapon unlocks should show what they are. I never liked the choice of knowing something is going to be unlocked, but not telling me what. I would like to know what I'm working towards.

Also, I'd love a way to move without attacking. It feels like I sometimes lose mobility by selecting long range weapons.

If you hold shift while moving, then you will move without attacking
Originally posted by schrader:
Originally posted by Cyder:
For the achievements, hovering over the weapon unlocks should show what they are. I never liked the choice of knowing something is going to be unlocked, but not telling me what. I would like to know what I'm working towards.

Also, I'd love a way to move without attacking. It feels like I sometimes lose mobility by selecting long range weapons.

If you hold shift while moving, then you will move without attacking
What about attack without moving? I love using scythes for 3 tiles AOE but it only could be used when there's an enemy next to you on direction that has scythes equipped.
Also here some of my suggestion for the game:

1. Need togglable asking for go to the next floor when accidentally stepped on the portal.

2. Need ability to swap equipment with another direction. It should not be swappable anytime, just only after you cleared the floor.

3. replaced weapon should be remain on the ground like relics.

4. assault ability should be togglable like chip ability. or at least the ones that move you toward the enemy and vice versa.

5. the chip upgrading system should become another menu where you can see all chips you have not just 1 chip you selected.

that should be all for now.
Last edited by LusterScarlet; May 17 @ 12:27am
Armez May 18 @ 7:38am 

I was wondering why can't we change the control for moving, enter and escape on keyboard ?
I can't use my controler for this game because the D-PAD do random input for time to time, and I play on an azerty keyboard, so "wasd" to move is suboptimal.

Also I wanted to play with only one hand, and put all of the controls on the numpad, with 2486 to move, but you can't change the control scheme for those input.

So add a way to change all the input in the game please :reheart:
Steam Cloud save would be awesome!
AlexD May 19 @ 7:50pm 
Great game, having a blast so far! Wrote what I liked in a positive review.

1. English translation is rough. Sometimes it's difficult to understand what the characters are talking about, especially since they're occasionally intentionally cryptic.
2. Is difficulty spike in the end intentional? I've completed all levels and rarely experienced any problems, but so far I am dying consistently in the last world. Especially to 3 skeleton knights boss, who all chase you simultaneously, while making half of the battle map burn...

Few suggestions:

1. Please add ability to preview quest rewards to get excited and prepare yourself for what's coming

2. During a weapon select screen please mark with an icon ones I already have (that will allow me to upgrade)

3. As people have pointed out - exchanged weapon should stay on the ground like relics do, it hurts to throw away lvl 4 sword because you picked up a similar-looking, but different sword, and tried to upgrade.

4. Descriptions of some effects on weapons can be confusing. Archive has nice animated videos of how every weapon works exactly - would be useful to be able to pop these up during weapon selection screen. Note that follow-up attack is currently depicted incorrectly in videos (where it looks like double attack, no indication you should attack with an opposing weapon to get the effect)

5. Please make it explicit and consistent in items description where damage numbers come from, what scales off the Base Damage and what not. Caltrop for example doesn't deal 5 DMG, it deals (Base Damage) DMG, which is a totally different thing. Now I wonder if trap chips or extra damage from Bloody Edge scales like that... I would personally prefer damage output shown as formula somewhere (0.7*BaseDMG + 1.5*Lvl). You can hide that data in log and lock it behind some weapon progression (e.g. require 100 kills to show this data)

6. I think weapons might benefit from having different rarity, the same way as relics do. The trade off then is that common weapons would be slightly weaker, but have a better chance to get upgraded, while rare weapons would be a bit more exciting, and legendaries would make you build around them and pivot your build if they drop.

7. In late game screen gets a bit crowded, sometimes half of field is painted yellow. It would be nice if tactical view (RB on controller) would help you to make sense of it, e.g. once you select a monster it would highlight its area of attack, or even better - explain the attack type and damage. Again detailed information could be potentially unlocked after killing X monsters of such type.

8. Save & quit option mid-run as others have pointed out would be great as well
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