FTL: Faster Than Light

FTL: Faster Than Light

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Help with mods
My computer was going through some graphical weirdness earlier. I fixed the problem, but one solution I thought of at the time was to uninstall/reinstall a few games (it was a completely different problem, but I can't undo it). After doing that, all the mods I had for FTL (*not the steam version) stopped working. I have a few questions about how to get them working again on my computer (Windows 7, if that matters).

1. When I try to activate the mods, I get an error saying "java.io.FileNotFoundException: C:/program files (x86)/ftl/resources.dat (Access is denied)". How do I solve this?

2. If that doesn't work, are there any mod managers asside from slipstream that may have better results?

3. If 1 or 2 don't work/aren't applicable, is there a way to manually get mods to work in FTL without a MM?

*Direct DRM free download off Amazon. Steam in my experiance has really helpful forums though, which is why I'm asking it here.
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Try turning off User Account Control. I se it's pinging Progam Files, and Windows HATES anything mucking around in Program Files... including applications most of the time, so in some cases you can't save... but that's not a problem as the save file is stored elsewhere.

Also try running FTL / your mod manager / everything as admin.

RRW359 lähetti viestin:
. Steam in my experiance has really helpful forums though, which is why I'm asking it here.
Some forums, yes, Other forums, no. Terraria discussions are a really good example of unhelpful forums. :P
RRW359 28.10.2016 klo 22.52 
aidenpons lähetti viestin:
Try turning off User Account Control. I se it's pinging Progam Files, and Windows HATES anything mucking around in Program Files... including applications most of the time, so in some cases you can't save... but that's not a problem as the save file is stored elsewhere.

Also try running FTL / your mod manager / everything as admin.

RRW359 lähetti viestin:
. Steam in my experiance has really helpful forums though, which is why I'm asking it here.
Some forums, yes, Other forums, no. Terraria discussions are a really good example of unhelpful forums. :P
I thought that might be the case. I may try messing with the UAC settings tomorrow, but although it waws different, the last time I had UAC problems, it ended up with little results after vturning UAC on and off. As for running FTL in administrator mode, FTL its self isn't the problem, it's Slipstream trying to put the mods into it, and it doesn't have an option to run as administrator when I right click.

As for Steam being good/bad, I don't like signing up for forums just for one problem, and Steam is the best option I have.
-Amazon: People don't answer your question half the time.
-Yahoo answers: Hard to have a two-way conversation.
-Youtube comments: Either nobody watches the video you comment on and the uploader doesn't know the answer, or your comment gets buried in a popular video.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on RRW359; 28.10.2016 klo 22.53
Lost 29.10.2016 klo 1.16 
you have Slipstream Mod Manager?
BirincKeviR lähetti viestin:
you have Slipstream Mod Manager?
Yes. I downloaded it a long time ago and it worked, but after I uninstalled/reinstalled FTL, the game is now vanilla. Slipstream is still in FTL's file location, but whenever I try to activate the mods (checking them off and then clicking "patch", it gives the error message I showed in the OP. I know it may be a problem with permissions, but even though it was completely different, the last time I had a problem having to do with needing admin permissions, turning them to their lowest possible setting didn't seem to do much. I just wanted to know if there was anything elze I could do.
Well, one, if you reinstalled FTL then it's normal that mods disappeared at first.

Two, have you redownload slipstream when you reinstalled FTL? It has some settings and backups, and while the errors should look different if that were the problem, you should still at least delete the backups (backup\data.dat.bak and backup\resource.dat.bak) and the modman.cfg file.

Lastly, did you try to just move the FTL and slipstream folders somewhere less problematic (another partition or just a normal folder)? It should take you no more than 5 minutes, you don't even need to reinstall anything. That should at least get you closer to figuring out what the problem is.

If it has to do with permissions, making yourself 'the owner' of the folder might help. Windows is weird like that, you can google taking ownership of folders.

Oh, and aside from all that, you should have a modman_admin.exe in your slipstream folder. That should launch it with admin permissions. Also make sure the files in question aren't read-only.
Viimeisin muokkaaja on mekloz; 29.10.2016 klo 2.57
mekloz lähetti viestin:
Well, one, if you reinstalled FTL then it's normal that mods disappeared at first.

Two, have you redownload slipstream when you reinstalled FTL? It has some settings and backups, and while the errors should look different if that were the problem, you should still at least delete the backups (backup\data.dat.bak and backup\resource.dat.bak) and the modman.cfg file.

Lastly, did you try to just move the FTL and slipstream folders somewhere less problematic (another partition or just a normal folder)? It should take you no more than 5 minutes, you don't even need to reinstall anything. That should at least get you closer to figuring out what the problem is.

If it has to do with permissions, making yourself 'the owner' of the folder might help. Windows is weird like that, you can google taking ownership of folders.

Oh, and aside from all that, you should have a modman_admin.exe in your slipstream folder. That should launch it with admin permissions. Also make sure the files in question aren't read-only.
Thanks, I'll try those. I did delete data.dat and resource.dat because someone said to on Google, and it didn't work, but I have not yet tried deleting any other files, reinstalling Slipstream/FTL, or messing with their folders yet. I'll try those soon.
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Lähetetty: 28.10.2016 klo 22.16
Viestejä: 6