Conquest of Elysium 3

Conquest of Elysium 3

So how does local co op work here exactly?
Would two people just use the same keyboard? Or can a controller be used? Do you use the same team or does each person have a different one? Or does local co op simply mean LAN in this situation? Info on how this would all work would be very helpful :)
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Falaris 13. März 2014 um 6:48 
Local co-op is basically hotseat play, and controllers are not supported as far as I know. Teams are optional.

Setting up a lan would be no different from an internet game, but keep in mind that you should read the manual first, it has important details about that. (Coordinate startup over skype so noone clicks 'start game' before everyone are ready, for instance).
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Falaris; 13. März 2014 um 6:50
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