Wanderlust: Rebirth

Wanderlust: Rebirth

Perma freeze [solved]
We saw a dev post saying the game becomes playable/fun starting around chapter 8 normal, so we're trying to tough it out. We've just beat chapter 10 normal and got crawl, but we've come up against what appears to be an impossible obstacle.

Freeze mages that rain ice down on our characters, can freeze us through blocking and keep us frozen until we're dead. That seems unfair. What are we supposed to do about it? Equipment to resist freeze isn't available from Gregin and I can't imagine it'll help when we get hit by ice multiple times every second anyway.

Edit: Additional question, what are you supposed to do about attacks that kill you in one hit, normally in situations you can't do much about? e.g. exploding enemies spawning between you and a projectile. The game isn't so badly designed that you can't prevent dying, is it?
最近の変更はLethが行いました; 2013年11月26日 17時58分
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1-15 / 17 のコメントを表示
Dbomb123 2013年11月11日 10時27分 
Blocking should prevent you from getting frozen, unless you are on fire if i am remembering correctly. You can also block while frozen and it should prevent you from getting frozen immediately after unfreezing.

To avoid the explosions, don't stand by where enemies are going to spawn and try not to randomly spam projectiles. This can be frustrating at first, but you will quickly learn where enemies spawn on the maps. Before you have the HP to survive a hit from the explosions, try to avoid engaging in melee combat in the same location your mages are firing when you suspect new enemies will spawn.
最近の変更はDbomb123が行いました; 2013年11月11日 10時28分
I can only speak for my own experience, but blocking while frozen isn't preventing the next freeze. If it's got something to do with burning, perhaps I'm getting burned, then frozen by the shower of magic that tends to happen.

Similarly, either holding or spamming the soul charge button (with 3 charges) has yet to succeed in interrupting this death combo by taking effect between freezes - and I use that term loosely, because I can't see any between. It's more like each hit from an ice attack resets the original thaw countdown until we die.

Learning where enemies spawn to avoid instant death... seems like a jarring playability difference to the rest of the enemies which remain criminally easy to kill by that point.

Mages? So it's absolutely required that we bring one of the four classes to get anywhere in the game?

I'm not hearing positive things here!
Dbomb123 2013年11月12日 10時14分 
My reference to mages was because I was assuming you had them and that they were the ones killing the exploding enemies. From my experience, I have not had random projectiles trigger the enemies exploding and killing me any other way.

The game's cluttered visuals makes it really hard to tell what's hitting them - and sometimes that they're even around - but we've definitely had some spawn nearby and get hit by a means other than us, more than once even in our limited attempts, and it feels like a really cheap way to lose everything.
Dust 2013年11月13日 12時53分 
Imo, the balance is staggeringly well-based. I don't know it's programming as watzels or leth would, but it was made in game-maker (5?) and as such is a miracle that it came out so worth the appreciative effort. I also would commend the use of 'style' as matt puts it as, giving the game its own unique fun. It's almost like some type of secret of mana phenomenon...
This isn't a praise thread, I want to know how to deal with the game's deficiencies.
Dust 2013年11月16日 4時58分 
If so, go to the support forum. Also, relay it only here if you give the devs the criticism for Wanderlust: Adventures (post), which will come out next year early at this rate.. ain't nice to be critical from nowhere :/
最近の変更はDustが行いました; 2013年11月16日 4時58分
I'm neither being critical from nowhere nor interested in a reply from the developer here though. I've already seen their posts responding to questions or criticism which are usually statements about how they intended the game to be played (making it the fault of the player for failing to adhere to that intention, e.g. trying to enjoy the game before normal chapter 8).

I'm interested in a player's perspective, now that I have given the game enough of a chance to allow being critical. And the point I'm specifically interested in is how to survive a very small portion of the game's threats that are for some reason far more lethal than everything else.

Thusfar I've received one response on that point and it hasn't provided an answer for freezing - once frozen, enemies will maintain the freeze until you are dead and we have yet to either find or be informed of a way to escape that inevitability. The solution for instant-kill explosion foes (learn where they spawn) is not ideal for us either, so we're hoping there's something more workable in that regard.

If there aren't any better ways to combat either, please let us know and we'll just find better games to play. That's the point of this topic, not criticism or praise for the developers who appear to have decided the best fix is to start from scratch.
Leth 2013年11月17日 13時48分 
I think the OP brings up some very valid concerns. Jason and I will be discussing making a change today on my livestream if you guys would care to listen in. As we've said in the past, we take player feedback VERY SERIOUSLY... but since our frequent discussions (as a result of your feedback) are rarely - if ever - publicized, I'm sure the perception might be that we do not really care about your issues.

This could not be further from the truth.

So, tune in today (or follow me if you want to be there when we work on Wanderlust: Adventures):

最近の変更はLethが行いました; 2013年11月17日 20時18分
Leth 2013年11月18日 13時45分 
Expect a new patch with a major adjustment to status effects this week (as well as a couple other bits added to the game).
My apologies for failing to notice these replies or the stream before it had taken place. I've checked the Twitch channel and can't see any past broadcasts, so it looks like I've missed out.

I must say I wasn't expecting these replies, so I'm impressed so far! Looking forward to the patch.
Leth 2013年11月21日 1時17分 
Miraglyth の投稿を引用:
My apologies for failing to notice these replies or the stream before it had taken place. I've checked the Twitch channel and can't see any past broadcasts, so it looks like I've missed out.

I must say I wasn't expecting these replies, so I'm impressed so far! Looking forward to the patch.
It's gonna be a dandy! We generally like to do an update just before a big sale.

I think you'll be very pleased. =D
Excellent :) Must admit I've not played since the patch, one of the group has sent their computer for upgrades. But will check it out once that's done.
Leth 2013年12月6日 18時06分 

Your approach to bringing up your concerns was admirable and well-reasoned; we wouldn't have made the changes to the game had we not agreed with your general concerns. For us, it was well-worth our time to create this last patch and we believe the game is better for it.

We're just glad you decided to bring this to [our] attention and not simply rage-quit. =P

Basically, you're the perfect example for how an end-user ought to relay their concerns regarding a game and it's design to the developers. Cheers, man, and we hope you enjoy the game! =D
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