The Witness

The Witness

Statistiken ansehen:
AMD R9 series driver crash status
UPDATE: We believe this is fixed in the latest update, so I'm unpinning this thread.

See the Patch Notifications thread for details: "4 February 2016, 1:45pm".


Sorry for the slow progress here, I know this is really frustrating. We are still working on this issue with AMD.

We have two workarounds that greatly increase stability in most cases. Hopefully this will be fixed properly before too long, but for now:

1. Disable any overclocking on your card (the Radeon Settings application already makes a separate profile for Steam games, so you can limit this change to The Witness if you overclock other titles.)

2. Turn off MSAA as described in the "tweaking graphics settings" thread, by setting "msaa_sample_count 1". If you Override application MSAA in the Radeon Settings app, turn that off for The Witness too.

We can reproduce this issue on the following gpus (but not an exhaustive list by any means) with both the 15.300.1025.1001 and 15.301.1201.0000 drivers

R9 280X
R9 285
R9 380
R9 380X
MSi R9 380 OC edition
Zuletzt bearbeitet von The Invisibl; 4. Feb. 2016 um 16:17
< >
Beiträge 115 von 70
Awesome! I started getting crashes every 3-5 minutes so I'll definitely be trying these out <3
Takes longer for me to crash under the current patch (from just shy of nine minutes to just over an hour), so, progress! (Seriously, congrats guys, I know it's gotta be a pressure cooker for you.) This is playing with stock, default settings; I'll try tweaking MSAA next.
Snake 29. Jan. 2016 um 0:40 
Haven't had a chance to try the new ~12 mb patch as it came out this morning, as I was getting ready for work. Will test in the evening and report back. Even before the patch, playing with VSync on extended the time I could play with no crashing several times.

Will try turning MSAA off as well.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Snake; 29. Jan. 2016 um 3:07
Fantod 29. Jan. 2016 um 0:47 
So, I updated to Win 10 today for unrelated reasons. I've been able to run The Witness windowed at medium settings for up to an hour before it crashes (compared to anywhere from a few seconds to no more than app. 20 minutes before).

With the new patch out & the advice in this thread, I decided to tweak my MSAA settings as suggested and try playing full screen at high quality (MSAA = 1), and was able to play for about 45 minutes before experiencing a crash moments ago. Unfortunately, I can no longer recover from a crash by starting the Task Manager - I was forced to restart my computer entirely.

I'm posting my latest log file on the off-chance that it'll give you a further clue as to what's happening.

The Witness - x64 - D3D11 - Final
Version 0.944M
Built 2016/01/23 14:35:20 from 131468
Init app:
Init core:
Init asset loader:
Using unbundled processed asset list
33.72 ms elapsed
36.29 ms elapsed
Init render:
OS: PlatformId 2, Version 6.2, Build 9200
D3D11: Found 1 adapter outputs.
D3D11: SDK version 7
D3D11: Adapter = 'AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series'
D3D11: Output device = '\\.\DISPLAY1'
D3D11: VendorId = 0x1002 (AMD)
D3D11: DeviceId = 0x6939
Render_Profile: profile_to_set is 2
Render_Profile: profile_actually_set is 2
WIN: Refresh rate = 60.00 Hz (0.02 s)
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 11.0
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = false)
D3D11: hwnd is 004b06f8
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1920 1080
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 4171636.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 6240002.00 MB
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = true
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
Render extents = 1920 x 1080
9.97 s elapsed
Minimal initialization:
Set up shaders:
cache file operations (shaders):
5.11 ms elapsed
Set up shader flags:
601.28 ms elapsed
608.04 ms elapsed
608.69 ms elapsed
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1920 1080
Init catalogs:
18.78 ms elapsed
Load global assets:
211.99 ms elapsed
Init shared resources:
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
Loading footsteps.
13.54 ms elapsed
Init game:
CPU clock frequency: 4.013 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.027 GHz
Sound Caps:
dwTotalHwMemBytes: 0
dwFreeHwMemBytes: 0
dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers: 0
DSBCAPS for primary buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: NO
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
DSBCAPS for fill buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: YES
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Load asset dependencies:
69.22 ms elapsed
Load common assets (package):
613.49 ms elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
977.46 ms elapsed
Init level:
Loading processed entities.
51.78 ms elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249756_00'
Process queries
27.09 ms elapsed
Loaded 48689 entities.
- 248 cluster entities.
Load campaign:
Process queries
0.08 ms elapsed
12.27 ms elapsed
world bounding box (-389.959, -372.600, -225.943) to (365.146, 352.906, 549.984)
Streaming entities:
248 clusters
7540 unclustered entities
1122 dynamic
17.89 ms elapsed
383.68 ms elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_231018_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_186031_00'
2.00 s elapsed
4.29 s elapsed
15.31 s elapsed

error : The D3D11 device in use has been removed. Reason: REMOVED
I'm experiencing this as well to update this list of affected cards.

* iMac bootcamped with Windows 10
* AMD Radeon R9 M295X
* Tried both the 15.200 and 15.201 series of drivers.

It did seem to crash less frequently with the 15.201 driver. Unfortunately Apple doesn't let you just install the latest driver from AMD so I'm stuck with those.

I did change MSAA to 1 yesterday and got my best run out of it (about 90 minutes) using the 15.201 driver.
Coty 29. Jan. 2016 um 8:58 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von The Invisibl:
Sorry for the slow progress here, I know this is really frustrating. We are still working on this issue with AMD.

You have noticed the small handful of us experiencing the exact same thing with Nvidia cards, correct? This is not a stictly AMD problem.
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Coty:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von The Invisibl:
Sorry for the slow progress here, I know this is really frustrating. We are still working on this issue with AMD.

You have noticed the small handful of us experiencing the exact same thing with Nvidia cards, correct? This is not a stictly AMD problem.

Yes! We're working on the Nvidia (and Intel) driver crashes too.
Snake 29. Jan. 2016 um 12:47 
Tested with latest 12 mb patch, on R9 380, with the MSAA set to 1 in the config file, vsync off. No overclocking anywhere, running at whatever PowerColor set their cheap version at :D

Game is a lot more stable than before but I did crash some 10, maybe 15 minutes in. Same thing - driver stumbles and restarts itself.

[Edit] Scratch that - just crashed 2-3 minutes in. [/edit]
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Snake; 29. Jan. 2016 um 12:55
Snake 29. Jan. 2016 um 13:18 
Righto, one area where a crash is ~100% guaranteed (in roughly a dozen attempts I made) is the small area you unlock after the last puzzle in the "pink tree apple" sequence, with the drawings pasted on the wall and the bonsai trees.

Loading a game into that area and simply turning around and walking about it is crashing VERY consistently within no more than 10 seconds.

Hope this can help trace what is leading up to driver clogging.
Another place where I can get it to crash consistently (AMD R380X): if I go from the starting area path towards the lakeside but turn left instead of turning right towards the windmill, I come to a small part of the lake with a few lily pads and a paper lantern floating in the middle. If I walk towards the lantern, the game crashes every time I get close enough to the water's edge.
Snake 29. Jan. 2016 um 13:32 
Just did more testing - approaching the anatomical paintings pasted on the stone wall seems to trigger it. Go figure! :steamsad:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Snake:
Righto, one area where a crash is ~100% guaranteed (in roughly a dozen attempts I made) is the small area you unlock after the last puzzle in the "pink tree apple" sequence, with the drawings pasted on the wall and the bonsai trees.

Loading a game into that area and simply turning around and walking about it is crashing VERY consistently within no more than 10 seconds.

Hope this can help trace what is leading up to driver clogging.

Can you post your log.txt, thanks
Snake 29. Jan. 2016 um 14:07 
There it is, copied it using the latest public version, right after a crash in the area I described.

I did the cfg file tweak with turning MSAA to 1.

The Witness - x64 - D3D11 - Final
Version 0.944M
Built 2016/01/23 14:35:20 from 131468
Init app:
Init core:
Init asset loader:
Using unbundled processed asset list
36.31 ms elapsed
41.84 ms elapsed
Init render:
OS: PlatformId 2, Version 6.1, Build 7601
D3D11: Found 1 adapter outputs.
D3D11: SDK version 7
D3D11: Adapter = 'AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series'
D3D11: Output device = '\\.\DISPLAY1'
D3D11: VendorId = 0x1002 (AMD)
D3D11: DeviceId = 0x6939
Render_Profile: profile_to_set is 2
Render_Profile: profile_actually_set is 2
WIN: Refresh rate = 75.00 Hz (0.01 s)
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 11.0
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = false)
D3D11: hwnd is 000b0538
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1440 900
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 4170064.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 3905166.00 MB
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = true
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
Render extents = 1440 x 900
2.51 s elapsed
Minimal initialization:
Set up shaders:
cache file operations (shaders):
4.47 ms elapsed
Set up shader flags:
558.11 ms elapsed
564.77 ms elapsed
565.23 ms elapsed
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1440 900
Init catalogs:
13.84 ms elapsed
Load global assets:
112.38 ms elapsed
Init shared resources:
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
Loading footsteps.
11.57 ms elapsed
Init game:
CPU clock frequency: 3.293 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.027 GHz
Sound Caps:
dwTotalHwMemBytes: 0
dwFreeHwMemBytes: 0
dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers: 0
DSBCAPS for primary buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: NO
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
DSBCAPS for fill buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: YES
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Load asset dependencies:
47.23 ms elapsed
Load common assets (package):
554.55 ms elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
1.09 s elapsed
Init level:
Loading processed entities.
50.42 ms elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249756_00'
Process queries
35.79 ms elapsed
Loaded 48689 entities.
- 248 cluster entities.
Load campaign:
Process queries
0.10 ms elapsed
12.22 ms elapsed
world bounding box (-389.959, -372.600, -225.943) to (365.146, 352.906, 549.984)
Streaming entities:
248 clusters
7540 unclustered entities
1122 dynamic
24.95 ms elapsed
441.20 ms elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_951_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
3.90 s elapsed
6.19 s elapsed
9.68 s elapsed
error : The D3D11 device in use has been removed. Reason: HUNG
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 11.0
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = false)
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1440 900
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 4170064.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 3905166.00 MB
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = true
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
CPU clock frequency: 3.293 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.027 GHz
save/shadow_map_8192 : error : texture asset failed to load.
Load common assets (package):
531.74 ms elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
82.31 ms elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
0.05 ms elapsed
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Snake; 29. Jan. 2016 um 14:07
Just crashed again within a few seconds after loading into the orange trees area.

The Witness - x64 - D3D11 - Final
Version 0.944M
Built 2016/01/23 14:35:20 from 131468
Init app:
Init core:
Init asset loader:
Using unbundled processed asset list
34.32 ms elapsed
40.25 ms elapsed
Init render:
OS: PlatformId 2, Version 6.2, Build 9200
D3D11: Found 1 adapter outputs.
D3D11: SDK version 7
D3D11: Adapter = 'AMD Radeon (TM) R9 380 Series'
D3D11: Output device = '\\.\DISPLAY1'
D3D11: VendorId = 0x1002 (AMD)
D3D11: DeviceId = 0x6938
Render_Profile: profile_to_set is -2
Render_Profile: profile_actually_set is -1
WIN: Refresh rate = 60.00 Hz (0.02 s)
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 11.0
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = false)
D3D11: hwnd is 0011025c
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 4171636.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 4180508.00 MB
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = true
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
Render extents = 1920 x 1080
6.52 s elapsed
Minimal initialization:
Set up shaders:
cache file operations (shaders):
2.41 ms elapsed
Set up shader flags:
487.02 ms elapsed
490.71 ms elapsed
491.09 ms elapsed
GetClientRect: 0 0 - 1920 1080
Init catalogs:
164.60 ms elapsed
Load global assets:
104.53 ms elapsed
Init shared resources:
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
Loading footsteps.
41.58 ms elapsed
Init game:
CPU clock frequency: 3.093 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.027 GHz
Sound Caps:
dwTotalHwMemBytes: 0
dwFreeHwMemBytes: 0
dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers: 0
DSBCAPS for primary buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: NO
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
DSBCAPS for fill buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: YES
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 1 (w/2.0, h/2.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Load asset dependencies:
49.17 ms elapsed
Load common assets (package):
551.71 ms elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
930.36 ms elapsed
Init level:
Loading processed entities.
43.36 ms elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249756_00'
Process queries
26.49 ms elapsed
Loaded 48689 entities.
- 248 cluster entities.
Load campaign:
Process queries
0.11 ms elapsed
11.47 ms elapsed
world bounding box (-389.959, -372.600, -225.943) to (365.146, 352.906, 549.984)
Streaming entities:
248 clusters
7540 unclustered entities
1122 dynamic
18.18 ms elapsed
379.28 ms elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_951_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_186031_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246050_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_231018_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246051_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_246052_00'
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249398_00'
4.67 s elapsed
6.99 s elapsed
14.75 s elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_231018_00'
Zuletzt bearbeitet von Gator Esq.; 29. Jan. 2016 um 14:34
My most recent crash in the orange tree area. I lasted maybe 3 minutes.

The Witness - x64 - D3D11 - Final
Version 0.944M
Built 2016/01/23 14:35:20 from 131468
Init app:
Init core:
Init asset loader:
Using unbundled processed asset list
151.32 ms elapsed
171.33 ms elapsed
Init render:
OS: PlatformId 2, Version 6.2, Build 9200
D3D11: Found 1 adapter outputs.
D3D11: SDK version 7
D3D11: Adapter = 'Intel(R) HD Graphics'
D3D11: Output device = '\\.\DISPLAY1'
D3D11: VendorId = 0x8086 (Intel)
D3D11: DeviceId = 0x0156
Render_Profile: profile_to_set is 0
Render_Profile: profile_actually_set is 0
WIN: Refresh rate = 60.00 Hz (0.02 s)
D3D11: Created D3D11 device with feature level 11.0
win32_create_window(in_windowed_mode = true)
D3D11: hwnd is 00090816
D3D11: Dedicated Video Memory = 32768.00 MB
D3D11: Dedicated System Memory = 0.00 MB
D3D11: Shared System Memory = 1802240.00 MB
D3D11: concurrent_resource_creation = true
D3D11: max_texture_size = 16384
D3D11: max_texture_buffer_size = 16384
Render extents = 1280 x 720
3.62 s elapsed
Minimal initialization:
Set up shaders:
cache file operations (shaders):
81.10 ms elapsed
Set up shader flags:
1.65 s elapsed
1.75 s elapsed
1.75 s elapsed
Init catalogs:
56.05 ms elapsed
Load global assets:
2.86 s elapsed
Init shared resources:
Allocated 512 KB for translucent vertex buffer.
Allocated 128 KB for translucent index buffer.
Loading footsteps.
487.57 ms elapsed
Init game:
CPU clock frequency: 1.796 GHz
GPU clock frequency: 0.013 GHz
Sound Caps:
dwTotalHwMemBytes: 0
dwFreeHwMemBytes: 0
dwPlayCpuOverheadSwBuffers: 0
DSBCAPS for primary buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: NO
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
DSBCAPS for fill buffer:
GetCurrentPosition2: YES
LocHardware: NO
Static: NO
TruePlayPosition: NO
validated foam buffer settings: buffer 0 (w/4.0, h/4.0), decals 1, blur quality 2
Load asset dependencies:
809.65 ms elapsed
Load common assets (package):
2.59 s elapsed
Load shared assets (package):
obj_fol_trees_applepuzzle_trunk-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh obj_fol_trees_applepuzzle_young
shar_concrete_bunkerwall-A-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_swamp_Bunkers_obj_WaterPump
shar_ConcreteSimple-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_swamp_Bunkers_obj_WaterPump
7.00 s elapsed
Init level:
Loading processed entities.
130.03 ms elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_249756_00'
Process queries
36.39 ms elapsed
Loaded 48689 entities.
- 248 cluster entities.
Load campaign:
Process queries
0.29 ms elapsed
105.98 ms elapsed
world bounding box (-389.959, -372.600, -225.943) to (365.146, 352.906, 549.984)
Streaming entities:
248 clusters
7540 unclustered entities
1122 dynamic
29.64 ms elapsed
1.24 s elapsed
Warm up streaming data:
eaa-BlendMapTest01-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_desert_shore2
shar_ter_grass-blend02 : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_shad_woodsorting_ground
shar_ter_grass-blend01 : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh ter_logging_terrain
shar_stone_FloorBricks-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_keep_front_corridor_floor
shar_concrete_bunkerwall_rough-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_factoryCement_wallsCement
shar_ter_castlerock-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_keep_front_floor
shar_stone_Bricks-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_keep_front_floor
shar_RiverBedRock-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh vs_laketest_main
shar_GuanoBlend-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_keep_Cliffs_terrain
shar_DesertCoastRock-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh vs_statues_keepcourt_test3_queenChair
15.85 s elapsed
29.40 s elapsed
81.91 s elapsed
Lightmap asset failed to load: 'save_231018_00'
shar_stoneCracked_02-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_swamp_Lady_statueHips
shar_stoneCracked_01-blend : error : texture asset failed to load.
Loading mesh loc_swamp_Lady_statueHips
< >
Beiträge 115 von 70
Pro Seite: 1530 50

Geschrieben am: 28. Jan. 2016 um 18:40
Beiträge: 70