Victory achievements broken?
What am I doing wrong here? I definitly won 6 games so far, but steam achievement says only 1...what do I miss here?
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I actually won a victory with 1 life left and it even unlocked, but then it locked again for no reason. I do believe there are a few broken achievements with this game.
The weirdest thing happened. On my achievement page it says I got 22 achievements, but in my gamelist it says I have 23 achievements. The purple heart one is missing (and didn't pop up).
I know quite a few achievements on Steam are buggy when it involves a counter. I've been stuck at 47 wins or so for awhile now. I've been playing every game mode and it doesn't seem to budge, but that could simply be Steam side. That would be strange though as I tried losing on purpose a few times and it counted that perfectly. Same with the kill x enemies with x tower or get x kills overall. Hmm.
jim.buck  [dév.] 12 déc. 2013 à 19h58 
Which "victory" achievement seems to be broken? I'm looking at the Steam portal and see two achievements tied to flawless victories (FLAWLESS! when 1 is completed and THIS IS SPARTA! when 100 are completed) and two tied to victories in general ('War Hero' when 100 are completed and 'Commander-in-Chief' when 500 are completed).
76561198112271349 (banni(e)) 14 déc. 2013 à 1h10 
Well. your hacked, about that. haha. Sorry.
I just survived with Victory 100 Rounds on Lavaflow Map on Sudden Death mode with only 1 life. I didn't get Purple Heart or Flawless achievements they are still locked. Lame.
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