Cortex Command

Cortex Command

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Game of Ur Jun 26, 2013 @ 5:19pm
A message to Data
1. Are you dead?
2. When is steam workshop coming?
3. Why are you not updating anything including your dev log?
4. Could you please remove the bright red flash when your brain gets shot?
Last edited by Game of Ur; Jun 26, 2013 @ 5:26pm
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Showing 1-15 of 35 comments
Samalot Sep 24, 2013 @ 1:39am 
The dev's answer to all of the above questions: The game is abandoned. Deal with it.

Rbit Sep 26, 2013 @ 1:28am 
Originally posted by Samalot:
The dev's answer to all of the above questions: The game is abandoned. Deal with it.


I'd like to see you show us exaclty where he said that.

No? Yeah, I didn't think so.

So stop posting lies, mmmkay?
The Respected Man Sep 28, 2013 @ 7:16am 
Originally posted by Rbit Lsi:
Originally posted by Samalot:
The dev's answer to all of the above questions: The game is abandoned. Deal with it.


I'd like to see you show us exaclty where he said that.

No? Yeah, I didn't think so.

So stop posting lies, mmmkay?
Last update: last november.
Last time he posted on the dev log: half a year ago
So know what you're talking about, mmmkay?
Game is abandoned. End of story.
He abandoned his fanbase to sit back and relax over the money he made off all of us.
Last edited by The Respected Man; Sep 28, 2013 @ 7:17am
AYY LMAO Sep 30, 2013 @ 3:32pm 
Originally posted by ozforce:

4. Could you please remove the bright red flash when your brain gets shot?

AYY LMAO Sep 30, 2013 @ 3:33pm 
Originally posted by Rbit Lsi:
Originally posted by Samalot:
The dev's answer to all of the above questions: The game is abandoned. Deal with it.


I'd like to see you show us exaclty where he said that.

No? Yeah, I didn't think so.

So stop posting lies, mmmkay?

" Data - # September 13th, 2013 at 7:48 am

Gotcha: CC as a project isn’t dead, but it’s coming to a close. 12+ years is enough to work on one thing, and we’re moving onto the next project… which will be much better (mainly because I’m not programming it). I am proud of where CC is and how playable it is today; it is far more than I envisioned when I originally set out to make it. That said, we do have various fixes/improvements and workshop integration is still on its way. I gave working on it a break for a year in large part because of rude attitudes and comments like the one you just posted… it kindof kills my motivation to serve you, see?

Eventual open-sourcing is not out of the question, so perhaps then you can make it into whatever you had personally expected it to become!

Thats quoted directly from Data himself.

Morphic Sep 30, 2013 @ 4:52pm 
I always hate it when developers blame the "haters" for why they no longer have a drive to work on a project. I'd much rather have a dev go; "You know what? I'm bored of working on this game, so I'm not going to. Sorry if you had hoped I'd work on it more but ... buy my next game!". Blunt, but at least they are honest.
Last edited by Morphic; Sep 30, 2013 @ 4:52pm
AYY LMAO Sep 30, 2013 @ 5:27pm 
Originally posted by Setzway:
I always hate it when developers blame the "haters" for why they no longer have a drive to work on a project. I'd much rather have a dev go; "You know what? I'm bored of working on this game, so I'm not going to. Sorry if you had hoped I'd work on it more but ... buy my next game!". Blunt, but at least they are honest.

Since when did haters stop a dev from wanting to develop? Im sure youre right, he must have lost interest. If he really cared what people thought he'd have add the things they were insulting/flaming/whining for.

AYY LMAO Sep 30, 2013 @ 5:30pm 
But you know what, he should release the source out of a common courtesy and stop selling the damned thing if he has no further interest on developing it. Or hell, sell the source code and the license. This game, even though it has a costic community of complainers and insulters, and trolls. Deserves more than this, I mean it deserved.

Imagine this game with a real engine........
Thankfully, his designs ideas arent copyrighted, only his game is. I think....
Morphic Sep 30, 2013 @ 10:03pm 
Originally posted by Jason Statham:
Since when did haters stop a dev from wanting to develop?

It has happened a few times with some of the other indie devs. It's not like it's common or anything but I've read about things like that. I could be biased as well, since sometimes developers' "reasons" for no longer working on a project really bother me and feel like excuses. Though I wasn't talking about "haters" making a dev completely stop working, just making them disheartened. It isn't just losing interest in working though. There are some that get outraged and go to extremes over civil criticism on their game. Off the top of my head, the lead programmer of Sword of the Stars: The Pit. Say anything bad about that game and he pretty much trolls/flames you. Nowhere near a professional attitude.

I agree with you, if he really cared he would have at least fixed some of the issues that are still with the game. Or at the very least would release the source to make it easier for modders to make compatible "fan patches" or other mods. There are/were a lot of whiners/trolls on the forums but some of the complaints are justified imo. Plus most times people who are satisfied with the game won't be posting praise since they are to busy playing the game. The first month I got the game I was just completely enthralled with it. Every chance I had I was playing it.
Last edited by Morphic; Sep 30, 2013 @ 10:05pm
AYY LMAO Oct 2, 2013 @ 4:12am 
The biggest reason I even bothered to state any of it, is that the paying customers are the ones complaining the most. I figured he'd care enough to realize that "They give me cash, let me release the source and still sell it, but atleast release the source." a good example of a game that did this is Jedi Academy, they not only released the source but the developers toolkit aswell.
ǝɔɐɟɐʞʞɐᗡ Oct 22, 2013 @ 10:15am 
the game lags like ♥♥♥♥ unlike the earlier builds
Tleno Oct 24, 2013 @ 11:34am 
Originally posted by Jason Statham:
Originally posted by Setzway:
I always hate it when developers blame the "haters" for why they no longer have a drive to work on a project. I'd much rather have a dev go; "You know what? I'm bored of working on this game, so I'm not going to. Sorry if you had hoped I'd work on it more but ... buy my next game!". Blunt, but at least they are honest.

Since when did haters stop a dev from wanting to develop? Im sure youre right, he must have lost interest. If he really cared what people thought he'd have add the things they were insulting/flaming/whining for.
Erm... Phil Fish?
toroid Oct 24, 2013 @ 4:51pm 
Originally posted by Tleno:
Originally posted by Jason Statham:

Since when did haters stop a dev from wanting to develop? Im sure youre right, he must have lost interest. If he really cared what people thought he'd have add the things they were insulting/flaming/whining for.
Erm... Phil Fish?

Heh. Well they both seem to be sensitive prima donnas on the verge of mental breakdown.
Yourgrandma Oct 25, 2013 @ 11:57pm 
Good too see it's finally dead. This guy hasn't had any motivation to finish the game in a about a decade.
sigma female Nov 1, 2013 @ 6:23pm 
Maybe data wouldn't take 12 years to make a game if it wasn't that he was super lazy, why didn't he just let it die years earlier and stay with THQ.
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Date Posted: Jun 26, 2013 @ 5:19pm
Posts: 35