The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings Enhanced Edition

peteurpola Dec 6, 2021 @ 5:38am
Before Cyberpunk 2077 there was Witcher 2 a.k.a. this game is a buggy mess
I don't recall playing any of CDPRs games before and this is my first experience with a game of theirs. However I am having a hard time understanding how they had such a great reputation with gamers before Cyberpunk 2077 when I look at this game. Now, before I started playing this I assumed that because of their reputation that their games were not only great on the gameplay but also on the technical side. However, if you'll excuse my french but this game is a real POS when it comes to the technical side. This is apparently the "Enhanced edition" so I shudder to think what the non-enhanced version must have been like. Now I don't mind it if a game has a bug or issue or two, but every single time I start playing this game I run into a new technical issue like: crashes, blank screens when accessing menus, disappearing interaction icons, inability to draw weapons, minimap showing completely different location than where I am etc. etc. etc.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 comments
DeadByLag Dec 6, 2021 @ 5:57am 
You should check out Witcher 1 and feel an even grander level of gnashing of teeth. Prior of that, they've never developed a game before and it's really apparent in the game design and polish (or lack of). What they had going was the story and the morality themes, so it was tolerable despite all the technical flaws.

Relatively, Witcher 2 was leagues ahead of the first game. Yes it still has plenty of tech flaws but was so much more enjoyable. It was the game Witcher 1 should've been right from the beginning, I felt. It is often necessary to compare what came before to appreciate the value of a game. Just like how Wolfenstein 3D progressed to Doom to Quake. If you played backwards you'd be increasingly disappointed.

Witcher 3 was by far the game that dazzled the world and established CDPR as a top-tier developer, earning so many fans along the way. Sure there were also tech problems at launch, but its quality and scale was simply incredible. People expected "even better" after that.
Last edited by DeadByLag; Dec 6, 2021 @ 5:58am
ZumZoom Dec 6, 2021 @ 6:29am 
Never had any problems with either. Probably because I use mods right from the start.
dantès Dec 6, 2021 @ 9:08am 
Only issue I ever ran into my vanilla playthrough was when the game would crash with large volume of saves(known issue).. I deleted my unwanted saves, kept it around 20 saves total. Ran smooth as silk.

never once did I run into your :blank screens when accessing menus, disappearing interaction icons, inability to draw weapons etc... if I did happen, it happened once in my 120+hr. big deal.

but to label it 'POS'.. is laughable. if you look hard enough, you can find glitches/bugs in every PC game in the history games.
Last edited by dantès; Dec 6, 2021 @ 9:10am
=Palynzer= Dec 6, 2021 @ 7:44pm 
"crashes, blank screens when accessing menus, disappearing interaction icons, inability to draw weapons, minimap showing completely different location than where I am etc. etc. etc"
LOL, pure BS, the game runs perfect....dont blame the devs, the problem is on your side, maybe you need to move to a console.:steamfacepalm:
Dark_Sirian Dec 7, 2021 @ 2:36am 
Originally posted by peteurpola:
...but this game is a real POS when it comes to the technical side.

Originally posted by dantès:
...but to label it 'POS'.. is laughable.

To say the least, dantès, to say the least. Pebcak, I think.
Last edited by Dark_Sirian; Dec 7, 2021 @ 2:37am
Ceejay Dec 8, 2021 @ 2:34pm 
Yep I finished this a couple of times, never had an issue. People cannot accept when problems are on their side. It has to be the game.

Seems to happen more and more frequently with some gamers. They come from consoles and have no real understanding of PC's and how they work. There are that many different combinations of hardware and software out there, that compatibility issues are going to happen, but instead of looking into the issue and trying some fixes, just want to sit and blame anything other than their own equipment.
Last edited by Ceejay; Dec 8, 2021 @ 2:39pm
peteurpola Dec 8, 2021 @ 10:28pm 
Originally posted by Ceejay:
Yep I finished this a couple of times, never had an issue. People cannot accept when problems are on their side. It has to be the game.

Seems to happen more and more frequently with some gamers. They come from consoles and have no real understanding of PC's and how they work. There are that many different combinations of hardware and software out there, that compatibility issues are going to happen, but instead of looking into the issue and trying some fixes, just want to sit and blame anything other than their own equipment.

Well, aren't you a regular genius. You do realize geniuses like you were saying the same thing with Cyberpunk " fine for me! Must be your PC!". It's not like you can easily google Witcher 2 bugs and come across numerous videos and sites reporting various issues. The other thing you do not seem to realize with your obviously vast intelligence is that this is one of those it takes two to tango situations, and even if I had some technical issues, which, for some magical reason haven't manifested in a similar fashion in any other game in years, it would still also take a crappy product like this to produce them.

p.s. I have no issue looking into fixes, but I was under the naive impression that it was the developers job primarily to produce a properly working product.
Dark_Sirian Dec 9, 2021 @ 1:19am 
Originally posted by Ceejay:
People cannot accept when problems are on their side. It has to be the game.

Originally posted by peteurpola:
Well, aren't you a regular genius.

Are you trying your hand at irony? That has the same quality as your post: abysmal.

Indeed: He's a god of technology compared to you, with a myriad of helpful contributions. But with you, any help comes too late.
Ceejay Dec 10, 2021 @ 2:35am 
Originally posted by Dark_Sirian:
Indeed: He's a god of technology compared to you, with a myriad of helpful contributions. But with you, any help comes too late.

Originally posted by peteurpola:
Well, aren't you a regular genius. You do realize geniuses like you were saying the same thing with Cyberpunk " fine for me! Must be your PC!". It's not like you can easily google Witcher 2 bugs and come across numerous videos and sites reporting various issues. The other thing you do not seem to realize with your obviously vast intelligence is that this is one of those it takes two to tango situations, and even if I had some technical issues, which, for some magical reason haven't manifested in a similar fashion in any other game in years, it would still also take a crappy product like this to produce them.

No as cyperpunk has known issues, its not the same thing at all. I digress.

The point is this game is old, if the game was as bugged as you are saying, there would be multiple threads pointing out the same issues. There simply is not. Even if you do a google search.

Yes people can get the odd issue, normally though a fix is normally found and most threads end with people being able to play the game.

However you seem to indicate you are experiencing a large amount of issues, which is not the normal experience people have. Which is why it sounds like something else is going on, the game is not liking something on your end, background program, driver or possibly there is a file corruption. (have you validated files, are you running mods, have you a lot of saves?)
p.s. I have no issue looking into fixes, but I was under the naive impression that it was the developers job primarily to produce a properly working product.

The problem with that statement is, if the issue is on your end, how is that the developers issue to fix? Again the game runs fine for most people. While there will be the odd few bugs, as no game is bug free these days, the big gaming bugs have been removed over the years. Yet you still seem to be hitting some, as well as bugs which are very rare like blank screens/missing menu's

For instance, after googling missing menu's, from the posts I found, the problem seems to be rare, only a handful of posts over the years, also the problem was generally fixed, by either re-installing the game, verifying files or pushing H to turn the hud on or off( with it off you can get blank screens). One person fixed it by installing the english language pack. So yes the faults were fixable by something on the users end. (are you running the english version or another?)

Maybe instead of simply complaining and blaming the devs for something which may or may not be their fault, Why not post asking for help, list your specs, what settings your are running, what you have done to fix the game? we can then possibly suggest things you may have missed. :)

Do not get me wrong if I was hitting as many bugs as you I would be very frustrated too, however try to take positive steps to resolve your issues (well if you still want to play the game that is).
Last edited by Ceejay; Dec 10, 2021 @ 2:40am
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Date Posted: Dec 6, 2021 @ 5:38am
Posts: 9