Guns of Icarus Online

Guns of Icarus Online

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Welcome! (Read First)
Welcome to the Guns of Icarus Online Community Event Sub Forum!
This board is for discussion of events being held within the Guns of Icarus Online Community and thus any off topic discussion will be either moved or deleted. Other than that keep it clean and friendly!

How this board works,
The thread tag list below is for creating topics on the board,
  • [official/Of] - Tag all officially endorsed events with this
  • [idea/Id] - Tag topics with this when presenting an idea for an event
  • [forum/F] - Tag topics with this when posting an event being hosted on the official website's forum
  • [steam/St] - Tag topics with this when posting an event being hosted on steam or by a steam group
  • [signup/sup] - Tag roll call threads with this
  • [group/Gp] - Tag your thread with this if advertising a group that hosts events on GoIO (You might even get a sticky!)

    This is to keep the forum nice and organized, using more than one tag would look like this, [Id/St], [F/St/sup] and so on. If your topic doesn't fall under one of these tags use [?] to tag your thread.
Dernière modification de Heka7; 29 sept. 2013 à 21h39