Batman™: Arkham Origins

Batman™: Arkham Origins

Resolution Issue
I try to customize resolution, but the game says it is Undefined...
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
need more detail. What do you mean you're trying to "customize" the resolution? Exactly what is it that you are doing?
What resolution are you trying to select? Is it one that your monitor supports?

What specifically is saying "undefined" and can you give more details about the error message?
Buck eredeti hozzászólása:
need more detail. What do you mean you're trying to "customize" the resolution? Exactly what is it that you are doing?
What resolution are you trying to select? Is it one that your monitor supports?

What specifically is saying "undefined" and can you give more details about the error message?
Im trying to adjust the resolution to 1080p but the resolution option in the graphics option menu isnt giving me any options. it just says "Undefined" where the option to select a resolution would be. I am using s laptop, and its totally compatible with my screen.
The Ultimate XD eredeti hozzászólása:
Buck eredeti hozzászólása:
need more detail. What do you mean you're trying to "customize" the resolution? Exactly what is it that you are doing?
What resolution are you trying to select? Is it one that your monitor supports?

What specifically is saying "undefined" and can you give more details about the error message?
Im trying to adjust the resolution to 1080p but the resolution option in the graphics option menu isnt giving me any options. it just says "Undefined" where the option to select a resolution would be. I am using s laptop, and its totally compatible with my screen.

I'm still not quite sure that I understand, but 1080p isn't really a resolution, that's just vertical line count.
Assuming that is what your monitor's native resolution is, you should select 1920X1080.
Or select the native resolution of your monitor, whatever that is.
Buck eredeti hozzászólása:
The Ultimate XD eredeti hozzászólása:
Im trying to adjust the resolution to 1080p but the resolution option in the graphics option menu isnt giving me any options. it just says "Undefined" where the option to select a resolution would be. I am using s laptop, and its totally compatible with my screen.

I'm still not quite sure that I understand, but 1080p isn't really a resolution, that's just vertical line count.
Assuming that is what your monitor's native resolution is, you should select 1920X1080.
Or select the native resolution of your monitor, whatever that is.
The game will not let me choose that resolution, or anything else. It simply says undefined where the option of selecting a resolution would be
The Ultimate XD eredeti hozzászólása:
The game will not let me choose that resolution, or anything else. It simply says undefined where the option of selecting a resolution would be

I really don't understand why it would be doing that unless it's simply unable to read your monitor's capabilities for some reason.
What's the native resolution? Is that available?

Beyond that, you can try manually changing it.

Try manually entering your desired resolution in the bmengine.ini. It's located in /SinglePlayer/BMGame/Config.

open it in notepad , look for "ResX=" change it to 1920
then below it change "ResY=" to 1080.

See if that works.
Buck eredeti hozzászólása:
The Ultimate XD eredeti hozzászólása:
The game will not let me choose that resolution, or anything else. It simply says undefined where the option of selecting a resolution would be

I really don't understand why it would be doing that unless it's simply unable to read your monitor's capabilities for some reason.
What's the native resolution? Is that available?

Beyond that, you can try manually changing it.

Try manually entering your desired resolution in the bmengine.ini. It's located in /SinglePlayer/BMGame/Config.

open it in notepad , look for "ResX=" change it to 1920
then below it change "ResY=" to 1080.

See if that works.
I will try that! the native res is 1920x1080
I fixed the issue! Turns out the fact that I have my laptop connected to my TV was the issue; it for some reason couldnt aquire my tv's res. I ended up going into my resolution settings for my laptop and changing a ferw things so that everything worked!
It helped thanks.
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18/8 megjegyzés mutatása
Laponként: 1530 50

Közzétéve: 2014. dec. 11., 23:17
Hozzászólások: 8