Lunar Flight

Lunar Flight

Rift as extended monitor, game won't display
Before the unity launcher was removed I could simply add to launch options "-adapter 1" to force the game to launch into the rift while as an extended monitor. Trying other adapters launched the game in a window, and dragging and dropping into my rift display and attempting to force fullscreen with alt+enter did not work either. The removal of a forced adapter launch string does not recognize the rift and force its use (ala HL2/TF2).

Has anyone had any luck getting it to work in the rift without mirroring display?
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sh0v0r  [vývojář] 26. čvc. 2013 v 14.29 
I'll take a look but as a far as I know it works fine on my setup using the rift as the extended display. The reason I removed the standar unity launcher is that it interferes with my custom video options configuration.
Thanks for the response shov0r.

Do you use the -adapter 1 launch option to force display onto the rift?
sh0v0r  [vývojář] 30. čvc. 2013 v 15.56 
techno_destructo původně napsal:
Thanks for the response shov0r.

Do you use the -adapter 1 launch option to force display onto the rift?

Yes I do, it works fine for me.
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