Arena Wars 2

Arena Wars 2

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Shakespeare 15 OCT 2012 a las 5:56 a. m.
Q's before i buy
1. whats the lvling up like? is it just in game lvling where you start from 1 every new game or perm lvling?
2. how small scale? like on average how many units can be fielded per side
3. i dont mind vsing AI but im hearing a lot of wingeing about it, so is it that bad?
4. what are the units like, much variety/customisation?
5. map variety?
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Ail 15 OCT 2012 a las 10:13 a. m. 
1. Leveling is only per game. As in a Moba. Whenever you level, you get to improve either your supply-cap or one of your units. I feel there should be some constant reward outside of each game as it is hardly satisfying. You win a multiplayer game and you get nothing. Just an increase of your "Wins"-count. No XP, no ELO, no Ladder, just a Wins+1.
2. I think the supply-cap is 1400 Credits or so at Max-Level. The cheapest unit costs 50 Credits. So that's 28 Units maximum. But more like 10-15 cause you will have more expensive units aswell.
3. The AI seems to be taken almost unaltered from Arena-Wars 1. But Arena-Wars 1 had neither Leveling up nor Turrets. So when in AW 1 it was about capturing the Flag at all cost, this strategy does not work anymore. Losing units hardly was bad in AW1. But here this gives XP to your enemy which means he'll have a vastly superior army and just stomp you.
4. There's exactly 6 Units
a) Buggy - 50 C very fast, good to gather powerups or try to sneak a flag-capture
b) Spider - 75 C fast and good against: Buggy, Spider, Walker
c) Walker - 100 C fast, can fly, and counter to: Destroyer, Berserker (only when flying)
d) Destroyer 125 C slow, can teleport, extremely hard to kill, counter to: Destoyer, Berserker, Artillery
e) Berserker 150 C fast, AoE-Damage, counter to Buggy, Spider, Walker (only when not flying)
f) Artillery 175 C very fast or no movement at all, depending on mode, can outrange turrets, higher levels do splash-damage, counters Buggy and Spiders but is also good against everything else, needs to siege up to fire and is very fast if not sieged up
Customization comes only from what you decide to level up. A normal game won't last long enough to level all of your units and the supply-limit to max-level. So you have to decide which unit-types you want to level up first.
5. I like the map-variety. Some have only 1 tower per side, some have a lot of towers. Also they vary in the number of goody-spawn-spots but there's not so much of a difference.
Shakespeare 15 OCT 2012 a las 10:29 a. m. 
thanks your for the detailed answer, think ill try it, maybe theyll release new content in future
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Publicado el: 15 OCT 2012 a las 5:56 a. m.
Mensajes: 2