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Cake Dec 15, 2023 @ 8:21am
ReWASD needs to go. Roller aim assist on KBM
I see a lot of posts about hackers, but I don’t think a lot of people here actually know what people are using. Coming from Apex, I’ve played with a lot of Master/Predator players who all have used a program called ReWASD to obtain controller aim assist on KBM. This also works in The Finals as a lot of my Apex contacts are now playing The Finals.

The sad part is some of them genuinely believe they aren’t cheating with laser beam tracking due to this program, reinforced by the fact that none of them have ever been banned on Apex Legends for using it and many of then are 10x preds. One of them said to me that The Finals aim assist is stronger than Apex, so that’s probably why you’re all getting beamed.

Not to say there aren’t actual cheaters, but ReWASD is going to make this game unplayable for any real player if they don’t start to block or ban its use for giving KBM aim assist.
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Showing 1-15 of 84 comments
Ih8myjob Dec 15, 2023 @ 8:58am 
Way to increase the numbers.... you a paid advertiser or are you naive enough to think that posting this won't send a ton of people looking into it? Youv'e done more harm than good.
Last edited by Ih8myjob; Dec 15, 2023 @ 9:00am
YaBoiBeetus Dec 15, 2023 @ 10:19am 
Originally posted by Ih8myjob:
Way to increase the numbers.... you a paid advertiser or are you naive enough to think that posting this won't send a ton of people looking into it? Youv'e done more harm than good.

If everyone cheats, is anyone cheating?
Cake Dec 15, 2023 @ 4:29pm 
Originally posted by Ih8myjob:
Way to increase the numbers.... you a paid advertiser or are you naive enough to think that posting this won't send a ton of people looking into it? Youv'e done more harm than good.
I have enough faith in Embark to actually ban this as opposed to Respawn doing nothing. If this thread had enough traction, it would hopefully happen.
Ih8myjob Dec 15, 2023 @ 4:31pm 
Originally posted by Cake:
Originally posted by Ih8myjob:
Way to increase the numbers.... you a paid advertiser or are you naive enough to think that posting this won't send a ton of people looking into it? Youv'e done more harm than good.
I have enough faith in Embark to actually ban this as opposed to Respawn doing nothing. If this thread had enough traction, it would hopefully happen.

You're setting yourself up for disappointment, but hey at least you believe in something, as misguided and unfounded as that faith is.
Originally posted by Cake:
Not to say there aren’t actual cheaters, but ReWASD is going to make this game unplayable for any real player if they don’t start to block or ban its use for giving KBM aim assist.

can your friends send me a guide on how to set this up pls
TLGKrazy Dec 15, 2023 @ 4:56pm 
pretty sad when you actually grind and try to get better but it doesn't matter when you're gonna get out played by a program
Netsa Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:00pm 
You bring attention to cheats so that the developers will put a stop to them. I don't know why people get demonized every time they point out an exploit, there's not supposed to be exploits like that at all. Stop being defeatist losers.
Ih8myjob Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:04pm 
Originally posted by Netsa:
You bring attention to cheats so that the developers will put a stop to them. I don't know why people get demonized every time they point out an exploit, there's not supposed to be exploits like that at all. Stop being defeatist losers.

they should be brought up, and corrected, for sure. There is a difference between saying there is one, and all but telling people HOW to do it. All the information even an idiot would need to start now is here and on discord they're going around posting the anti recoil script in the open so expect to see that more frequently too.
Last edited by Ih8myjob; Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:05pm
Netsa Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:16pm 
Originally posted by Ih8myjob:
Originally posted by Netsa:
You bring attention to cheats so that the developers will put a stop to them. I don't know why people get demonized every time they point out an exploit, there's not supposed to be exploits like that at all. Stop being defeatist losers.

they should be brought up, and corrected, for sure. There is a difference between saying there is one, and all but telling people HOW to do it. All the information even an idiot would need to start now is here and on discord they're going around posting the anti recoil script in the open so expect to see that more frequently too.
Not really, there isn't. Part of figuring out how to fix a problem in a program is replicating it. Especially in this case, where we're talking about a specific program allowing M+KB players to purposely pretend like they're using controllers. How are you going to say there's a problem without saying how to do it in this case?

"People are spoofing controllers, fix it."
Heck, even with that information, someone could think "that helps my game?" and before you know it...
Chrono Atog Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:17pm 
I've seen actual hacks unless people are so cracked they can 180 instantly, hit someone cloaked/not moving watching them, who was crouched in the building to snap all headshots right on me. Then snap to team 3 to then all head shot that guy.

Players don't get aim assist vs cloaked players.
Last edited by Chrono Atog; Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:18pm
midori Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:19pm 
Completely disable aim assist on pc. It's impossible to stop this sort of thing. Modern fps gaming is such garbage compared to what it used to be. It's crazy how the quality has dropped so far.

Overwatch remains the best fps to play competitively despite being... overwatch because it fully disables controller autoaim in comp.
Last edited by midori; Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:19pm
Eldritch Panda Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:25pm 
Careful what you say, on the Reddit for this game people will report you, send death threats, and dox you if you dare say aim assist doesn't belong on PC.
Seriously though, why are PC players punished for playing with console players? If someone is naturally bad at a game why do we give them legal aimbot? Apex is plagued with it with people spamming out cronus/xim/etc as well as other games like halo and formerly OW.

Watching streamers use this stuff in ranked games is so boring and worst of all their little fans have no idea they're even using anything extra.
Netsa Dec 15, 2023 @ 5:36pm 
Originally posted by Eldritch Panda:
Careful what you say, on the Reddit for this game people will report you, send death threats, and dox you if you dare say aim assist doesn't belong on PC.
Seriously though, why are PC players punished for playing with console players? If someone is naturally bad at a game why do we give them legal aimbot? Apex is plagued with it with people spamming out cronus/xim/etc as well as other games like halo and formerly OW.

Watching streamers use this stuff in ranked games is so boring and worst of all their little fans have no idea they're even using anything extra.
Yeah, I don't have a problem with consoles getting it, but there has to be some way they can stop it from being used on PC.
midori Dec 15, 2023 @ 6:00pm 
Originally posted by Netsa:
Originally posted by Eldritch Panda:
Careful what you say, on the Reddit for this game people will report you, send death threats, and dox you if you dare say aim assist doesn't belong on PC.
Seriously though, why are PC players punished for playing with console players? If someone is naturally bad at a game why do we give them legal aimbot? Apex is plagued with it with people spamming out cronus/xim/etc as well as other games like halo and formerly OW.

Watching streamers use this stuff in ranked games is so boring and worst of all their little fans have no idea they're even using anything extra.
Yeah, I don't have a problem with consoles getting it, but there has to be some way they can stop it from being used on PC.

There is, fully disable auto aim on pc so it doesn't matter what they do. They have to just download actual hacks to cheat like normal ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥.
Nick King Dec 26, 2023 @ 10:18am 
i will say this aim assist in this game is nuts and borderline broken. I would have never thought to use my controller for a shooter, then I jumped in a game with a friend that said he was using controller. proceeds to get 30+ kills per round in tournament. the aim assist really shouldn't be this good. been using controller the past few days and I'm getting anywhere between 24-45 kills a round in game.
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Date Posted: Dec 15, 2023 @ 8:21am
Posts: 84