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Renny Shift
When you use renny's normal attack on the first move she shifts to the left making it hard to hit your target, Do you guys as fans of Archeblade think that they should take that away and make renny a more smoother character or keep it because it might be OP (over power). I want to hear your guys opinion. oh and sorry this is late but happy thanks giving =)
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Its not OP. After people know what renny can do its actually a weakness to have however, that said I would keep it as its makes her very unique to other characters.

Personally I would love it if she switch which side she's doing her attack after each L cause that make for some interesting plays.
Nyx 2. Dez. 2013 um 7:55 
Very Ttrue
JD777 2. Dez. 2013 um 11:30 
I prefer it the way it is now (it's not OP either, like Devolth said), but only because I'm already used to it. If I had started with a straight-punching Renny, I probably would stick with the straight-punching Renny.

Really, it's all about camera manipulation with the Renny's. You can make her punch in a straight line, make her hit what's in front and what's behind her with a normal attack combo (left click x3), or do whatever you can come with. If you really want, you could do a 360 degree LLL chain (do a 360 spin of the camera with every left click), but you'd need really high sensitivity for that.

Ursprünglich geschrieben von »WIN« Devolth {Brave}:
Personally I would love it if she switch which side she's doing her attack after each L cause that make for some interesting plays.

I can only imagine the possibilities.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von JD777; 2. Dez. 2013 um 11:30
I think it punishes new players unneccessarily, but it adds a dynamic and skill based twist to the Rennys.
However things do get a little hectic when opponents are moving, you are moving, and then your camera must move and Renny is attacking sideways all simulatenously XD - on a high latency server playing Renny is a mission.
Zuletzt bearbeitet von AceOfSpuds; 6. Dez. 2013 um 8:34
i would like them to mke it so that depending on which way you flick your mouse, she will shift that way, flick it back or forward she goes straight forward, flick it to the left, she shifts to the left, flick it to the right, she shifts to the right. but as it is right now, its just a pain as i find myself moving the camera to make her model face the enemy, when i dont really need to do this. you have to move the camera a little bit, yes, but it's still a pain.
Titans 23. Dez. 2013 um 10:55 
stay as she is! difficult to play and very fragile char
Change. I love it the way it is, but if your ping is at all over 100, you can't hit with it.
It does feel strange, I play Flame Renny ALOT. I must say it can be hard too hit with, But It should stay. Its just somthing more unique about her.
Its not OP. It's can actually End you quite quick. Im the middle of a skrmish it might put you in danger more then anything else. But it can psychout your opponent, and well Renny is the most handon style meaning lots of dodging is required for that style.
Taimatsu 26. Apr. 2014 um 16:31 
Plus it it makes for good Guard clipping awww yiss Renny Supremacy~!
you *can* L swing to the left, turn 180 degrees, then hit with punch. it's really fun if you get it off and surprise the enemy :D its just that it's a little unmanagable.
Mugen 6. Sep. 2014 um 0:09 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Nitrogen Queen:
When you use renny's normal attack on the first move she shifts to the left making it hard to hit your target, Do you guys as fans of Archeblade think that they should take that away and make renny a more smoother character or keep it because it might be OP (over power). I want to hear your guys opinion. oh and sorry this is late but happy thanks giving =)

The ♥♥♥♥? Lol, she already is OP dude.... I never actually tried Renny...but, I think it would be better if it's left like that...
Nyx 6. Sep. 2014 um 13:49 
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Mugen Ken:
Ursprünglich geschrieben von Nitrogen Queen:
When you use renny's normal attack on the first move she shifts to the left making it hard to hit your target, Do you guys as fans of Archeblade think that they should take that away and make renny a more smoother character or keep it because it might be OP (over power). I want to hear your guys opinion. oh and sorry this is late but happy thanks giving =)

The ♥♥♥♥? Lol, she already is OP dude.... I never actually tried Renny...but, I think it would be better if it's left like that...

this was posted last year :l
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