Legend of Grimrock

Legend of Grimrock

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If you're thinking of buying this...
First ask yourself if you like dungeon crawlers. If so then this game is about as good as it gets. The only dungeon crawler I can think of that is better than this is Shining the Holy Ark for Sega Saturn. And Shining in the Darkness on Genesis come close but Grimrock is better. Even thogh the game is a huge maze you really shouldn't get lost too much assuming you use th emap and don't go hardcore mode with the pencil and graph paper. The game is very creepy and has a cool magic casting system. It can be annoying when you run low on food so use it sparingly. The thing about this game is that the puzzles can be incredibly hard, even when you know what to do sometimes it can be hard. But it's a dungeon crawler so mazes and re-checking your steps is expected.
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epiplon 27 Des 2012 @ 9:38pm 
If the dungeons where random, it would be even better. Would make a truly roguelike with party and tatical fighting.
Steel 27 Des 2012 @ 9:53pm 
You also need to ask yourself if you like puzzles, as this is essentially a puzzle game.

It's also why it's not random. So if you are looking for a more combat-heavy randomized experience, I would recommend Dungeons of Dredmor, it's a fantastic game.

Get this game for the "figuring out complex dungeon floors", do not expect deep combat or a very replayable game. It's fantastic for what it is, but do beware.
epiplon 27 Des 2012 @ 10:08pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Ultros:
You also need to ask yourself if you like puzzles, as this is essentially a puzzle game.

It's also why it's not random. So if you are looking for a more combat-heavy randomized experience, I would recommend Dungeons of Dredmor, it's a fantastic game.

Get this game for the "figuring out complex dungeon floors", do not expect deep combat or a very replayable game. It's fantastic for what it is, but do beware.

I just think that you can combine a random dungeon with puzzles. You make a random dungeon with fixed puzzle areas and you got some sort of replayability.
It also has a deep immersion, where games like Dungeons of Dreadmore don't have (also played it). In Legend of Grimrock, you can fell inside a dungeon, where unexpected danger awaits you. The skeletons also scares me, which is cool. Better than lots of "horror" games that aren't even scary.
the ending is a joke. A slap in the face from the developers.

The entire game gets ruined by the ending. THE ENTIRE GAME. If you thought mass effect 3 was bad, just wait until you get through this ♥♥♥♥.

Oh, and don't bother looting anything or saving anything, there's no payoff. Get a few of the secret weapons and then just power through the entire game.
Andvari 28 Des 2012 @ 3:15am 
It's a classical "to be continued" ending. I thought that was a good thing as I can't wait for more Grimrock.
Diposting pertama kali oleh ixnatifual:
It's a classical "to be continued" ending. I thought that was a good thing as I can't wait for more Grimrock.

No, it's the classical "guess what? this mountain is actually a prison for a robot cube we made that was too awesome. Nevermind the tentacle monster guys, minotaurs, etc, just a cube."

Edit: When it was shown that it was just a robot I felt like I had been punched in the face. It was a seriously big let-down and it took all of the magic out of the game. In an instant it went from 11/10 to Zero out of Five...
Terakhir diedit oleh Travis the Moonstar; 28 Des 2012 @ 3:53am
Thron 28 Des 2012 @ 8:27am 
I love dungeon crawlers, my favorite of all time is actually Dungeon Hack( a DOS game from back in the early 90s) and this game is a double edged sword for me. I love the dungeon crawling elements, but the massive number of puzzles being thrown at you constantly really killed the pacing for me.

The game is about 70/30 puzzles/combat, and I really wish it was the other way around.

That said, the game is excellent for what it is, just that its advertized as a dungeon crawler with puzzles and in reality its a puzzle game with crawler elements. I love puzzle games too, but when you want chocolate ice cream and are expecting chocolate ice cream and you take a lick and find out its actually coffee flavored its hard not to be a little bummed out, even if you also enjoy coffee flavored (or whatever).

The ending was a bit silly as well, but shame on you guys above for spoilers without warning.
epiplon 28 Des 2012 @ 10:28pm 
Hey guys, watch out! You're giving spoilers, not everyone here finished the game, please!
I would have preferred knowing that the magic I felt in my soul while playing this game was a joke being played on me by the devs. The ending was that bad for me.
epiplon 28 Des 2012 @ 10:55pm 
Just play the custom dungeons then. The engine is amazing, you don't see many first-person roguelikes out there.
bullno1 12 Jan 2013 @ 11:46am 
Important thing to note: this game is real time, not turn-based like Wizardry. That was a big disappointment. Most encounters are tedious, just kite enemy to a 4-tile area and circle around.
Melee skills are randomly activated which makes combat even more shallow.
Still, I enjoy the puzzles and the creepy atmosphere. I thought it's going to be something like "Wizardry meets Nethack"
bullno1 12 Jan 2013 @ 12:02pm 
Diposting pertama kali oleh Ahnon ap Epiplon:
Just play the custom dungeons then. The engine is amazing, you don't see many first-person roguelikes out there.
For me, one important thing about roguelike is the turn oriented world. One pretty good first person roguelike is Orcs & Elves for the DS.
BenSt88 12 Jan 2013 @ 12:46pm 
I'm about to give up on this game. At the end of the 6th level, in the Halls of Fire, trying to get a special weapon (no spoilers). The 1st timing-based run was ok; the 2nd--not so much. Split-second timing while running around, turning facing, and trying not to fall into pit traps...I can only do this so long w/out getting it right.

I almost never give up on a game, but when the frustration outweighs the pleasures of the game, it's time to move on. I'm happy for the folks who enjoyed this, and the memories of older games it evokes, but how do they expect to sell a sequel when so few people finished this game? They're limiting their audience too much to a select group of hardcore gamers w/ a strong sense of nostalgia. IMO.
Rigel 12 Jan 2013 @ 3:35pm 
Don't try to do it too quickly, you actually have plenty of time, as long as you don't pause or make mistakes. None of the time-based puzzles are really hard, they're just uncomfortable.

The game is mostly hard mentally. The endless corridors, the puzzles inside puzzles... It's a bit much. Before you give up, maybe you could take a break from the game. Recharge your batteries.
BenSt88 12 Jan 2013 @ 6:36pm 
Ok, I finally got it after taking some time away from it. I'll head down below and see how far I can get. Hopefully the 2 special items that came from that god-awful timed puzzle will see me in good stead for the rest of the game.
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Tanggal Diposting: 27 Des 2012 @ 9:34pm
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