Indie Game: The Movie

Indie Game: The Movie

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Engoni 24. juli 2013 kl. 16:36
Phil Fish is a great guy.
I have always said that he is a nice guy, but a bit eccentric, but not a bad guy. People often like to hate on him for just having opinions. Yes it was bad of him to insoult the PC platform, bu get over it. I just dont ounderstand why everyone hate him just becaouse he have opinions that some guys dont agree with. Its not like he aproves ♥♥♥♥ and murder (it almost seems that way with all the reactions he gets):pandastunned:
Sidst redigeret af Engoni; 24. juli 2013 kl. 16:59
< >
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Engoni 24. juli 2013 kl. 16:47 
The things you link to are mostly taken out of context. And he surely joked and trolled his hating followers in the tweets. I know i would do that if i got so much hate on me for just stating my opinions. Most gamers ARE entiteled as*ses:serioussam:
I'm with Nyd on this one. He has come across me as a spoilt brat. He seems to think that everything he does is divine, and the fault lies with those that do not like his *preferences* - all the while he pecks down on everyone else's preferences. And not to mention that we're somehow supposed to feel sorry for him that not everyone likes(and might criticize) what he's doing. His personality reminds me a lot of the AAA gaming companies he loves to hate.

Also, "If the game fails, I'll commit suicide"? Come on! That's not passion, that's just fishing for pity!
Telle 24. juli 2013 kl. 18:17 
I could give a ♥♥♥♥ about Phil Fish. Why should I? Why should I care what he's like as a person?

I should sit on a throne and pass judgment because he has an anti social personality?


I guess the world looks a lot better when you're looking down your nose at it.
muckymucks 24. juli 2013 kl. 18:31 
He's not eccentric. Michael Jackson was eccentric. Phil Fish is a jerk. It's the reason I haven't gotten Fez.
Sidst redigeret af muckymucks; 24. juli 2013 kl. 18:32
gamer 24. juli 2013 kl. 19:05 
He's only one man out of hundreds in a large "special snowflake" problem in this "indie gaming" world. Nobody has any idea how piss easy it is to get a game out there without any support anymore, it seems. Success is not rare as long as you make something a majority of people won't immediately piss on, even if it's garbage by normal standards. McPixel is a good example of this.

People seem to forget "indie" has been around a lot longer than most of you have been alive for, and it was a much more creative but frighteningly more unfriendly environment for those developers without everyone and their mother having easy access to the internet and being able to ♥♥♥♥♥ themselves out to everyone. "indie" has changed overall, but not for the better.

In a sane world where independant developers have a marked difference from the rest of them, Phil would have earned single digit sales on Fez. Especially if you count zero as a single digit amount of sales.
El-Infidel 24. juli 2013 kl. 19:26 
Hearing his feedback to the japanese guy I was like "ohhhhhh" just like anyone else was in the crowd. But after hearing his justification for this and also Blows more in-depth thoughts I can't help but agree with them. I'm not a huge fan of J-rpgs and games coming out of Japan these days but growing up games like Zelda were my favourites.

Any japanese games that i've played as of late have all made me sit through tutorials and screens on how to play the game, I'd like to know what the key bindings are but I don't want anyone to flash a hint on my screen saying this unstable wall can be broken to find a secret? wtf is the point in playing if someone is going to hold my hand on the whole journey?

I picked Fez up during the summer sale and I have to say so far the game has been fun, nor does it hold my hand and tell me where to go to find everything.
Rusyabr 24. juli 2013 kl. 19:34 
He is really dumb ass
Sgoast 24. juli 2013 kl. 20:58 
phil fish is right.
Ceildric 24. juli 2013 kl. 21:23 
Yep, everyone gets to have an opinion, and that includes people having opinions about other people's opinions. Also, noone hates on him for having an opinion. People hate on him for having specific, irrational and/or insulting opinions. There's a difference. Your arguments are either lazy or intentionally deceptive.
StealthMomo 25. juli 2013 kl. 0:59 
That's the beauty of it. Fish wanted to be hated for whatever reasons and so we hate him, we troll him and he deserved it. I was just disappointed that no group seems to have bothered to DDOS his site or hacked his email, I guess even hackers have better thing to do than to bother with his obvious marketing stunt.
Sidst redigeret af StealthMomo; 25. juli 2013 kl. 1:00
SojaBird 25. juli 2013 kl. 0:59 
Lol I like how people behave the same in this topic as they say Phil does :p
Sure he has an outspoken oppinion though it doesn't make him an a$$. Sure he might could have told his oppinions in more subtle ways but that's not how every person works.

And off you go hate me as well because I also have an oppinion that isn't the same as what the general public thinks :p hehe

Woot FEZ is cool :D:
StealthMomo 25. juli 2013 kl. 1:04 
Oprindeligt skrevet af SojaBird:
Lol I like how people behave the same in this topic as they say Phil does :p
Sure he has an outspoken oppinion though it doesn't make him an a$$. Sure he might could have told his oppinions in more subtle ways but that's not how every person works.

And off you go hate me as well because I also have an oppinion that isn't the same as what the general public thinks :p hehe

Woot FEZ is cool :D:

I played many games in 80-90s with graphics that nowadays everyone calls retro-games.
Engoni 25. juli 2013 kl. 1:15 
Yeah, and i can imagine how frustrating it must be for him when everyone hates him for saying that. If the same happened to me i would also be a bit angry at all the people who calls me an ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. FEZ is his game and he is not in the indie scene to be liked, but to make and sell his dreamgame. He can act how he want to. It may not be so smart to do things the way he does it, but its his choice.
I constantly see people missquote him and twist his words to make them as hatefull and stupid as they can.:gordon:

Oprindeligt skrevet af EL-Infidel:
Hearing his feedback to the japanese guy I was like "ohhhhhh" just like anyone else was in the crowd. But after hearing his justification for this and also Blows more in-depth thoughts I can't help but agree with them. I'm not a huge fan of J-rpgs and games coming out of Japan these days but growing up games like Zelda were my favourites.

Any japanese games that i've played as of late have all made me sit through tutorials and screens on how to play the game, I'd like to know what the key bindings are but I don't want anyone to flash a hint on my screen saying this unstable wall can be broken to find a secret? wtf is the point in playing if someone is going to hold my hand on the whole journey?

I picked Fez up during the summer sale and I have to say so far the game has been fun, nor does it hold my hand and tell me where to go to find everything.
SojaBird 25. juli 2013 kl. 1:19 
Oprindeligt skrevet af StealthMomo:
I played many games in 80-90s with graphics that nowadays everyone calls retro-games.

Nice :D
I really liked Commander Keen :)
< >
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Dato opslået: 24. juli 2013 kl. 16:36
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