A Castle Full of Cats

A Castle Full of Cats

Achievements not unlocking
I've been really enjoying A Castle Full of Cats on my Steam Deck, but achievements aren't unlocking. I've tried reinstalling and resetting my progress, but no dice. Wondering if anyone else has had the same problem or any advice for a fix. Thanks!
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Never mind, solved my own problem and it should have occurred to me sooner. If anyone else has the same issue, running the game with Proton GE fixed everything.
Last edited by gaycosmichorror; Apr 21 @ 11:12pm
Originally posted by gaycosmichorror:
Never mind, solved my own problem and it should have occurred to me sooner. If anyone else has the same issue, running the game with Proton GE fixed everything.
Thanks much :happykitty::LIS_pixel_heart:
Already solved the Garden, but it's not unlocking. Entering the Coffin did unlock though.
Originally posted by cygnia:
Already solved the Garden, but it's not unlocking.
The same
Using that back arrow at the party or in the Garden causes a stuttering crash on my computer (with the June 12 2024 update). So, no Garden achievement for now.
...and it's fixed with a new update in the last minute! These developers rule! Join their Discord. They are on top of things!

Originally posted by cruelshoes1:
...and it's fixed with a new update in the last minute!
Last edited by LonerD; 23 hours ago
Found All the Cat's in the garden, but can't see any Coffin anywhere, so, I'm missing the last 2 achievement!
Same for me as well

Originally posted by cygnia:
Already solved the Garden, but it's not unlocking.
Last edited by dgibson5959; 23 hours ago
Originally posted by harlequen2:
Found All the Cat's in the garden, but can't see any Coffin anywhere, so, I'm missing the last 2 achievement!

The Coffin is in the room before the garden. I'm assuming you went straight to the garden via the map fast travel. The Coffin is actually the door to the garden :) I got the achievement as soon as I entered the room with the Coffin.
Thank You so much BU4U, That helped me a lot, didn't realize that I had to enter the game, then I right clicked my mouse and saw that there was a Map, I clicked the 4 cell dungeon, and got the Coffin Ach. after clicking the 3rd, and suddenly I got into the garden, and got the last Ach. Thank You for the Beautiful game, enjoyed it a lot :albedothumbsup:
Confirming Garden is now fixed on my end. <3
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