To the Moon

To the Moon

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Sulix Sep 8, 2012 @ 11:12pm
Linux (wine)
The game has some trouble running under wine, but I've found a solution!

If you extract the data from the 'To the Moon.rgssad' file, and then rename or remove that file, it runs fine! I've written a program[] to do just that. You'll have to compile it yourself and make sure to run it in the game's directory.

After that, it worked fine for me under wine. What a brilliant game!
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Sulix Dec 3, 2012 @ 8:02am 
I've written a slightly more detailed guide to getting this working on my homepage[].

It turns out it works for Mac OS X as well, but xcode is black magic to me! There's a thread[] on the Freebird Games forum about it.
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Date Posted: Sep 8, 2012 @ 11:12pm
Posts: 1