ClaDun x2

ClaDun x2

İstatistiklere Bak:
Why is this game 20 bucks?
It dosn't look like anything special, and the demo didn't do it any favors...
< >
39 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
I tried the demo, and even with full requirements met it quit on me.
They misplaced a decimal.
I would happily pay like 5, maybe 8 dollars. The price really IS absurd.
I have 3 hours of play time in this game, and I'v already had more fun with it then games I payed 60 dollars for.
İlk olarak Squire Grooktook tarafından gönderildi:
I have 3 hours of play time in this game, and I'v already had more fun with it then games I payed 60 dollars for.
I think I agree. This dungeon grinding just appeals to some, like me, I guess.
I played more than 40 hours with it, it has a lot of content so despite the simple graphics it's totally worth its price imho. :)
I call it the "RPG Maker retrospective effect".

Since the first RPG Maker was release on PC, there were a bunch of game with retro graphics that came out for free or for some low cost (2$-5$). Due to this, lots of people see the genre as something normally "cheap" and easy to access... But, sometimes, there is a rought diamond with lot more content and capacities who suffer from their similarities with the fan-based works.

For people who wonder, this game, ClaDun X2, is pretty much the fusion of Shining Soul (thought not made by the same developpers) controls, the "kind" of universe from Disgaea with the graphics that seems to come off from RPG Maker... ha... and add Paint to the fusion. ;)
I hope you realize that you make zero sence.
This game is a bargain @ 20$ my bf and I have played it (each) for well over 50 hours individually on our own
this game was ♥♥♥♥ despite all the fanboys in this thread only came back to state my opinion because I stumbled onto the game.
İlk olarak Xan tarafından gönderildi:
I did not like this game, therefore anyone who likes it is a fanboy and didn't have fun even though they thought they did.


Now get out.
I have far far over 200 hours played (199 on record) but played much much much more in offline mode. So has my roomate (in offline mode). This game is freaking amazing and very very very long if you want to beat everything.

20$ is a steal.

İlk olarak 12d3 tarafından gönderildi:
It dosn't look like anything special, and the demo didn't do it any favors...
I liked it so much I bought a ps3 to play the sequel
İlk olarak Tegga21 tarafından gönderildi:
I liked it so much I bought a ps3 to play the sequel

That's rad, no wait I mean sad...
You don't even own the game. Its almost as good as disgaea and in the dungeon crawling aspect its better. Kids that can't get past shiny graphics should go to bed.

İlk olarak 12d3 tarafından gönderildi:
İlk olarak Tegga21 tarafından gönderildi:
I liked it so much I bought a ps3 to play the sequel

That's rad, no wait I mean sad...
< >
39 yorumdan 1 ile 15 arası gösteriliyor
Sayfa başına: 1530 50