Jet Set Radio
Cheating on the Leaderboards?
Anyone else here competing at the top and being annoyed with the 1 or 2 guys that have 1 second times on the Jet Crush stages or some insanely high scores on the other stages.

Who ever "The Masked Muchacho" is, you're either cheating or you're way out of the league of everyone else and we'd wish to see how awesome you are.
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Great it's Need for Speed all over again (remember when I would beat people's scores but somehow never replace them).

I wish they would have people monitor these things as they truely piss me off (I mean I want to kick a baby I get so mad ... okay that's just dark)
I play the game for enjoyment and yes i am a leaderboard ♥♥♥♥♥. I am getting frustrated with the hacked/glitched scores/times. sega should implement ghost recording to be downloadable and played in jet technique etc so you can see if theyre legit
Sadly it will probably never happen. I seen many of the recent Need for Speeds have hacked/glitched leaderboards and it was never taken care of. Ruined Need for Speed Carbon

When will people learn that leaderboards are bull? The only fun part of it is when you're comparing your score with (reliable/legit) steam friends.
But global leaderboards are not, never were, and never will be reliable.
Цитата допису Johnnykey:

When will people learn that leaderboards are bull? The only fun part of it is when you're comparing your score with (reliable/legit) steam friends.
But global leaderboards are not, never were, and never will be reliable.
this absolutely
very true indeed. However for us leader board wh*res it would be nice :)
Цитата допису Johnnykey:

When will people learn that leaderboards are bull? The only fun part of it is when you're comparing your score with (reliable/legit) steam friends.
But global leaderboards are not, never were, and never will be reliable.
ya i dont do the leaderboards anymore cuz if your atop and there is no anticheat witht the game then the first time some one want to be on top he/she will just bust out the hex editor and make what ever score he wants then its turn out to see who can cheat more i play a game on my phone "fruit ninja" and the leader boards a all messed up there to.

i play for at least 30min with out loseing and get like 500pts when i check the leader boards for the same gamemode i played and some people got 1,000,000's of points and do get a score like that thay would have had to play for years nonstop with out loseing lol

so ya thay defeinty need some one to moniter them to remove the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ that suck at the game but still find then selfs at the top

not cool in my book
Автор останньої редакції: Lovis; 30 верес. 2012 о 13:50
I just want to say that the game is not meant for leaderboard anyway.
Цитата допису SYSS Mouse:
I just want to say that the game is not meant for leaderboard anyway.
i disagree, the original game on the dreamcast had online leaderboards (which were more precise with which characters were used etc and individual level scores through the story mode). The games about racking up points and tricks. Each to their own i suppose...
Автор останньої редакції: Rizla; 1 жовт. 2012 о 17:52
I dont really care for leaderboards, but some of the Jet Crush leaderboards are just way out there. Someone by the name of 'neiko.K4T' has a time of 0.00 on Shibuya.
if anybody wants to complete on the leaderboards via friends list you can add me. steamID: katzinski
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Опубліковано: 22 верес. 2012 о 12:33
Дописів: 11