Dragon's Dogma 2

Dragon's Dogma 2

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Dragonsplague - How to Warn Other Players
The goal of this topic is to reach out to the community and collectively establish a universal gift to give a recruited pawn when you notice they're exhibiting signs of Dragonsplague.

The other day I recruited a mage into my party and almost immediately she was rubbing and shaking her head. She even said a few things that sounded rebellious and disobedient a few hours into the run.

AFAIK, you can murder your own pawn by throwing them into the ocean and they'll come back without the plague, but doing so to a recruited pawn simply returns them to their owner with no change (correct me if I'm wrong).

Point is, when I recruit a pawn that is clearly exhibiting plague signs, I want to "return to sender" with a gift that says "hey, your pawn is about to explode, you might want to throw their ass in a lake." I've thought about a rotten apple but those aren't readily available because they have to rot, and any rotting stuff I've always interpreted as "your pawn sucks."

So what's a good item for saying "hey, your pawn is infected. Drown them in the ocean asap?" Something that's easily obtained, but rarely used elsewhere.
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Showing 1-12 of 12 comments
Not that I ever see your hopes of everyone establishing a warning item coming to fruition, but I'd suggest an arrow or something that implies harm. If not an arrow then perhaps a detoxification potion to imply the pawn is harmful.
Migromul Mar 25 @ 10:59pm 
if it will get common knowledge, I would suggest any otten food along with a thumbs-up or heart. rotten food will get available pretty quick. (It doesn't need to be an apple.. Any rotten can do.)

so you implicate that you were satisfied with the pawn (hence, the heart or thumbs up) but something is wrong with it. (hence the rotten food.)

But if that is even nessecary will need verifiying in the first place. I didn't encounter any injured pawns, yet. (luckily. and toi toi toi.)
Homebrew Mar 29 @ 3:25pm 
Originally posted by Migromul:
if it will get common knowledge, I would suggest any otten food along with a thumbs-up or heart. rotten food will get available pretty quick. (It doesn't need to be an apple.. Any rotten can do.)

so you implicate that you were satisfied with the pawn (hence, the heart or thumbs up) but something is wrong with it. (hence the rotten food.)

But if that is even nessecary will need verifiying in the first place. I didn't encounter any injured pawns, yet. (luckily. and toi toi toi.)

Yeah that's a great idea. I think that sends a pretty good message and it's affordable. I'll try that if I ever reinstall the game, haha.
Originally posted by Homebrew:
The goal of this topic is to reach out to the community and collectively establish a universal gift to give a recruited pawn when you notice they're exhibiting signs of Dragonsplague.

The other day I recruited a mage into my party and almost immediately she was rubbing and shaking her head. She even said a few things that sounded rebellious and disobedient a few hours into the run.

AFAIK, you can murder your own pawn by throwing them into the ocean and they'll come back without the plague, but doing so to a recruited pawn simply returns them to their owner with no change (correct me if I'm wrong).

Point is, when I recruit a pawn that is clearly exhibiting plague signs, I want to "return to sender" with a gift that says "hey, your pawn is about to explode, you might want to throw their ass in a lake." I've thought about a rotten apple but those aren't readily available because they have to rot, and any rotting stuff I've always interpreted as "your pawn sucks."

So what's a good item for saying "hey, your pawn is infected. Drown them in the ocean asap?" Something that's easily obtained, but rarely used elsewhere.

i give rotten flesh and dismiss them whitout like or hearth
Bejo Mar 29 @ 3:30pm 
Originally posted by Migromul:
if it will get common knowledge, I would suggest any otten food along with a thumbs-up or heart. rotten food will get available pretty quick. (It doesn't need to be an apple.. Any rotten can do.)

so you implicate that you were satisfied with the pawn (hence, the heart or thumbs up) but something is wrong with it. (hence the rotten food.)

But if that is even nessecary will need verifiying in the first place. I didn't encounter any injured pawns, yet. (luckily. and toi toi toi.)
Oh? So THAT's why my pawn has a thumbs up and rotten food. Coincidentally, other pawns I hired has been saying someone is being undisciplined - resting when not being told to, wandering off, etc, but I see no one has red eyes yet, but that comment has been very frequent so I decided to take them to a cold bath.
I'll do what is recommended here next time, and share this info with my friends, thanks mate!
C4 Mar 29 @ 3:33pm 
I now never hire pawns that have helmets, had 2 with dragonsplague
Flip Mar 29 @ 3:34pm 
or just drown the pawn and remove the plague from them?
I mean... if you know your pawn has the plague, feed them to the brine, then sleep at an inn to upload them clean
Originally posted by Homebrew:
Originally posted by Migromul:
if it will get common knowledge, I would suggest any otten food along with a thumbs-up or heart. rotten food will get available pretty quick. (It doesn't need to be an apple.. Any rotten can do.)

so you implicate that you were satisfied with the pawn (hence, the heart or thumbs up) but something is wrong with it. (hence the rotten food.)

But if that is even nessecary will need verifiying in the first place. I didn't encounter any injured pawns, yet. (luckily. and toi toi toi.)

Yeah that's a great idea. I think that sends a pretty good message and it's affordable. I'll try that if I ever reinstall the game, haha.

It's not reliable, sometimes people use the gift system as a "trash can" to discard, and rotten food has been that choice for both games, and with dd2 since you can't rate pawns with stars anymore, may also be used to show your distaste for someones pawn instead.

However, i am interested in how you can't cleanse a support pawn but your main only, does this also mean that only the owner can contract it in their game? Meaning any worries about your support pawn getting it and you send it to the rift unknown to the owner.
Last edited by Umbral Priestess; Mar 29 @ 3:58pm
Originally posted by Homebrew:
The goal of this topic is to reach out to the community and collectively establish a universal gift to give a recruited pawn when you notice they're exhibiting signs of Dragonsplague.

The other day I recruited a mage into my party and almost immediately she was rubbing and shaking her head. She even said a few things that sounded rebellious and disobedient a few hours into the run.

AFAIK, you can murder your own pawn by throwing them into the ocean and they'll come back without the plague, but doing so to a recruited pawn simply returns them to their owner with no change (correct me if I'm wrong).

Point is, when I recruit a pawn that is clearly exhibiting plague signs, I want to "return to sender" with a gift that says "hey, your pawn is about to explode, you might want to throw their ass in a lake." I've thought about a rotten apple but those aren't readily available because they have to rot, and any rotting stuff I've always interpreted as "your pawn sucks."

So what's a good item for saying "hey, your pawn is infected. Drown them in the ocean asap?" Something that's easily obtained, but rarely used elsewhere.
The plague spreads fast. Once you hire an infected pawn they'll pass it onto either yours or the other very shortly, in which the previously infect pawn will no longer be infected. So really there is no gift to give for the originator. It's also not a problem, the signs are very clear. Also if your pawn has it in one world doesn't mean they have it in yours as multiple people could have hired your pawn. Your pawn will just have it for that one instance that may not even be your world to begin with.

First time I found it, the infected pawn gave it to mine and started following orders again after camping trip. That's how I know the originator gets cleared up. Unless they changed it with the patch.
Last edited by President Fluffy Tail; Mar 29 @ 4:14pm
AvG Mar 29 @ 4:11pm 
It's kind of irrelevant I think. If you brine your main pawn daily even if they got word to you through steam they will already be purged of it. only people who are not aware even with the dozen warning signs will get an explosion.
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Date Posted: Mar 25 @ 5:08pm
Posts: 12