Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Call of Juarez Gunslinger

Game minimizes itself at launch
I played a few hours CoJG and it was fun. Now I want to start it, but it minimizes the window after launching it. When I click on the tab in the taskbar, I can hear the music etc. but the window will not maximize...

Has anyone a suggestion? PC restart did not help, as well as Alt+Enter, checking the game data...

I run Win 7 64 Bit.
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same happens to me i was playing it just started a new game i got to the house on first mission then it just crashed to desk top and wen i launch it it goes to launch then back to desk top the same prob as u i think if any one knows hot to fix it would be great i love me westerns
Hi , what computer do you have (processor type, graphic card etc.) and how do you start the game?
AMD Phenom II X4 3,4Ghz, 8GB Ram, Win 7 64bit, AMD Radeon HD7970 Ghz, I don't think the hardware is too weak. All drivers are up to date. I tried starting the games from the steam bib, started steam as admin, started the game as admin. The games work the sound works, but the window always minimizes itself after launch. I have the same problem now with dishonored.
So you can start at least Dishonored if you set the starting options to windowed...still no idea how to solve the problem with gunslinger. The game works after the installation, but not anymore after a restart...
If it's like that, i.e. the game runs fine if freshly installed, but has video problems at the next launch, it sounds like the video config file that the game writes to %localappdata%\techland\cojgunslinger\out\Settings\Video.scr may have some problems. You can check if deleting this file magically makes the game start up fine. If yes, you could send the file recreated by the game to us so that we can have a look on it.
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Data di pubblicazione: 14 nov 2013, ore 12:56
Messaggi: 5