Dear Esther

Dear Esther

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Samurai_Gerbil 2014년 6월 7일 오후 2시 45분
Heard a lot of hype about this - here's what I think!
Had been intrigued with this "game" for some time. Having played and liked Gone Home, I thought it might be a similar kind of atmospheric game. But read some reviews where people called it boring and pointless. I'm into this kind of artsy stuff but to a certain limit only! At the point when art starts to become self-indulgent I get put off, be it films, books or games. So basically, was on the fence about buying it and finally couldn't resist picking it up for very cheap as part of a Humble Bundle.

Dear Esther had been sitting in my library for a while now. I had a few hours to kill today so finally decided to check it out. First 10-15 mins, I was like "Uhh...this is going to be a little boring. Where do I have to go? There are so many paths and routes. Is there any marker or any maps to show me the way? Do I just stare at the vast ocean and the foliage throughout the game? This is confusing!" I have to admit that initially I was beginning to see what all those bad reviews by gamers meant about it being just a walking simulator.

Even so, an hour later I found myself still playing and completely in awe of the game's atmosphere especially the gorgeous cave section. And the music...oh god, the music is mindblowing! I think its the music that really sets the mood for this game. In fact, its not really a game in my opinion...its a journey...a piece of interactive art. If you go in expecting to play a will hate it! But if you let yourself be taken in by the environment its trying to create for will have a mesmerising experience.

And I cant get that hauntingly beautiful soundtrack out of my head. And the part where you fall into the water and see images of a motorway and a couple of cars...that part blew my mind! Its just done so well. The detailing, the character building, the lighting, the environments...its pure art!

Bottomline, I know many people thought of it as pointless and a waste of time - but I really enjoyed it. I would like to try out some similar stuff and am open to recommendations. The Stanley Parable is next on my list...that demo I played was just fantastic!
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12개 댓글 중 1-12개 표시
illgib 2014년 6월 9일 오후 3시 20분 
Here it's explained why so many call it "walking simulator" i bet noone of them have never goes past the first level.
It's one of my favorite games ever, beaten only by his "big brother" A Machine for Pigs. I fell in love with The Chinese Room and Jessica Curry music.
iSurvivedRKelly 2014년 6월 10일 오전 10시 29분 
I own dear esther and loved it, but honestly i refer to it as a walking simulator. It is the best way to classify it. Don't take it so personally. Peoples opinions on games will always vary according to our nature. It's what makes us all different :)

I love Fps, strategy games, survival/rogue games, Rpg's, open world games and walking simulators.

iSurvivedRKelly 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 6월 10일 오전 10시 31분
Samurai_Gerbil 2014년 6월 13일 오전 4시 46분 
I know what you mean. And I didn't take it personally either. Its not that being a walking simulator is a bad thing...its just the undertone which was negative when people call it that. However, like I said...I enjoyed it. I'm very open to trying out new things and new genres. Playing antichamber these days and loving every bit of it. These indie studios are going crazy! In a good way of course :D

Wolf님이 먼저 게시:
I own dear esther and loved it, but honestly i refer to it as a walking simulator. It is the best way to classify it. Don't take it so personally. Peoples opinions on games will always vary according to our nature. It's what makes us all different :)

I love Fps, strategy games, survival/rogue games, Rpg's, open world games and walking simulators.

Samurai_Gerbil 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 6월 13일 오전 4시 46분
Johndoe101 2014년 6월 14일 오전 4시 44분 
I got this game recently and i love it . This games fit into a genre of it own and classification. As a resault people will come in with diffferant expecation and judge it by their experiences and personality. Once you get past the genre and find good games in this feild like Stanely Parable, this game is fun play as long you do not have much expectation , a cup of coffee/tea to drink , comforatable place to sit down and time on your hand. I found the purpose of this game is to tell a story/walk alot and not to entertain everyone else that play the rest of 99% of the genras out there. I hope that in the future walking simulator like Stanley Parable and Dear Esther story line become better in the future.
Bethbirb 2014년 6월 25일 오전 3시 36분 
Definitely play The Stanley Parable if you haven't already, that game is fantastic, and I personally find it much more engaging than Dear Esther. A similar arty type game I'd recommend, but has short gameplay, is The Plan. Some other great ones are Botanicula, Limbo, and Serena, and have a little more gameplay in them than Dear Esther and The Plan.
Samurai_Gerbil 2014년 6월 25일 오전 4시 05분 
Thanks for the recommendations. I got Stanley Parable in the on-going sale. I'm currently in the middle of Shadow Warrior and Stanley Parable is next on my list. Have Limbo and Botanicula also. Haven't tried Botanicula yet but played Limbo once and somehow didn't understand the appeal. Does it even have a storyline or is there any kind of underlying metaphor I'm just not getting? Will check out The Plan and Serena.

Beebs님이 먼저 게시:
Definitely play The Stanley Parable if you haven't already, that game is fantastic, and I personally find it much more engaging than Dear Esther. A similar arty type game I'd recommend, but has short gameplay, is The Plan. Some other great ones are Botanicula, Limbo, and Serena, and have a little more gameplay in them than Dear Esther and The Plan.
ivlmag 2014년 7월 7일 오전 1시 41분 
For more "walking simulator" experience I personally would recommend The Path and Thirty Flights of Loving. If you (like me) is not so fond of abstract and metaphorical interactive art, you can try more plot-oriented games, the best of which in my opinion are To The Moon (also walking simulator) and Ether One (more like an adventure game). Also as I can see you have Fez in your library, which you should totally play!
Samurai_Gerbil 2014년 7월 7일 오전 11시 16분 
I've been putting off playing FEZ for a while now. Have a huge backlog already so I'm getting done with the ones I'm really excited about first. Got it in a bundle…not sure if I'll like it or not. Btw, really wanted to get To The Moon during the summer sale but didn't for some reason. My games library is just spilling over with unplayed games and now its starting to overwhelm me rather than excite me.

ivlmag님이 먼저 게시:
For more "walking simulator" experience I personally would recommend The Path and Thirty Flights of Loving. If you (like me) is not so fond of abstract and metaphorical interactive art, you can try more plot-oriented games, the best of which in my opinion are To The Moon (also walking simulator) and Ether One (more like an adventure game). Also as I can see you have Fez in your library, which you should totally play!
Samurai_Gerbil 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2014년 7월 7일 오전 11시 21분
Samurai_Gerbil 2014년 7월 7일 오전 11시 26분 
Oh and I just finished The Stanley Parable…it was fun and all, sure…but I expected more. The demo actually set the expectations pretty high up. Back to AAA gaming for now…currently paying Mirror's Edge in an attempt to charge through my backlog.
RedditJesus 2014년 7월 19일 오전 7시 40분 
Dude, don't play The Plan, waste of 5 minutes.
Samurai_Gerbil 2014년 7월 19일 오후 12시 35분 
Thanks for the tip!

<DP2K14>DomiNiggah님이 먼저 게시:
Dude, don't play The Plan, waste of 5 minutes.
RedditJesus 2014년 7월 19일 오후 1시 07분 
scorflame님이 먼저 게시:
Thanks for the tip!

<DP2K14>DomiNiggah님이 먼저 게시:
Dude, don't play The Plan, waste of 5 minutes.

No problem :)
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12개 댓글 중 1-12개 표시
페이지당 표시 개수: 1530 50

게시된 날짜: 2014년 6월 7일 오후 2시 45분
게시글: 12