Dear Esther
The Caves, so Mysterious
Towards the end of the caves level you will eventually come upon a pond. Beyond the pond is a narrow tunnel with glowing writing plastered over every inch of rock. But I won't focus on the tunnel, instead, the room with the pond. Two things; the first is when you look up you can see trees peeking over the opening of the cave above. However, I did not see any trees on the island before this point. Just something slightly ammusing. Two, when you look down into the pond, you can tell there are stalagtites at the bottom or some kind of rock and it looks like the pond is deep. Now if you walk into the pond looking down, you will sink to the bottom. But get this, if you walk accross it looking up at the ceiling, you won't sink. Also, if you walk accross it looking straight on then you won't fall. If you happen to stop while walking, this will also cause you to sink to the bottom. I thought I had to share this because it felt pretty trippy the first time it happeend to me.
วันที่โพสต์: 4 มิ.ย. 2017 @ 12: 43am
โพสต์: 0
