Titan Attacks

Titan Attacks

Näytä tilastot:
Cash glitch
It happened on my 2nd playthrough, sometimes I can purchase an extra shield even if I don't have enough money to do so, not sure if this glitch exist in other items because I've already maxed them all on 1st playthrough. See pictures below:

Purchased 1 shield, then I don't have enought cash for the next shield but the 'SHIELD' title remains purple.

After purchase without enough cash
Viimeisin muokkaaja on M; 5.12.2012 klo 1.33
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cprince  [kehittäjä] 5.12.2012 klo 13.24 
oh! I thought I'd fixed that one. Well, I'll have to "fix" it "again" then :P
lol :)
cprince  [kehittäjä] 28.12.2012 klo 12.13 
... it's fixed this time ;)
< >
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Sivua kohden: 1530 50

Lähetetty: 4.12.2012 klo 21.32
Viestejä: 3