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Is Sonic Portable Canon?
Sonic the Portable failed due to backlash. Would you consider Sonic 4 as being canon to the sonic timeline? Why or why not? I will put my own thoughts below and explain why I think it's not canon, but I'd like to know if other people have differing views. As well, where would you place Sonic 4 in the timeline, if it was actually canon? This post has spoilers, this is your only warning. Leave. Turn back now.

"Sonic 4 being canon to me is... well, questionable. Too many signs make me believe that Sonic 4 is as canon as Sonic Chronicles is. They both ended on unexpected cliffhangers. The game was originally only called "Sonic the Portable" , for the uninformed, and the origin comes from being able to be ported to other consoles. Many signs of this title is in the background in Casino Street Zone, but the sign is blurred out on a ferris wheel. What's always striked me as odd is that Sonic 4 uses the Modern Sonic models and why is there a homing attack in... a classic sonic game? Also, why isn't this being like the classics and giving us new zones we haven't seen before? this game was being marketed as the next big installment, [we can see now it was nothing more than a marketing stunt to get back their loss from previous titles] it was said to be something that's after Sonic 3 as an installment, but nothing they did here screams this game belongs in the classic timeline. It's just reusing content hophazardily... how exactly is this game after Sonic 3... again? In what way? This automatically makes it uncanon.

As well, Sonic 4 is an unfinished trilogy. Sonic 4 Episode 2 ended with a massive cliffhanger with Little Planet being locked in Death Egg Mk.II still, which is not a good ending, at all. What happened to Little Planet? We don't know. It's never answered. This was hinting at "Sonic 4 Episode 3", but it got cancelled due to fan backlash, as we all know. Now Sonic 4 will remain an unfinished trilogy thanks to the fans. This makes it uncanon, because there's no official ending. At-least, not a good ending to the trilogy which doesn't make any sense. If they wanted to end Sonic 4, they should've at-least updated Sonic 4 Episode 2 to where it'd free little planet if you got all the chaos emeralds, but no, they just left it on a big cliffhanger after it explodes and... just stays there in space. A to be continued text could even be found in the games files again hinting at Sonic 4 Episode 3's existence, which was going to happen, but due to massive fan backlash, it got cancelled. a shot gun sound and something activating with rumbles can be heard in the unfinished cut-scene. Presumably this was the master emerald and we would see Knuckles in Sonic 4 Episode 3, but since this remains an unfinished trilogy, it therefore can't be CANON in any way unless they get DIMPS back to work on Sonic 4 Episode 3, which nobody wants, which would finish the trilogy properly and without a cliffhanger.

Sonic 4 Episode 3... "As if that will ever happen", the book then closes.
It... could've been unique. Think about it. Too bad it won't happen, in your dreams...
or maybe one day SEGA will pull a BFDIA on us if enough people buy this. perhaps there's not enough sales or interest to warrant a sequel yet. Budget cuts. maybe we all should change our minds one day and say "sonic 4 is good" and see what will happen. Maybe we'll get Sonic 4 Episode 3 if enough people ask for it.

or maybe I'm insane for thinking it's possible. woe-is-me."

I can still have hope for S4EIII, even if there may not be much. I don't believe this game is as bad as Sonic 06 or Sonic Unleashed, so I think it could have a chance at getting a sequel if it gets enough interest back. One day, if sonic 4 gathers enough interest, they should shadow drop the release of S4EIII and not announce it
Sonic 4 canon?
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i believe it to be the first modern adventure chronologically, my reasoning? idk man i just think it is canon also sega said everything is canon that one time so yeah
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