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Journalism Endings Feedback
Enjoyed the game, there's just this one feature that has potential for a bit more that I thought I'd share my thoughts on for any future Mythargia like games.

So I think it's really neat feature as you acquire photos, evidence and, entries with how the article choices start filling out and then you choose which ones to create an article for the ending. The only weakness is that it doesn't really matter outside of the credibility meter. It lacks depth. I get a 'good job you wrote an article that convinced people to act' ending at 100 credibility. I believe there's quite a bit more that can be done with this feature and making endings to match with it.

Let me explain, I think it would be more interesting and interactive to shift it from just a credibility score, to a combination of 'article type' and 'credibility' and it's already somewhat set up to support this.

So for example there's a good number of articles in game where you can put them together and call it a 'Cult Article' where we write about and convince the public that there is/was a dangerous cult on the island. The credibility score pairs up with it to shift it from the 'tabloid press' level we currently have and the 'award winning journalist, public action'.

So if we make a 'Cult Article' with enough Credibility we get the 'Cult Crackdown' Ending, we get a little splash screen talking about how there's an active investigation into cults and traces of it spreading from the island. With a zinger about how 'you feel good about bringing to light a dangerous cult... but you have a feeling that you missed something.' Hinting at the Conspiracy End. And without enough credibility you just get 'another article about island cultists is another tabloid article among many.'

Some other endings/article types might be
"Islanders vs Outsiders" : Paint the island as hostile towards outsides and result in it being blockaded.

"Revolutionary Void Flower" : Reveal the power of the Void Flowers and unleash a gold rush as people rush to acquire it's power for their government or companies.

And the current 'Best Ending',

"Conspiracy Ending". : With some more details I guess.

So, see you can take the current journalism system and with another axis to it provide quite a bit more ending flexibility and maybe have a little comment from our character after reaching certain Article Type thresholds (but not credibility thresholds). I.E "So writing about a cult..." or "The islands did seem quite hostile to outsiders".
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Showing 1-2 of 2 comments
FrogTheory (RBC)  [developer] Jun 4, 2023 @ 2:02pm 
Thank you for your interesting suggestions!

There indeed is more to be explored in the article feature which was envisioned early in the development but was added in the later stages.

I like the idea of combining the article's topic and credibility written about the said topic such as the cult. Also the larger scale outcomes in the world depending what is the main point of the article and if the people were enough convinced is fascinating.

We do not know about the future of Mythargia yet but we are sure to keep these ideas in mind.

Cheers and we are glad you enjoyed the game!
Little_Writer Aug 31, 2023 @ 12:25am 
I was also expecting more of this. The directions state you have to combine photos and journal entries as content for the pages, but in reality the photos and texts were automatically combined. It would've been more fun if you could actually choose from all 40 photos, and all the journal entries as well. Now all the work has already been done for you (other than collecting everything first, of course) and you just have to scroll through the few available options to see which of them raises the credibility level.
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