Sleeping Dogs™

Sleeping Dogs™

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AllYourBase 20 SEP 2016 a las 10:33 a. m.
High Temps with this game?
Seems this game likes to push your CPU, at least for me.

This is the only game I have played on my new PC so far that makes my CPU temps jump up. Normally getting around 50-55C in games and benhmarks (3dmark, etc). But this game..

While in game I get around 57-60C for my i7 6700 (non k version).

Here is the odd thing.. If I have the game up (I play in window mode, but also tested temps in full screen), temps are like above, 56-60C. If I do a ctrl-d and just have my deskup "up", CPU temps jump up to 70-75C. Keep in my the TCase temp for this CPU is 71C.

Just find it odd.

Settings (everything maxed, AA normal). 1920x1080

CPU: i7 6700 @ 3.4
GPU: Gigabyte 1070
Mobo: Maximus Hero

Stock air cooling.

Case NZXT 410
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Mostrando 1-3 de 3 comentarios
Mandrake42 20 SEP 2016 a las 4:12 p. m. 
That IS odd. I have an old i5 3570k and I have it overclocked and it never gets that high.
Azumi123 23 SEP 2016 a las 11:35 a. m. 
60c is a bit high for CPU usage on a stock locked clock CPU. You mentioned that you are air cooling. Your case allows for a lot of fans. I'd definately get a couple of quality PWM fans for the front, with a speed of around 1300rpm. You don't use water so you can add 2 high speed 140mm fans as exhausts on the top. From the bottom you should use a 120mm intake and another one on the side. Hopefully with that setup you'll have negative air pressure as the exhausts are bigger and faster than the intakes. Oh and make sure you use filters on the intake fans and if you can, remove that drive bay cage that's blocking the intakes.
AllYourBase 27 SEP 2016 a las 3:08 p. m. 
Thanks for the replies.

Azumi123, will def. take that into consideration !
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Publicado el: 20 SEP 2016 a las 10:33 a. m.
Mensajes: 3