Braindrop 2013년 2월 21일 오전 7시 52분
Buggy, Boring, Micromanagement
I really wanted to like this. Unfortunately, you don't really get to build "the dungeon of your dreams." Instead, you spend most of your time having to tell your units to go to a kitchen before they starve to death, or playing whack-a-mole with ladders that magically appear at random to allow heros to bypass any defenses you may have set up.

Unit management is awful, and they artifically limit you to a tiny number of squads, leaving you with a bunch of singletons that have to individually controlled. Want to upgrade a squad's weapons. Select units individually and upgrade each one.

The gameplay area is tiny -- you basically allowed enough space for 1 of each kind of room you need (many of which are pre-built for you in each scenario). Because of the abovementioned ladders, location makes no difference. Heroes can show up anywhere.

It reminds me of A Game of Dwarves -- it contains a lot of build options that have absolutely no use in winning a scenario.

You can't control units you send on aboveground raids (the raids that make it unecessary to actually build many of the rooms), just click on a location and send a squad.

The biggest challenge is getting past the bugs. Lost save games, scenario crashes, etc.

There's about 10 hours of gameplay in this before you realize that it sucks. Thank god it was only $20. Sadly, I am done with buying Paradox at release time. They make the type of games that I *should* love -- but they do them so poorly that I'm winding up disappointed.

< >
24개 댓글 중 1-15개 표시
Cyberdyne 2013년 2월 21일 오전 8시 29분 
Build a generic base/gather resources

Explore and watch out for enemy heroes

right click heroes

watch a cluster♥♥♥♥

repeat untill base is attacked

teleport minions to base near heroes

Kill heroes (right click, cluster♥♥♥♥)

Let minions eat

Teleport to objectives, kill heroes etc.

thats it
Braindrop 2013년 2월 22일 오전 7시 23분 
Pretty good summation. I deleted it and am replaying Ceasar 3.
Zartas 2013년 2월 22일 오전 7시 41분 
I would have rather spended my 20 bucks on ball in a cup.
sheeepii 2013년 2월 22일 오전 11시 55분 
This game is so full of bugs and boredom it's insane.!
The worst mechanic is the damn ladders! What's the point about building a dungeon with traps WHEN THE TRAPS ARE TOTALLY USELESS!? dungeon keeper was cool because you had to lay out your dungeon the way YOU wanted, and you "tricked" heroes into cool trapcomboes, some of them you simply killed, others you held in your prison to become your eternal skeleton minion.
Even the resource management sucks. 3 different resources is clever if you can make it work, but when gold is used ONLY for squads, you don't feel rewarded after you max out ( WHICH YOU HAVE TO DO TO WIN ANY LVL!!!). And food/materials are just competing resources rather than complementing each other.
TO THE DEVELOPERS, this is a normal setup of resources:
1 MAIN resources, used in everything.
1 ELITE resources used in advanced buildings/units. Want to add more? (well it's stupid but)
1 utility resouce maybe? Used for a special kind of buildings or units (traps for example?).
Don't bring in more, it's redundant.

And not to mention the "tressure chests". Who tought it would be a good idea to guard chest (which hold about 25 gold) with a mob that requires AT LEAST 3 full squads to defeat. Oh it would be a good idea if not you could actually get that every 3 min. with 1 squad on ANY raid location on the map.. *sigh* This game was so promising, but it failed on almost any lvl.

Had you AT LEAST given the units some basic AI it would have been somewhat decent, but nope.. No AI at all.
sstark 2013년 2월 23일 오후 3시 58분 
I'd have to agree.

I wanted to like this, I even purchased after reading negative reviews.. but I have yet to enjoy it.

I played until mid-way through chapter 2.

Each level was taking sooo long. This is because to build up, you need to continually raid. Ignore ladders, ignore incoming heroes, ignore your missions. Just raid. Baal can take all the early heroes for about... an hour of gameplay? Sure feels like it. Maybe half an hour.. I didn't time it.

so after over an hour of gameplay I am ready to start defeating all the map-items. I have realized to ignore most of the units, upgrades and building types because they do nothing for me... and it's still hours of gameplay to clear out the map and BEGIN the missions.

This is for each campaign map.

This game is work, it's routine work, it's wose than grinding in a generic F2P MMO.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

.. whew ok now clear ♥♥♥♥ out..

wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders...

.. now start the level

wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders...

Hero AI does nothing for the game.

Distractions do nothing for the game. no decorations, gold, or any distractions apart from the brewery.

Traps are useless.

Randomly there are 'bonus missions' that are just a huge horde of heroes. This is the only challenge to the game because there are SO MANY heroes that it takes strategic planning to beat them. You have to let the multipls hero groups split up and destroy your dungeon so you can tele ALL 5 groups, with Baal, to beat them one at a time. These are max powered groups, with upgrades and a healer. This is game breaking! These are not 'optional' quest options, these are 'kill everything you have and die in 30 seconds' overpowered extreme struggles.

Then there's the one 'puzzle' where Baal has to flip switches to get the 5 colors to be correct. First off, evenone hates this sort of thing in EVERY game, but this is the WORST implementation I have ever seen! Ball is unbearably slow at flipping those switches, and fighting the UI to be able to re-read the clues was a horrible experience. I ended up resorting to this forum to tell me how to use their UI. I mean WOW, just WOW. This is just a prime example of a UI fail.

The game controls aren't any better. All the radial menues and awkward controls arre so awful, they are counter productive. I have to manage all my actions from the map because that's the only way they are at all useful. Because of this, I spend most of the game staring at a map, like it's a game from the 80's.

I'd use this game to teach a game design, game progamming or UI class as an example for what NOT to do.

I have yet to experience a bug in the game, so that's not my issue here... my issue is I have yet to have any fun. Dungeons was way better, and that's not even a great game or anything... and Deongeons was FULLo of bugs and issues.

... very dissapointed. Refund? I would love one!
sstark 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 2월 23일 오후 4시 04분
MadPoet 2013년 2월 23일 오후 4시 19분 
The sad part is that with a bit more quality control, a bit more thought in the design, and a bit more playtesting, they could have had a game I couldn't pull myself away from. As it is now, I don't find it enjoyable.
The Mad Hatter 2013년 2월 23일 오후 7시 05분 
yeah I agree that the game is boring as watching paint dry but thats not what pisses me off most. What really gets me angry is when you make 3 gold stashes to make all 5 groups and after that those rooms are useless and then to have 5 lvl 3 grps each with a tank,healer, and 2 dps and you get smashed by 3 lvl 2 grps. I really dont enjoy this game anymore
Unknown 2013년 2월 23일 오후 8시 01분 
... I soooooo agreeeee with all of u !!! Why they just dont make DK2 with a few tweaks here and there!!! and use better grafics .... and they are always saying... ( we dont want to be DK ) !!!


JESUS .. its 2013 and still they are putting us to this CRAP ... i dont get it ... with all the new things u can do on a pc ... and STILL ... STILL they SUCK so HARD....

thats it ... i am going to cry
Unknown 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 2월 23일 오후 8시 09분
RougeXvil 2013년 2월 24일 오전 2시 28분 
I'm sorry to agree with the posts above... sadly.. because i really wanted to like it, but gameplay is awful, and i think the devs didn't care about making polished mechanics, because frankly, any gamer would notice abberations, in the way u teleport ur units constantly, about the way heroes are all clones, about the way dungeon architecture is not important at all.. The fights are just boring, send many troops, and wait.. and sleep... There are just bosses sometimes to change the gameplay a bit, but its so rare.. Multiplayer is a joke.. and animations are cheap, just like a really bad game from the 90's..
This is a huge disappointement, for me, there are so much major flaws, i'm talking about gameplay, not bugs, i don't think any future patch will make it any better, so goodbye guys, really sry to have give u 20 bucks. U just don't know how to make a fun addictive game.
RougeXvil 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 2월 24일 오전 2시 36분
Braindrop 2013년 3월 3일 오전 10시 07분 
The PC Gamer review is in:
"... less about running an evil underground empire than middle management in the lower echelons of a slow-witted, weight-watching hell."

SO42 2013년 3월 14일 오전 6시 18분 
Braindrop님이 먼저 게시:
I really wanted to like this....
There's about 10 hours of gameplay in this before you realize that it sucks.
sstark님이 먼저 게시:
I wanted to like this, I even purchased after reading negative reviews.. but I have yet to enjoy it.
I completely agree with you. What a shame.
slantingturtle 2013년 3월 15일 오전 1시 52분 
I've always been a fan of micromanagement and the idea of building something of your own, "in this case a dungeon" and watching things play out due to skillful tactics on the players part, but I refrained from buying due to what i can only describe as a "sketchy vibe" the game gave me. Glad that I didn't waste my money on it, which is sad because I really, really felt like this could've been a great game, as is though i'm hearing nothing but regret and negativity from the player base and even people doing "let's plays" of it on youtube sound bored. I'm not gonna pull some ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ figure out like "for every 1 person that enjoys it you've got 10 that don't" because I have neither the time nor patience to dig for a statistic like that, from the looks on the forums and reviews however that seems pretty accurate to me.
SushiDemon 2013년 3월 16일 오전 6시 13분 
aye, this "game" is just bad -_- are they really planning a sequel or is the ending just terrible ? yes i finished the game and there was no fun at all. Those puzzles -_- and you are not even doing evil stuff, the story tells you that all you do helps the people. wtf they didn't even try to make you feel like a badass demon, i felt like a babysitter for all those minions. i am so confused after finishing this "game", do they really think this is fun? or are they just testing how bad and unfinished a game can be until we want a refund? in the german version the text boxes are too small for the text so i can't even read what baal's skills do, there is text missing or looks like this "#leatherskin.blabla". no replay value for me, hell not even the first playthrough was worth the time -_- not for story and especially not for the gameplay. the developers of this should be ashamed to call this a mix between dk and warhammer. i have never played DK so i had no high expectations or something like that. -_- i feel dirty after finishing this "game", payed 20€ to get tortured.
SushiDemon 님이 마지막으로 수정; 2013년 3월 16일 오전 6시 14분
Frostblunt 2013년 3월 16일 오후 2시 02분 
LOL thanks for all the comment here... I just tried the demo and noticed many things I disliked, but as other said here I wanted to like this game and try it... Everything that was said here just confirmed my fear about this game. Thanks I will not waste my 20$ This game could have been great if they fix everything said here in this thread... the most usefull comment being this one. Seriously the puzzle thing and the way you have to run around destroying food table to beat a guardian in the demo was the killer for me

sstark님이 먼저 게시:
I'd have to agree.

I wanted to like this, I even purchased after reading negative reviews.. but I have yet to enjoy it.

I played until mid-way through chapter 2.

Each level was taking sooo long. This is because to build up, you need to continually raid. Ignore ladders, ignore incoming heroes, ignore your missions. Just raid. Baal can take all the early heroes for about... an hour of gameplay? Sure feels like it. Maybe half an hour.. I didn't time it.

so after over an hour of gameplay I am ready to start defeating all the map-items. I have realized to ignore most of the units, upgrades and building types because they do nothing for me... and it's still hours of gameplay to clear out the map and BEGIN the missions.

This is for each campaign map.

This game is work, it's routine work, it's wose than grinding in a generic F2P MMO.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

RAID, kill heroes, ignore ladders, raid, kill heroes, ignore ladders, get a new gruop.

.. whew ok now clear ♥♥♥♥ out..

wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders...

.. now start the level

wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders... wait! Kill heroes, RAID, ignore ladders...

Hero AI does nothing for the game.

Distractions do nothing for the game. no decorations, gold, or any distractions apart from the brewery.

Traps are useless.

Randomly there are 'bonus missions' that are just a huge horde of heroes. This is the only challenge to the game because there are SO MANY heroes that it takes strategic planning to beat them. You have to let the multipls hero groups split up and destroy your dungeon so you can tele ALL 5 groups, with Baal, to beat them one at a time. These are max powered groups, with upgrades and a healer. This is game breaking! These are not 'optional' quest options, these are 'kill everything you have and die in 30 seconds' overpowered extreme struggles.

Then there's the one 'puzzle' where Baal has to flip switches to get the 5 colors to be correct. First off, evenone hates this sort of thing in EVERY game, but this is the WORST implementation I have ever seen! Ball is unbearably slow at flipping those switches, and fighting the UI to be able to re-read the clues was a horrible experience. I ended up resorting to this forum to tell me how to use their UI. I mean WOW, just WOW. This is just a prime example of a UI fail.

The game controls aren't any better. All the radial menues and awkward controls arre so awful, they are counter productive. I have to manage all my actions from the map because that's the only way they are at all useful. Because of this, I spend most of the game staring at a map, like it's a game from the 80's.

I'd use this game to teach a game design, game progamming or UI class as an example for what NOT to do.

I have yet to experience a bug in the game, so that's not my issue here... my issue is I have yet to have any fun. Dungeons was way better, and that's not even a great game or anything... and Deongeons was FULLo of bugs and issues.

... very dissapointed. Refund? I would love one!
Tepper (차단됨) 2013년 3월 16일 오후 10시 38분 
I feel that if they had picked one direction, RTS or dungeon creator, it would have been quite enjoyable. It seems there were just too many directions the makers tried to go at once with no real thought of how it would appeal to people once they were all together. Sad to see a game with a fair amount of good in it be destroyed by lack of direction.
< >
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게시된 날짜: 2013년 2월 21일 오전 7시 52분
게시글: 24