Orcs Must Die! 2

Orcs Must Die! 2

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Triaki ♥ Jul 8, 2019 @ 1:27pm
Challanges, are a thing, that limits the equipment that you can choose when you play a level. These were made up by me, and i could add suggestions too. These are just for fun, too, so keep that in mind. Thanks to my friend Wolf_Hastenichgesehn for testing these with me. Wolf also made lots of challanges, wich are under the ones made by me and suggestions

"Ogre Rebellion": The only weapon you can choose is the polymorph ring and only to become an ogre.

"Trapper and Attacker": Co-op only. One person has 1 weapon, 4 traps (in your inventory), and one trinket, The other person has 1 trap (in your inventory), 4 weapons, and one trinket.

"Blood Factory": The only weapon you can choose is Vampire Gauntlet. No guardians, trinkets are allowed.

"Bomb Factory": The only weapons allowed is Blunderbus and Scepter. No guardians and for each manual kill of any type you must place an explosive (without the upgrade that reduces it to 150).

"Exploding Goodness": You can only choose explosive things, Boulder Chute and Wind Gauntlet can be upgraded to be explosive, and Scepter of Domination, Bone Amulet and Blunderbuss are also "explosive". Trinkets are also allowed.

"Stun & Done": You can only choose weapons, traps, and guardians that pulls, pushes or stuns enemies. Trinkets and things that do not do damage are allowed.

"Blades of Blood": Only weapons, guardians and traps with blades and things that do not afflict damage are allowed. Trinkets are allowed too.

"Orc Revolution": You can only have 1 weapon, 1 trap (in your inventory), and as many trinkets as you want, Anything that makes an enemy deal damage to other enemies is allowed without counting to the weapon and trap limit, meaning you could for example have the Scepter of Dominance and another weapon.

"Let 'em fly, let 'em die": You are only allowed to kill flying enemies with guardians and traps. Play this on a level with flyers, unless you want to play the game normally.

"Budget": Budget, You can only spend the money you get at the start.

"The Storm": Only lightning, wind, and frost weapons and traps. No guardians. Trinkets are allowed. You can also use weapons and traps that don't do damage.

"The Mine": You must have Boulder Chute, Dwarf Guardian and Boom Barrel Dispenser.

(DLC) "Burning The House Down": You must have Web Spinner, and atleast 3 fire weapons/traps/guardians. Trinkets allowed.

"Melee Madness": You can only use melee weapons, traps, and guardians. Trinkets allowed

"Pretty Basic": All traps, trinkets, guardians, and weapons cannot be upgraded with skulls.

"Clones": Co-op only. All players must have same traps, trinkets, guardians, weapons and same character,

"The Line": The traps must be made in a continuous line of floor traps. Barricades can be used to redirect orcs to the line. You can not have more than one line. The line can turn but it can not turn in a way so it is next to a previous line piece. Roof traps can also be placed, but only above the line, and wall traps can be placed next to the line. You can not split the line into more lines. Barricades do not count as a part of the line themselves.

"Damage only": Traps, trinkets, weapons, etc that don't do damage aren't allowed.

"Groundhog Day": You must have a spring trap in your inventory. You may also have spikes, steam traps, tar traps, barricades, wind belt, vampiric gauntlet, ice vents, magma, and un-upgraded crossbow. You must use the springs (or wind gauntlet) to shoot the enemies back to the start and let them go through all the small traps again. Trinkets allowed.

"Randomizer": Each trap/guardian, weapon, and trinket (in that order) that you have available must be counted and a random number between 1 and <count> must be rolled <amount of slots you have> times to figure out wich traps/weapons/guardians/trinkets you will have. (optional: use a randomizer from 1 to 2 to figure out wich character to choose)

"Divided Randomizer": First count your available weapons, then randomize a number from 1 to <weapon count> two times, then do the same with 1 trinket, and 3 traps. And that will be the items you have. (optional: use a randomizer from 1 to 2 to figure out wich character to choose)
(optional: choose the amounts of weapons, trinkets, guardians/traps yourself)

"Twin Forts": Competetive challange, play on a map with two divided roads for example The Crossing, both players must have a decoy (or like a coin forge) and place them at the end of their path. If any orc kills your decoy (or steps on your coin forge in case you use those instead) then that player loses. If you run out of rift points, then everyone loses but it is not allowed to do it intentionally. If the game ends without any decoy/coinforge being destroyed/stepped on, then the player with the highest coins wins, therefor making it beneficial not to spend all your coins. If you want an extra challange, ban the wind belt.

"Statues": No moving while any orcs are alive.

"Quarantine": No guardians, they're all at home. You need to place atleast one mana/healing well as soon as possible. Each break go to the nearest well to wash your hands. No melee weapons. Optionally stay away from other players

These following ones are suggested by Wolf_Hastenichgesehn.

"Piercing Perfection":
The loadout may only contain the following items: berserker trinket, crossbow, polymorph ring, trap reset trinket, bear trap, floor spikes, push trap, ceiling stomper, archer, arrow wall, thorn wall, dart spitter, ballista, grinder, swinging mace.

"Frostfire Flames": Only fire and ice weapons/traps/guardians. Trinkets are allowed too.

"A Long Walk of Pain": Apart from non-paladin guards, weapons and trinkets, only barricades and floor spikes are allowed.

"Bleed For Me": Only guardians and traps that cause a bleeding effect are allowed, except for coin forge and barricades. The only weapon allowed is vampiric gauntlets. All trinkets may be brought freely.

"Magical Affair":
Only weapons whose primary attack uses mana, plus the teleportation ring, the fear jar, berzerker, freedom, mana rush and rift defender trinkets, the ballista guard as well as the following traps (excluding barricades!) are allowed: coinforge, dart spitter with the unique charm effect, floor portal, healing well, mana well, mushroom spores, void wall.

"Midas Touch": Only barricades and traps that generate money are allowed. No guardians! The only trinkets allowed are scavenger and trap reset.

"The Floor is Lava!":
Only barricades, bear trap with unique fire upgrade, brimstone, floor scorchers, floor teleportals with unique fire upgrade are allowed for trapping. No dummy or guardians allowed either. You may only bring weapons that deal fire damage (crossbow with unique fire upgrade, flame braces, polymorph ring with unique fire ogre upgrade). All trinkets allowed.

"Be QUICK or be DEAD":
To be played on any map containing KOBOLD RUNNERS and/or SAPPERS; the only weapons allowed are crossbow (but WITHOUT the mana regain upgrade!) and bladestaff (but WITHOUT the shield!), the only traps allowed are bear trap (but ONLY if the unique FIRE upgrade is applied!), boulder chute, coin forge, flip traps (but NOT if they affect BIG enemies!), floor spikes (but WITHOUT the slowdown!), push trap (but WITHOUT the stun!), single boom barrels, steam trap (but WITHOUT the chill!), wall blades, and the only guards allowed are ballista and paladin (but both NOT if they can stun!) - but the use of BARRICADES is FORBIDDEN! The ONLY trinkets you may bring are the berzerker and/or scavenger trinket.

"I got balls!":
The only items allowed are blunderbuss, dwarves, flame braces, scavenger trinket, scepter of domination, swinging mace, teleportation ring, trap reset trinket.

"Magic number":
The overall number of any traps and guardians placed while playing a level plus the number of trinkets brought must be exactly thirteen.

"Death from above":
Melee weapons and all guardians are forbidden. Only ceiling traps, spring trap and steam trap are allowed. No arrow wall, not even upgraded!

You may choose your loadout from the following items - acid sprayer, alchemist satchel, brimstone, coinforge, electric zapper, flame braces, floor scorcher, mana rush trinket, scavenger trinket, tar, trap reset trinket.

"Silver Lining":
Floor spikes, push trap, ceiling stomper, wall blades are the only traps you are allowed to bring, and you are only allowed to place them hugging a wall. No barricades, no guardians, no trinkets.

"Free Styler":
Only one trap of choice, only one weapon of choice, plus the freedom trinket - just these three items per player.

"Last Stand":
You may use any kind of equipment, but at any time there must be at least 2 times as many guardians on the field as other things placed. (Because of guardian limit, this means you may never have placed more than 12 other items altogether.) Half of your number of guards have to stand adjacent to a rift, guards must never be placed alone but only adjacent to a rift or to another (active!) guard, and you must not place any other item further from an active guard than the equivalent of 2 floor spikes. Gather your last resources around the rift and take a last stand!

"Fast as lightning":
Electric zapper, ring of lightning (if chilling effect is NOT equipped!), bladestaff using unique upgrade for quicker movement are a must; barricade and coinforge are optional; and any trinkets of choice are also part of this challenge. Everything else is out. Take 'em out quickly!

"I'm behind you!":
Equip crossbow, autoballista, dummy + trinket(s) of choice (coinforge is optional) - nothing else. Snipe 'em all before they figure out who is the real you.

"Dust and Bones":
As this one is all about what the title suggests, you are allowed to bring windbelt, bone amulet, achemist satchel, steam trap, void wall with skeleton warrior upgrade; also push trap, spring trap, (DLC) thorn wall, haymaker and swinging mace to pulverise them and throw them around, tar to keep them on cursed ground, and acid sprayers to strip them right down to their bones. Furthermore, coin forge and any trinkets you deem neccessary or helpful are part of this deal. Lay ashes to ashes, and dust to dust!

You only do the build and maintain the place with magic trinkets, but don't bring your own weapons to the killzone.

"Brains & Brawns" (co-op only challenge):
One player goes weaponless, the other is not allowed to build anything. Both may carry trinkets.

Apart from your weapons and trinkets, you are only allowed to bring the barricade, the coinforge and the dummy.

"Oh, how I wish it would rain down...":
The only weapons allowed are flame braces and lightning ring, you may bring any trinkets you like, but the only guards and traps allowed are autoballista, elven archers, dwarves (without enforced knockback upgrade!), boulder chute, and boom barrel dispenser (but only if it is placed at least at 3rd level height!). You (in co-op: your whole team!) may equip only ONE of the following items: Barricade, coinforge, dummy.

"Chess Board":
Any items you place have to be arranged either in a chess board pattern, or touching a chess board pattern. Ceiling traps may also be placed exactly over a chess board pattern. A valid chess board pattern has to consist of at least FOUR ITEMS placed adjacently IN A SQUARE so as to resemble a CHESS BOARD. Checkmate, orcs!

"Orcs Must Fly!":
On the floor and on the ceiling you are only allowed to put steam traps and haymakers. Guardians are exempt from the rule, but unless they are placed at heightened vantage points, they have to be placed on steam traps. Push traps may be put on the wall at any height, other wall traps only from the 2nd storey upwards.

"Sabotage" (co-op only - but turned into versus):
Traitors amongst the order! Saboteurs have stolen equipment; so to stretch out the remaining gear, budgets for rift defending missions have been cut in half. There are also saboteurs on the battlegrounds, equipped with the stolen armory.
As a rift defender, the first trap you take into battle has to be at base level (= contain no upgrades). Why do these saboteurs always have to steal the best gear? So reset your spellbook and spend your skulls accordingly. Let's hope, none of your remaining goods get stolen until you are dispatched to the battlefield...
As a saboteur, and having of course stolen the best and most fitting equipment available to the order, you are free to take whatever gear you want into battle. Your mission: To disrupt the rift defender's strategy by any means necessary - but once you die on the battlefield, your cause is lost (and the match accordingly).
Playing the rift defender, however, you are not allowed to bring any gear the stealthy saboteur player (who gets first choice of gear from the spellbook) will pick on the battleground right before the match starts. Can you make do with what you've got, both against the horde and the traitor amongst your ranks?
Playing the saboteur, are you really clever enough to claim the most valuable equipment for yourself, win the trap placement race in order to place nonsense traps on the strategically most decisive points on the map, leading the horde (personally or by decoy?) to attack barricades or guards (or even the rift defender?), will you have success in stealing enough rift points from the order by transporting attackers towards the rift with low damage traps and weaponry? If the defender loses the battle while your first-spawned avatar is still standing, you win the match.

"Big Spender":
The rift defender will not take anything that increases gold income and no placeable items that cost less than 1000 gold each into battle.

The rift defender(s) will equip no more than 6 spellbook slots (for the whole team), only one weapon (each), only items that cost less than 500 gold to place, and no other trinket than the scavenger trinket(s).

"Acid Attack":
Your only weapon is the Alchemist Satchel, your only trinket the Mana Rush, your only proper trap the Floor Spike with the slow-down upgrade. Barricade, Coin Forge, Decoy are also allowed.
Last edited by Triaki ♥; Apr 25, 2020 @ 2:06am
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Showing 1-15 of 25 comments
Haigen Jul 24, 2019 @ 1:19am 
Amazing ideas :Gems:
These challenges make me want to play OMD2 again.
Good to hear. If you come up with any other challenges, please share!
f.c.sauer Jul 26, 2019 @ 7:11pm 
They definitely interesting!
Try them out and let us know how you fared.
Also, please add some new challenges of your own!
Triaki ♥ Jul 27, 2019 @ 1:57am 
Haigen Aug 2, 2019 @ 10:19am 
Are those challenges meant for war mage difficulty or nightmare?
Some are easier, some are harder, some are more feasible on certain maps than on others. So, there is no set rule as to which difficulty level you should play them at. Just try it out for yourself. I would start on war mage difficulty for a first attempt, and then see how far you can take it. And if you find a real hard one, there is always apprentice mode to give you more time to reconsider strategies on the go, to wreck and rebuild things. Have fun playing, that is the main thing. Also, feel free to add your own proposals, we'll be glad to try them out!
"Magic Mayhem" (co-op challenge):

(suggested by im not weird)

Only weapons and trinkets allowed!

In nightmare mode, the team is allowed one sort of passive trap per map (coinforge, dummy, void wall).
Last edited by Wolf_Hastenichgesehn; Mar 30, 2020 @ 1:56pm
"The Order vs. The Horde" (apprentice challenge):

(suggested by Nauri)

In the final wave you are only allowed to have guardians and passive traps such as tar, coinforge, dummy on the map, and you are only allowed to further build these. Also, you are by then no longer allowed to use any weapons or trinkets actively. Your guardians will have to fight off this wave alone.


Only the following items are allowed:

Vampiric gauntlet, bone amulet, fear trinket, rift defender trinket, mana rush trinket, healing trinket, mana well, healing well, push trap, spike wall trap (the one from the Booster pack), spring trap, void wall, mushroom spore trap.
Last edited by Wolf_Hastenichgesehn; Apr 19, 2020 @ 8:48am
"Baby, you've got to slow down..."

Allowed are only 2 weapons: alchemist satchel, teleportation ring with freeze effect, 3 trinkets: trap reset, mana rush, rift defender, 8 traps: coin forge, steam trap, tar, ice vent, web spinner, floor portal, healing well & mana well.
Last edited by Wolf_Hastenichgesehn; May 14, 2020 @ 2:33am
Bumping this to see if anyone else is into this kind of thing and has new and exciting ideas how to go "NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT...".
Here is another one:

(needs: Sorceress heroine / preferably DLC items)

The required loadout is as follows:

- Transformation Ring Weapon
- Ghost Jar Trinket
- Defender Trinket
- Healing Trinket
- Mana Rush Trinket
- Guardian Trinket
- Mana Well Wall Trap
- Coinforge Floor Trap
- Barricade Floor Trap
- Archer Guardian Floor Trap

(If you play this challenge in Co-op mode, one of the players may use the Miner hero but then his weapon has to be the Ice Amulet.)

(If you don't have the DLC items [Ghost Jar & Guardian Trinket] you may instead bring the Rift Defender Trinket and the Trap Rest Trinket.)

Last edited by Wolf_Hastenichgesehn; Aug 14, 2021 @ 4:43pm

(OMD! 2 played OMD! 3 style...)

You may bring any items you like,
but there are certain limitations to the way you are allowed to use them.

(This is to make the gameplay more action-packed and the balancing akin to "Orcs Must Die! 3".)

Here is the catch:

These LIMITATIONS apply to the following ITEMS:

- The equip mana regain (unique upgrade) for the CROSSBOW is forbidden.
- To actively use the MANA RUSH trinket is forbidden.
- To equip the skeleton/zombie (unique) upgrade for the VOID WALL is forbidden.
- To equip the take less damage (unique) upgrade for the DWARVEN HAMMER is forbidden.
- To equip the DECOY reappearance (unique) upgrade is forbidden.
- To actively use the BONE AMULET (summon golem) is forbidden.
- To equip the FLAME BRACELET (unique) stun upgrade is forbidden.
- To actively use the RIFT DEFENDER trinket is forbidden.
- To equip the (unique) fire upgrade for the ARROW WALL is forbidden.
- To equip the (unique) ceiling space upgrade for the ICE VENT is forbidden.
- To equip the (unique) knock-back upgrade for the DWARVES is forbidden.
- To use the storm cloud (secondary) attack with the LIGHNING RING is forbidden.
- To equip the fire arrow (unique) upgrade for the ARCHER GUARDIAN is forbidden.
- To equip the chill (unique) upgrade for the STEAM TRAP is forbidden.


Whenever you place ANY of the following items you need to have AT LEAST the following amount of currency available. Deduce this virtual cost from your budget to see if you can place any more of these items at this point. You are not allowed to spend more than this reduced VIRTUAL BUDGET on any of these items, and you will HAVE TO spend ALL the remaining currency of your current REAL budget on other (non-virtually budgeted) traps IMMEDIATELY after placing your virtual cost traps.

- TAR has a virtual cost of 750.
- ICE VENT has a virtual cost of 750.
- STEAM TRAP has a virtual cost of 650.


- To use the GUARDIAN TRINKET actively is fobidden.
- NET SPINNER (DLC) has a virtual cost of 1500.
Last edited by Wolf_Hastenichgesehn; Sep 3, 2021 @ 3:22pm
whats even the appeal of challenges? they just seem sorta pointless
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