Serious Sam: The Random Encounter

Serious Sam: The Random Encounter

Help: secret area in desert
there's a semi-secret area in the desert that you reach via teleporter.
I need advice on how to deal with the burning demon hordes there, they instantly kill my dudes.
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Показані коментарі 18 із 8
equip minugun on one of them, let others die then carefully deplete their health
i let all my guys die but one and gave him a shotgun, then i just made sure i didnt get hit by them
I also would like how to reach that area. I searched the entire level and didn't find any entrance.
Finally i found it. You'll find the entrance in one of the next levels (can't remember which one)
The entrance is in one of the sewer levels, the one with the jump pads. On the bottom left, you can see the teleport.
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Показані коментарі 18 із 8
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