Cave Story+

Cave Story+

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this game haven´t been able to work on mac never, devs dont care
devs dont care a bit of updating this game, it dont work on macs,
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It was repaired many times for different reasons. Did you bring this up with the people looking over this currently (Such as Cheru)?

The original developers, after spending over ten years working almost exclusively on this project, have gone on to make the sequel, so I am not sure how you can say it is due to lack of caring for their player base rather than concentrating on doing what is best for their player base.

They even have left care of this property in the hands of others to continue compatability updating. Furthermore, if they didn't care then they wouldn't have had the game altered in order to work on Macintosh of Linux systems years after its original release in the first place.

I am sorry that things haven't worked yet, but why throw out insults to people like that? In general, why don' people assume that others aren't out to get them?

I'm not out to get you, I am upset, obviously, but I promise I'm not mad at you, its just that the social culture of the internet has me kind of depressed.


Either way, if you post your specs and the error message (or the time when the game crashes) then maybe we forumgoers can offer solutions, and maybe Cheru might be able to change something about the base game. I know nothing about programming personally, but the people here have a history of being a kind bunch.
Haha! Sorry! I thought I was on a different forum!
Please ignore everything I said about the history of this game, the original developer has not touched it in forever, and I am not a big fan of this publisher. Still, I'll leave my comment there for the commentary.

Also, the forumgoers here are even more familiar with programming then those at the place I thought I was, and quite possibly just as kind, so posting your specs is still usefull.
this game dont work as it should on any mac , it dont work
Is English not your first language? I could translate a simplified version of the message for you-- or did you already do that? Not to be rude, just trying to make sure.

Your system specifications, error message(/s), and/or time of crash would be useful.
If it is another problem, then please list the specifics. We could be able to work around the problem.
Cave Story+ has never worked for me. I'm on MAC and since I bought it I haven't been able to play the game since it always crashes. Any help would be appreciated. If not, I guess my only option left is to ask for a refund.
NVM this works:

Just follow these steps. You basically have to copy the "data" file into your hard drive.
(If you already have a shortcut to "Macintosh HD" you can skip step 1)

1.First go to your desktop. Highlight "Finder" at the top-left corner. Select "preferences". Under the General tab, check the box next to "Hard disks". This will make "Macintosh HD" appear as a shortcut on your desktop. (This is where you will copy the data file)

2.Go to your desktop, click "Go" at the top-left. Hold down the "Option" key and select "Library" which should appear.

3.Click "Application Support", "Steam", "SteamApps", "common", "Cave Story+".
In the "Cave Story+" folder there will be a folder labled "data". Copy this folder into your hard drive via the desktop shortcut.

4.Once that's done try to launch game in Steam, it should work. :)
Thank you Jonathanalessix! You are awesome.:approved::happycthulhu::boombox:
You're welcome ;)
Don't use a mac. Problem solved.
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Posté le 5 nov. 2015 à 11h07
Messages : 9