Rule the Waves 3

Rule the Waves 3

Barleyman Jun 4, 2023 @ 10:32pm
Missile madness.
I think the game ( is basically broken in the true missile age. The fleets start so close to each other that there's no manoeuvring involved, you'll make contact before you regain control and then missiles start flying. 3500-ton DD can comfortably fit 8xHSSM soon after you gain "blind" fire AKA radar guided missiles. 3000t variant needs more compromises. That fish school of DDs that you have hanging around capital ships and CVs become missile slinging maniacs at that point, and it's not like anyone has CIWS or light SAMs yet..

Devs have implied that the phone booth knife fight will be fixed in next patch, they're apparently tweaking starting ranges based on era.
Last edited by Barleyman; Jun 5, 2023 @ 1:08am
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Alpha2518 Jun 4, 2023 @ 11:05pm 
Oh thank god now they'll be a proper search of where the hell are they.
Barleyman Jun 5, 2023 @ 1:18am 
Well, it's going to add only so much, since you can't peel off divisions, e.g. no sending DDs do a missile strike away from the carrier. Or conversely tell carriers to run away without hanging close to fleet commander.

I guess the missile age doesn't mesh that well with WWI game concepts..

I suppose I have to fire up C:MO again.
iainfuller Jun 5, 2023 @ 2:12am 
I was just about to post something about the missile combat as had my first taste yesterday and it was brutal. Before I had a chance (as soon as I hit go basically!) there were 3 or 4 missile strikes on two of my ships and it didn't let up from there. As stated the fleets started ridiculously close to one another, glad to hear that it is being looked at for a future patch.
Hardly Jun 5, 2023 @ 4:20am 
Yeah, I've taken to sending a bait division out front with scout role to suck in that first furious missile barrage. It gets particularly nasty if the enemy's search radar/ECM outranges your own in ... at that point the bait division also gets to be the "charge blindly into the enemy fire in the hopes of getting a radar contact to shoot back at" division. It's rough on the picket forces, but better than a carrier getting served three zillion missiles for breakfast.
Barleyman Jun 5, 2023 @ 4:25am 
Originally posted by Hardly:
Yeah, I've taken to sending a bait division out front with scout role to suck in that first furious missile barrage. It gets particularly nasty if the enemy's search radar/ECM outranges your own in ... at that point the bait division also gets to be the "charge blindly into the enemy fire in the hopes of getting a radar contact to shoot back at" division. It's rough on the picket forces, but better than a carrier getting served three zillion missiles for breakfast.

Now if only the suicide feint division didn't revert to AI control and return to formation once beyond visual range..
Hardly Jun 5, 2023 @ 4:39am 
Heh, yeah. The scout force thing could do the job, however I dunno if I did something wrong, but it seemed like once I got to missile age I stopped getting the separate Scout formation at battle gen. That said, once you research Scout role for destroyers, they can push out to make a pretty wide perimeter even as part of the main force.
TJ_Hendrix Jun 6, 2023 @ 4:31am 
I dont see an issue being spotted and hit with a missile barrage. You got to better scout and of course, invest more in research

The issue is rather that the setup of the tactical game does not take into account the advances of radar and scouting technologies. Parties should be much further apart and scouting should be a key part of the battle. Who ever gets the first barrage off has an advantage, that's how it is in reality as well!

Last edited by TJ_Hendrix; Jun 6, 2023 @ 4:31am
ThatZenoGuy Jun 6, 2023 @ 4:43am 
Its kind of funny but you can 'game' the missile portion of the game, use 'sacrificial destroyers' to move ahead and eat most of the missiles, then sweep up the now-defenceless ships with battleships and heavy cruisers.
Originally posted by Hardly:
Heh, yeah. The scout force thing could do the job, however I dunno if I did something wrong, but it seemed like once I got to missile age I stopped getting the separate Scout formation at battle gen. That said, once you research Scout role for destroyers, they can push out to make a pretty wide perimeter even as part of the main force.

You can open doctrine and re-select the scout formation. I don't know how well it will work, but gets unchecked in the missile age.
EnterElysium Jun 6, 2023 @ 12:22pm 
Had my carrier group spawn within stone-throwing distance of an enemy port along with coastal missile batteries and flotilla.

That didn't last long. Luckily the saves are plain-text so a bit of hacking undid that. But still...
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Date Posted: Jun 4, 2023 @ 10:32pm
Posts: 10