Rule the Waves 3

Rule the Waves 3

Reaper Jack Jun 12, 2023 @ 5:19pm
AI CV always know your location
As title, It's 1929 so the earliest of early for Carriers and the AI CV's always know where my fleet is, with zero scouting, I spawn in, before I can move a few miles, aircraft are on me (this is happening around the time my own floatplane scouts have discovered enemy position) so they're readying and launching immediately upon the scenario start. Tbh this was my biggest issue with RTW2 as well, and honestly makes CV battles nothing more than a chore, and I despise them as a result as the AI has an insane advantage by always knowing where you are. You're a sitting duck, it's not helping that early TB's seem far more effective than in RTW2 and my Capital ships suffer multiple hits from Biplanes in the 20's. Meanwhile my own TB squads at 14 planes each can't seem to hit a single ship when they do find something.

Any advice on how to deal with this would be appreciated, I'm considering discarding Capital ships altogether or building many small CVL's purely for CAP, which does seem to be effective.
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Silamon Jun 12, 2023 @ 5:22pm 
I have never really liked the air units in RTW, I frequently consider the period when CVs really come into their own to be the end of my campaigns.

It's really cool that they added it I just don't think they are implemented very well.

Edit: as far as what to do in that period, basically after 1930 or so build few or even no BB/BC as their effectiveness is greatly diminished when air power becomes the dominant force. You want lots of carriers and ships with good AA to protect them.
Last edited by Silamon; Jun 12, 2023 @ 5:27pm
The Zodiac Gamer Jun 12, 2023 @ 6:01pm 
Carriers weaken a lot by the late 40s as AA massively improves. Missiles keep them somewhat viable but depending on your ocean you're probably more cost effective building lots of missile-equipped destroyers than expensive carriers (jet planes are also a lot more expensive to operate than your old piston planes).
Silamon Jun 12, 2023 @ 6:03pm 
Originally posted by Zodiac Gamer:
Carriers weaken a lot by the late 40s as AA massively improves. Missiles keep them somewhat viable but depending on your ocean you're probably more cost effective building lots of missile-equipped destroyers than expensive carriers (jet planes are also a lot more expensive to operate than your old piston planes).
Fair point, tech kinda leveled out in the 40s in RTW2. I suppose missiles and better AA make a big difference. I've not really played past the 30s yet in RTW3 myself.
ulzgoroth Jun 12, 2023 @ 6:35pm 
If the upcoming change of starting positioning for later-game fleets kicks in, you might find planes worthwhile later due to not being able to count on finding the enemy with your destroyers' radar...
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Date Posted: Jun 12, 2023 @ 5:19pm
Posts: 4