Batman: Arkham City GOTY

Batman: Arkham City GOTY

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I bought Arkham City before GOTY and the dlc's was added but when I click on the package info and go to the dlc pages it says I own them... What I want to ask is do any of you know if they gave them out or if I really own them?
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Are you certain you didn't accidentally look under your AA: GOTY details?
You could ask some other users. The forum for your game is here:
It's separate from the GOTY forum.

Here is another users experience with discovering the DLC's as well.
Naposledy upravil Caligo Clarus; 23. srp. 2013 v 0.58
Ya its the AC dlcs and when I go to my AC store page from my library I go to the GOTY page not the normal AC page
The store page for GOTY is the only one that exists now. The community/discussion pages are still separate.
But see i bought the Batman seires from the 2012 summer sale so could they of gave them as like a free upgrade because GOTY wasnt out at that time?
Ok ya I just look at my key codes and I got those 3 dlcs but does the costumes and the map back have key codes to cause I got them all
I found that after i beat the game I suddenly had access to all the DLC content. Harley Quinss Revenge and all the nifty bat suits .
Did you buy the franchise to get AC or just the AC itself?
I bought AC when it first came out, I never bought the GOTY edition.
I never did either Im asking if you bought the AC game its self or as the franchise bundle
I bought Arkham City itself not a franchise budle.
Cool I guess they gave out the dlcs to everyone when they released GOTY
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Na stránku: 1530 50

Datum zveřejnění: 22. srp. 2013 v 13.45
Počet příspěvků: 11