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Is the Hopper a better jump bot then the jump bot?
I have just gotten it and so far with the limited gear i have at the moment for it which is just the default it seems to run faster and i think even jump higher then the the jump bot.
Also it has a rocket launcher and the only difference between the two combat wise would be that you can face and shoot in any direction with the jump bot but the hopper you gotta get the bot to face where you wanna shoot.
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Showing 1-15 of 21 comments
Del48 Apr 29 @ 10:35am 
I like the Hopper more than the jump bot cuz its missiles arc and its a beast with an attack drone. it cant take as much damage but its harder for the enemy to hit you while your bouncing around. Currently im running the Tank, Hopper, and Hover car as my main combat bots.
Etragorn Apr 29 @ 1:08pm 
The hopper is meant to be a "high jump" to the jump bot's "jump".
Originally posted by Etragorn:
The hopper is meant to be a "high jump" to the jump bot's "jump".
I don't think so, because I unlocked high jump separately and it applied to both the jump bot and the hopper.
Etragorn Apr 29 @ 3:41pm 
Originally posted by 13thPalace:
Originally posted by Etragorn:
The hopper is meant to be a "high jump" to the jump bot's "jump".
I don't think so, because I unlocked high jump separately and it applied to both the jump bot and the hopper.

Huh. Well, wouldn't be the first time I was wrong. Won't be the last.
Originally posted by Hugh Mann:
I like the Hopper more than the jump bot cuz its missiles arc and its a beast with an attack drone. it cant take as much damage but its harder for the enemy to hit you while your bouncing around. Currently im running the Tank, Hopper, and Hover car as my main combat bots.
You know i felt the same with the car and the motorcycle.
Like i'm sure all these vehicles have difference that make them unique but gameplay wise some of them seem like just straight upgrades.
Zleven Apr 30 @ 7:30am 
The hopper is way better in my opinion because the default jump with out the charge is smoother, and faster.
Of course the downsides like stated before is it has way less armor. But at least youre a smaller target? 😅
Xixott Apr 30 @ 8:32am 
Hopper is better in confined spaces and in terms of feeling fast. Jump Bot is better in terms of moving while shooting.
Speaking of the Hopper, is the only way to unlock it through the tradepost key items, or do you unlock it as a story progression requirement?
Zleven May 1 @ 1:27pm 
Originally posted by きょすけ:
Speaking of the Hopper, is the only way to unlock it through the tradepost key items, or do you unlock it as a story progression requirement?
I got mine from a sidequest, the actual hopper frame as a reward before the trading post was even unlocked. It mightve been a hunter sidequest. i cant remember.

edit: yeah i never bought the hopper frame from the trading post so you can definitely get it earlier than that
Last edited by Zleven; May 1 @ 5:28pm
Originally posted by Zleven:
I got mine from a sidequest, the actual hopper frame as a reward before the trading post was even unlocked. It mightve been a hunter sidequest. i cant remember.

I see, thanks!
Xaito May 1 @ 4:58pm 
Hopper feels more nimble and isn't as tall as the jump bot. Also it has headlights to light up things during the night or in caves. I use it all the time since I built one and the jump bot just sits there unused.
Originally posted by Zleven:
I got mine from a sidequest, the actual hopper frame as a reward before the trading post was even unlocked. It mightve been a hunter sidequest. i cant remember.

edit: yeah i never bought the hopper frame from the trading post so you can definitely get it earlier than that

Can confirm, just 10 minutes after you replied with the answer, I got mine from a sidequest from the western region (there was this NPC who asked to save the frame and then his daughter from an army outpost, lol.

Originally posted by Xaito:
Hopper feels more nimble and isn't as tall as the jump bot. Also it has headlights to light up things during the night or in caves. I use it all the time since I built one and the jump bot just sits there unused.

I tried to unlock it asap since I've indeed read that it jumps higher, which should help me to reach places I wasn't able to with the jump bot, but aesthetically wise I prefer the jump bot.
As for it's charged jump I don't feel much of a difference, but I could be wrong.
I wanna ask if the charge jump actually works for the hopper cause no matter how long I hold down the button, there is no indication that its charging a jumping nor do I notice any difference in the height of the jump compared to the jump-bot
Originally posted by Schion.93:
I wanna ask if the charge jump actually works for the hopper cause no matter how long I hold down the button, there is no indication that its charging a jumping nor do I notice any difference in the height of the jump compared to the jump-bot
Have you unlocked the charge jump?
The charging and higher jump are pretty obvious when you use it.
you hear a revving up and when you let go you make really large jump that's higher then the normal jump.
Originally posted by Argonisgema:
Originally posted by Schion.93:
I wanna ask if the charge jump actually works for the hopper cause no matter how long I hold down the button, there is no indication that its charging a jumping nor do I notice any difference in the height of the jump compared to the jump-bot
Have you unlocked the charge jump?
The charging and higher jump are pretty obvious when you use it.
you hear a revving up and when you let go you make really large jump that's higher then the normal jump.
Ah, I take it the actual charge jump needs to be gotten as part of the story progression? Cause I just unlocked it thru the side quest as soon as it is possible so kinda got confused by the Charge Jump mentioned in tutorial for the Hopper
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