

Overcoming Bad Rerolls in PvP
A lot of the matches I've fought recently were winnable, and I lost them because the rolls/arrangements of my units were jumbled just enough to miss the win. Any tips on how to overcome this? I've seen players mark the units they always miss as leaders, but when they do so, it also let's your opponent know your ace.

Much appreciated.
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Showing 1-11 of 11 comments
Illunis Apr 7 @ 2:12pm 
The most common problem that I had before was never having a frontline when I leadered another unit. I could just leader a Defender, but I wanted to get the Leader ability for my Rearm unit, therefore I added in another Defender. This helped lessen the RNG that I would get no frontline at all.

The important thing is to build your team so that there is a low chance you have a bad starting hand. Soldier team has less of a problem since they are cheap and can cycle quickly, but if you're doing another type of team, you want at least 2 frontline units so that you can defend until you can get your wanted unit out in time.
Originally posted by Illunis:
The most common problem that I had before was never having a frontline when I leadered another unit. I could just leader a Defender, but I wanted to get the Leader ability for my Rearm unit, therefore I added in another Defender. This helped lessen the RNG that I would get no frontline at all.

The important thing is to build your team so that there is a low chance you have a bad starting hand. Soldier team has less of a problem since they are cheap and can cycle quickly, but if you're doing another type of team, you want at least 2 frontline units so that you can defend until you can get your wanted unit out in time.

The thing is, I'm at the point where I would actually have 4 frontlines just to maintain having a frontline, unless my guess is correct that my opponent doesn't have Serina (which right now as of this typing, nobody's using her), and because of that, I only have a few slots for Supporters and any other backline DPS, which makes my team comp weak overall. I observed for several weeks now, and concluded that my hand RNG is really bad. Not sure why mine is bad, but I can confirm that it really is, because I have a lot of winnable matches where I only need one unit to turn the tide, but game says, "Eh, you're F2P anyway, why bother?"
VoiD Apr 7 @ 6:21pm 
It really depends.

When I was a newer player, not that I'm ancient or anything, but it's possible to climb to challenger 1 easily every season if I have the time, I just can't match the people farming over 20k score way past challenger 1.

Anyway, when I was a new player I'd often make very heavy teams, based off the most popular units of the weak, to counter them.

The reason for this was because I had no alternative, if I met Jake, and I didn't have Yuna with a reactor, I just would not get past him, there was no possibility of dealing enough damage to take a half-decent jake down. Similar scenarios apply to different units requiring specific counters.

To some degree, I still, sort of, do this, but now that I have many almost perfect item sets, I can get away with making my own plan instead.

For instance: If this is a striker heavy week I can build an entire team around awakened rosaria, if this is a defender heavy week, I can do the same with Awakened Regina instead. If it's a striker week, but it doesn't have some of the more dangerous ones, like Chifuyu or Sigma, I can get away with Queen to wipe out backlines instead of rosaria too, etc..

After I pick the main character in my team, I'll need to support her, frontliners are always needed and you can try many strategies, levia and ray can be great, if you have very specific item sets with CDR switf accessories to reach ~70% ground resist AND CDR at the same time, but they aren't as tanky as, say, jake or hilde, so having a healer isn't optional, if this is a jisoo week and healers are no good, then you might not want to use them, in fact, you may not want to use anything other than jisoo, skip the week if you don't have her.

So the answer is the good old cliche: It depends, every week the answer would change, it would also change based off what you currently have in terms of units, and their gear, and the rank you're at, and the enemies you're seeing more often at that rank, the perfect team in masters might not work at all in gold rank because enemies are using completely different units.

One tip I can give you, as a general rule, is: Don't ever try to bring less than 2 frontliners unless your leader is one of them, and even if you do, don't make it a heavy team, you'll need to rotate units fast enough to redeploy your few frontliners as needed, so I'd heavily encourage using good, cheap units, like soldiers, even if you don't have a soldier team.

When you feel like you just rely too much on luck, because you can't get to the units you want to in time, it usually means your team is just too heavy and you need to deply several awakened units to get to the one you really needed in that moment, figure out what's absolutely necessary, and what you can cheap out on. I mean, Hilde is a great tank, sure, but sometimes you don't need to take so many hits, Rearmed Alex could have done just fine with a ranger support to kill the other team's hilde instead for the same cost.

Also pay attention to the UP units, most of the "trash" units in the game are actually pretty good, and they can be borderline OP when their cost get reduced, I've had many weeks in which Minato, that purple rarity boy, had the top DPS in my team just by spamming his ult with a proper CDR set. Pretty good for a unit costing 1 deployment.
Originally posted by VoiD:
It really depends.

When I was a newer player, not that I'm ancient or anything, but it's possible to climb to challenger 1 easily every season if I have the time, I just can't match the people farming over 20k score way past challenger 1.

Anyway, when I was a new player I'd often make very heavy teams, based off the most popular units of the weak, to counter them.

The reason for this was because I had no alternative, if I met Jake, and I didn't have Yuna with a reactor, I just would not get past him, there was no possibility of dealing enough damage to take a half-decent jake down. Similar scenarios apply to different units requiring specific counters.

To some degree, I still, sort of, do this, but now that I have many almost perfect item sets, I can get away with making my own plan instead.

For instance: If this is a striker heavy week I can build an entire team around awakened rosaria, if this is a defender heavy week, I can do the same with Awakened Regina instead. If it's a striker week, but it doesn't have some of the more dangerous ones, like Chifuyu or Sigma, I can get away with Queen to wipe out backlines instead of rosaria too, etc..

After I pick the main character in my team, I'll need to support her, frontliners are always needed and you can try many strategies, levia and ray can be great, if you have very specific item sets with CDR switf accessories to reach ~70% ground resist AND CDR at the same time, but they aren't as tanky as, say, jake or hilde, so having a healer isn't optional, if this is a jisoo week and healers are no good, then you might not want to use them, in fact, you may not want to use anything other than jisoo, skip the week if you don't have her.

So the answer is the good old cliche: It depends, every week the answer would change, it would also change based off what you currently have in terms of units, and their gear, and the rank you're at, and the enemies you're seeing more often at that rank, the perfect team in masters might not work at all in gold rank because enemies are using completely different units.

One tip I can give you, as a general rule, is: Don't ever try to bring less than 2 frontliners unless your leader is one of them, and even if you do, don't make it a heavy team, you'll need to rotate units fast enough to redeploy your few frontliners as needed, so I'd heavily encourage using good, cheap units, like soldiers, even if you don't have a soldier team.

When you feel like you just rely too much on luck, because you can't get to the units you want to in time, it usually means your team is just too heavy and you need to deply several awakened units to get to the one you really needed in that moment, figure out what's absolutely necessary, and what you can cheap out on. I mean, Hilde is a great tank, sure, but sometimes you don't need to take so many hits, Rearmed Alex could have done just fine with a ranger support to kill the other team's hilde instead for the same cost.

Also pay attention to the UP units, most of the "trash" units in the game are actually pretty good, and they can be borderline OP when their cost get reduced, I've had many weeks in which Minato, that purple rarity boy, had the top DPS in my team just by spamming his ult with a proper CDR set. Pretty good for a unit costing 1 deployment.

Now that I think about it, I need to reduce my 4's and change some of them to cheaper units. I checked my team, and it was leaning more on the heavier side. Will check this week's bans and ups and review what I need to change. Thank for the comprehensive answer.
Hey............. just when I figured out how to finally overcome my rolls, and already on the verge of getting it, the game steals the thunder from me. I'm not joking:

As seen in the image, that's another winnable fight. It froze, I lost. Great. Don't love the beauty of this?
Last edited by LookSkyWaka; Apr 9 @ 12:24pm
id say, take a break from pvp
maybe 2 or 3 days
reevaluate your team comps, and comeback stronger
sometimes when bad pvp rng hit me, i take a break for almost 7 days straight, LOL
You need your key / core unit as your leader. For me this is usually the frontliner, being the defender or tanky striker. I've found doing this increased my win rate significantly, as the main reason I was losing was not having a frontline. The second thing you can do is use cheaper units to cycle through more efficiently.
Thanks for the additional inputs. I haven't taken a break from pvp, prolly because I only pop in like once a day per rank.

As for the core unit being a frontliner, unfortunately, that's the only surefire way I could think of, but the problem is, it's not the main unit where you build your team around. It's a conundrum: Frontline as leader, but lose key unit as center for team comp vs. Risk losing frontline as leader to focus on said unit as center for team comp. But yah, the cheaper units really did help.
Originally posted by LookSkyWaka:
As for the core unit being a frontliner, unfortunately, that's the only surefire way I could think of, but the problem is, it's not the main unit where you build your team around. It's a conundrum: Frontline as leader, but lose key unit as center for team comp vs. Risk losing frontline as leader to focus on said unit as center for team comp. But yah, the cheaper units really did help.
I am never a fan of PvP and only do it for the new skin, but I did get 4300 in a few hours with 85% win rate, with most lost from earlier games while I was fiddling with my deck,

If you build your team around 1 strategy you are always going to run into RNG problems. You want at least 2 win conditions and also a few low cost cards to cycle through your deck.

So for this week, I have Ecclesia as leader, I got Regina and Ministra as win conditions, but I can also win with r.Xiao and Jane Doe.
Last edited by 123 Casual Player; Apr 11 @ 7:48pm
Originally posted by 123 Casual Player:
Originally posted by LookSkyWaka:
As for the core unit being a frontliner, unfortunately, that's the only surefire way I could think of, but the problem is, it's not the main unit where you build your team around. It's a conundrum: Frontline as leader, but lose key unit as center for team comp vs. Risk losing frontline as leader to focus on said unit as center for team comp. But yah, the cheaper units really did help.
I am never a fan of PvP and only do it for the new skin, but I did get 4300 in a few hours with 85% win rate, with most lost from earlier games while I was fiddling with my deck,

If you build your team around 1 strategy you are always going to run into RNG problems. You want at least 2 win conditions and also a few low cost cards to cycle through your deck.

So for this week, I have Ecclesia as leader, I got Regina and Ministra as win conditions, but I can also win with r.Xiao and Jane Doe.

Yeah......... not getting Regina is now biting me...........
I really don't know what else to do. I'm really having bad luck this week. 20 straight Ls and counting
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