Limbus Company

Limbus Company

The Location of Chapter 7 - Two Possible Locations. (Spoilers are in this)
Don Quixote, the blonde lunatic, someone that would be an otaku in our world, based on her obsession with fixers, which even includes collecting merchandise. She doesn't seem to know her own past or at least doesn't appear to...There are two possible options for where the group therapy session of Don Quixote is located:

1 - District 19 - The home district of Yi Sang, a place so full of corruption that (if the fathoms of ego in Chapter 5.5 Part 2 is any indication) the Kurokumo Clan are allowed in by the corrupt officials of the Wing.
2 - Somewhere that they've not been to that's accessible by a vehicle accommodating WARP train - Considering that Chapter 6.5 Part 2 is called Murder on the WARP Express (a reference to Agatha Christie) it might mean that they'll take a WARP train and eventually end up in wherever Don Quixote's story is relevant to, yes...there's no mention of a WARP train like that, but there are trains going through the Channel Tunnel that accommodate vehicles, so it's not far from reality.