Kingdom Eighties

Kingdom Eighties

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RawFuryAngelica  [developer] Jun 26, 2023 @ 5:00am
Want to report a bug? Please use our support form! 👑
Are you having issues with Kingdom Eighties or have feedback you'd like to share with us?

Please use our Support Helpdesk[]. This is the best way to reach us directly.

Thank you 👑

Common Questions
Q: How do I generate a bug report?
A: Pressing ctrl+F12 while in-game will create a folder on the desktop with your save file and a log. Describe the issue in as much detail as you can, and please include the bug report folder when sending the report via the support desk link above - it helps a lot when we investigate!

Q: Where can I find my save files?
  • Win: C:\Users\[USERNAME]\AppData\LocalLow\RawFury\Kingdom Eighties\Release
  • Mac: ~/Library/Application Support/Raw Fury/Kingdom Eighties/Release/
  • Lin: <home>/.config/unity3d/RawFury/Kingdom Eighties/Release/

Q: Will there ever be a co-op mode in Kingdom Eighties?
A: With Kingdom Eighties being a narratively focused experience, it is designed with single-player in mind. We do not have any plans to include co-op in Kingdom Eighties. However, we are happy to share that the team is continuously working on expanding the world of Kingdom - and that will include future experiences for all of our co-op fans as well.

Q: How is Kingdom Eighties related to the Kingdom series?
A: Kingdom Eighties is a standalone expansion. This is the first time ever we include a linear story in a Kingdom game, and it will reveal some juicy hints and facts about the lore and worldbuilding of the Kingdom universe. But don't worry, you don't need to be a veteran or even know the previous games to enjoy it.

Q: Are there achievements in Kingdom Eighties?
A: For sure! Just keep in mind that most achievements are unattainable when playing on Peaceful mode!
Last edited by RawFuryAngelica; Jul 20, 2023 @ 2:31am