Go Home Annie

Go Home Annie

REIVAXL .ttv May 26, 2022 @ 5:17am
Official VR Mod/version
Will at some point the game have VR support?
It'd be really cool with regards to immersion since it's even more so dealing with SCPs.
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Misfit Village  [developer] May 27, 2022 @ 2:17am 
Hey! Main dev here. I'm a big fan of VR and have made a PC VR game in the past. For Annie we are first focusing on making a stable release for PC. After we see how Annie performs sales-wise, we'll look into porting to other platforms and VR. Consoles are a priority, VR is second.
REIVAXL .ttv May 31, 2022 @ 3:40am 
Originally posted by Misfit Village:
Hey! Main dev here. I'm a big fan of VR and have made a PC VR game in the past. For Annie we are first focusing on making a stable release for PC. After we see how Annie performs sales-wise, we'll look into porting to other platforms and VR. Consoles are a priority, VR is second.

Hi there!

Yeah, funding-wise it's the most logical thing because of having a greater audience there. Nevertheless, would it be (the VR) a Free DLC (or update) or if I bought the game i'd have to purchase it again?

Thanks again for your time!
Urban Shaman Sep 8, 2022 @ 7:45am 
Originally posted by Misfit Village:
Hey! Main dev here. I'm a big fan of VR and have made a PC VR game in the past. For Annie we are first focusing on making a stable release for PC. After we see how Annie performs sales-wise, we'll look into porting to other platforms and VR. Consoles are a priority, VR is second.
I wonder how much "porting" this would require. I mean, if you want to have the game running natively on the Oculus - that's probably a tall order. On the flip side - being able to look around and operate items in SteamVR should be a lot easier. I'd only be worried about driving sections (visible in the trailer).
Last edited by Urban Shaman; Sep 8, 2022 @ 7:45am
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Date Posted: May 26, 2022 @ 5:17am
Posts: 3