Total War: PHARAOH

Total War: PHARAOH

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BUG - Enemy Vassal "join me" in war
First off, im enjoying the ♥♥♥♥ out of this game, got it really cheap and it's been worth every penny

First problem i've had is this one;
1. Enemy has a Vassal
2. I notice i can peace out the vassal seperetaly, i do.
3. couple of turns later, i get a message "Faction joins US againts OUR enemy"...

So the enemy vassal joined THEIR overlord against ME, but the game thinks i've called them in, and the worst part is that i just went to -21 in reliability, my guess is becuase i've broken the truce after the initial peace

Not game-breaking but just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, mainly that the messages you get does not really add up to what actually happens
Last edited by Zerryx; Jan 14 @ 10:10am
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Showing 1-4 of 4 comments
Kendji Jan 14 @ 10:39am 
Hmm, I mean it is in theory working properly. I became a vassal myself in one game. Unlike other tw, my lord got colored the same as any ally. I didn't pay x% of my income to the lord. I got every shemsu hor, I think, an event where the lord asked me to pay 200 stone or something.

What I think is happening in your description is that the AI factions in question treat each other as allies. Then when the lord asks the vassal to join the war it treats that as a vassal getting the request from a lord.
Zerryx Jan 14 @ 1:58pm 
Originally posted by Kendji:
Hmm, I mean it is in theory working properly. I became a vassal myself in one game. Unlike other tw, my lord got colored the same as any ally. I didn't pay x% of my income to the lord. I got every shemsu hor, I think, an event where the lord asked me to pay 200 stone or something.

What I think is happening in your description is that the AI factions in question treat each other as allies. Then when the lord asks the vassal to join the war it treats that as a vassal getting the request from a lord.

Not saying what you wrote is wrong or anything. I've just think the correct thing is that if the vassal gets asked by my enemy to join the war AGAINST me, then I should not get a message as if it was I who initiated the question, and get the punushment in reliability as if i declared war and broke the truce, that should happen to the Vassal who actually did declare war on me
Iskar Jan 14 @ 3:01pm 
I've encountered the same effect and my hypothesis is this:
It's actually a bug that you can make separate peace with a vassal and the game checks each turn whether you are at war with a liege but not their vassal and automatically declares war between you and the vassal. Apparently this automatic war declaration is also done a bit sloppily in that it counts as you declaring war on the vassal and not the other way around - hence your reliability loss.
The solution would be to
a) prevent separate peace talks with vassals
b) remove the automatic war declaration
Tarog May 14 @ 4:11am 
Agreed, just found this bug out today:
- Made peace with 4 vassals of my enemy.
- They joined war against me 4 or 5 turns later.
-> I lost 55 reliability :steamfacepalm:

Solutions are pretty straightfoward, prevent peace with vassals, or make the vassals and overlord themselves loose reliability if they accept the overlord's order or break out from overlord if they refuse and make the overlord loose reliability.

By the way, if vassal peace is kept they should loose reliability too if they peace within 10 turns of their overlord's war declaration.
Last edited by Tarog; May 14 @ 4:14am
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