Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express

Agatha Christie - Murder on the Orient Express

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beloriab Nov 2, 2023 @ 8:08am
Help in Wadi's office
I am stuck in Wadi's office. Can't figure out the code to the computer. using the Alice and wonderland pages 88, 91, 94, 96 and 98.? There is no number on page 98?
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Showing 1-7 of 7 comments
catnip Nov 2, 2023 @ 9:26am 
Hint 1:
The letter mentions a specific release of the book.

Hint 2:
There are two versions of the book. Maybe it can help?

Hint 3:
Some pages in the original book are destroyed, but you can use the visible words to find the where the pages would start and end in the new version.

Hint 4:
Text from page 98 in the original book starts on page 97 in the new one, so the number is 2.

The full code is 34962.
beloriab Nov 2, 2023 @ 2:20pm 
I entered the code you list in solution. I still get an error message??
I did think that I had tried these numbers, before and they didn't work.
Is there something she or Poirot must do before the computer will unlock.
??? I have looked at both books, finished the chess pieces, Poirot has opened the safe and called the detective to say he has the key. anything else???
catnip Nov 2, 2023 @ 6:39pm 
Sorry I misread your original post. My previous post was related to the Alice in the Wonderland code, which is needed for something else.

Check the bedroom in Wadi's apartment, especially the nightstand.
beloriab Nov 3, 2023 @ 3:58pm 
I figured it out, and finished the game. Thanks for your help!
jUz@m Nov 11, 2023 @ 3:22pm 

How do you find the code of the safe which is behind the darts game ?
catnip Nov 12, 2023 @ 1:23pm 
Originally posted by jUz@m:
How do you find the code of the safe which is behind the darts game ?

Hint 1:
You get it from Ms Locke.

Hint 2:
You don't find the actual code made of digits in the game

Hint 3:
It's in the desk drawer in Mr Wadi's office.

Hint 4:
The code is shown by the pattern revealed by using the pencil on the paper by Ms Locke.

If you use the pencil on the notepad as Ms Locke you'll see a pattern which looks a bit like the letter M. As Poirot if you look at the safe keypad and if you were to overlay the pattern over the keypad you'd see that the only way to make it fit is to start at 4. Therefore the code is 415368#.
ChaoticGamer90 Jan 16, 2024 @ 6:17pm 
Im stuck in wadis says i only looked at 5/6 items and i looked at 6 so confused
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