Solium Infernum
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The Infernal FAQ - Solium Infernum's Frequently Asked Questions
What is Solium Infernum?
Solium Infernum is a political grand strategy game for 1-6 players, set in the ultimate arena of Hell. A reimagining of the critically acclaimed, under-exploited cult classic from 2009, play as one of eight Archfiends embroiled in a Machiavellian contest for the Throne of Hell.

What is the game genre for Solium Infernum?
Solium Infernum is a political turn-based grand strategy game, think Armello meets Crusader Kings, with an emphasis on politics and intrigue... but in Hell.

What is the goal of a Solium Infernum game?
The goal of Solium Infernum is to outwit, outmaneuvre and outplay your claim the Throne of Hell and become the Underworld's new Dark Majesty. You win by conducting diplomatic, sorcerous, malevolent and martial actions against your foes to gather the most prestige, winning the Trial of the Throne.

Players can also claim the throne via an Usurper Victory - aka; by force.

For the more conniving player, there are a number of other, less common ways to win the Infernal Throne. Solium Infernum is very much a game of exceptions.

How can I play Solium Infernum?
Solium Infernum is currently available for purchase on PC.

Go ahead and purchase now on Steam.

Is Solium Infernum multiplayer?
Yes! Absolutely. Solium Infernum has both standard online multiplayer and its infamous, asynchronous online multiplayer. Both versions of online multiplayer support 2-6 players.

What is this Asynchronous Online multiplayer I keep hearing about?
Asynchronous online multiplayer is a form of multiplayer where players do not have to be playing (or even online) at the same time. Meaning, a game of Solium Infernum can be played over the course of multiple days (or weeks!) with players completing 1+ turns a day or more. Turn timers can be up to a week long!

If you want to get an idea just how incredible the original Solium Infernum's asynchronous multiplayer was, you can read all about it in the legendary 'Gameboys from Hell' After Action Report from RockPaperShotgun in 2009.

Will there be any differences in game play between real-time and asynchronous multiplayer?
In regards to the user-experience, there will most certainly be some differences. You can imagine standard videogame fare like turn timers for real-time games to keep them moving along, etc.

However, in regards to the actual gameplay? No. None at all.

Does Solium Infernum have single-player?
Yes. Not only can you play standard Solium Infernum skirmishes against AI players, but we have also added eight single-player Scenarios, one for each Archfiend!

How long does a game of Solium Infernum take?
Depending on which options for game length, map size and number of players you have selected, a game of Solium Infernum can take anywhere from 2-6 hours of play.

Asynchronous mutliplayer sessions can last anywhere from a number of days to weeks, months, even over a year, but they are played in bursts of 5-30min whenever and wherever players can find the time.

Will Solium Infernum be releasing on consoles?
Unfortunately not. Solium Infernum is releasing on PC (Windows) only.

Will Solium Infernum work on my Steam Deck?
Yes! Solium Infernum will absolutely run on your Steam Deck. Though we are not 'Verified' on Steam Deck at launch, many players have reported that Solium Infernum can be played on Steam Deck. Though, admittedly, we recommend playing with a mouse (and reading glasses).

Will there be post launch support and content?
Would would love to add both DLC and free updates beyond launch. It will all depend on how the game performs financially.

Who is this game for?
Strategy fans, board game lovers, self-confessed intellects and your most Machiavellian friends. If watching the smile leave your friends' faces as you stab them in the back (in a game of course) then this is the game for you!

Solium Infernum sounds pretty hardcore. I've not played many strategy games, will I be able to pick it up?
At League of Geeks, our focus as a studio is to make strategy games that are accessible, yet deep, have a unique aesthetic signature, and have a whole tonne of heart (even if that's a heart of darkness).

So yes, give it a shot! Whilst there is a lot to Solium Infernum, we design all our games to be broadly accessible so that anyone who plays videogames can dive straight in and with a little bit of determination, can get to the good stuff.

We'll make a strategy mastermind of you yet. ;)

Does the game have a tutorial or in-game encyclopedia?
Both! Solium Infernum comes complete with a bespoke tutorial, as well as singleplayer scenarios to get you familiar with the game's more advanced mechanics before diving into multiplayer. And once you're in there, the in-game Enyclopedia Infernum will have everything you need to navigate the Underworld.

Is this related in any way to the 'Solium Infernum' developed by Vic Davis (Cryptic Comet) in 2009?
It is! As mentioned on the game's Steam page, our Solium Infernum "is a re-imagining and modernisation of Vic Davis’ critically acclaimed cult-classic of the same name.".

How faithful to the original will this be?
Very! We love the original. That's why we're here. Our aim for the reboot of this strategy classic has always been to reimagine and modernise Solium Infernum for contemporary audiences, whilst keeping all the ingenius design and dark glory of the original.

We've worked hard to take the original and remove points of friction, lift the production values, improve the AI, and expand upon the content in the game (adding single-player scenarios and all new Archfiends for example).

As fans of the original ourselves, we're confident that If you enjoyed the original, this is very likely to be the reboot you've been waiting for.

Are there animated cards like in Armello?
Similar to Armello's beautiful, lively card art, almost all in-game illustrations animate when interacted with.

Will there be mod/editor support?
There are currently no plans for mod or any kind of editor support.

Any other questions?
Feel free to post questions below. We'll update the FAQ, clarifying answers and folding in new questions as they come up.

Note: We'll be keeping the thread tidy by deleting comments once they've been integrated into the FAQ.
Автор останньої редакції: [LoG] Trent Kusters; 24 лют. о 1:25
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How many simultaneous games can you play at once asynchronously?
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How many simultaneous games can you play at once asynchronously?

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