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Radiant Sloth  [developer] Jul 3, 2022 @ 2:24am
Demo Patch Notes
Demo v0.9.1c
  • Fixed an issue where the game was not loading after pressing "Go" on the generating screen (Windows)
  • Fixed an issue where you could unlock starting classes despite not having enough tokens
  • Added "Close" buttons to all UI menus as an alternative to pressing the Cancel key
  • Made it clearer on the UI when a button is disabled because of not having enough money
  • Reduced the base gun spread of the player
Last edited by Radiant Sloth; Jul 3, 2022 @ 2:25am
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Showing 1-15 of 17 comments
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Jul 5, 2022 @ 2:47pm 
Demo v0.9.1d
  • Improved controls binding panel (keys now auto swap if the new selected is already bound elsewhere)
  • Added a shadow marker to see where the player is related to the ground when airborne (helps to better aim the smash attack)
  • Lumbricus: reworked behavior + new sprite + new SFX
  • Mole: weakened attack pattern
  • Added a new enemy (Godmole) as a stronger variation of Mole
  • Squibull: added a charging sprite animation + some dust particles
  • Zygaena: reload time is now the same between all shots
  • Pandoney: can now teleport away from the player + reworked honey missiles (no damage anymore + honey puddle spawn is slightly delayed + see next item)
  • Added a new enemy (Bombee) summoned by honey puddles from Pandoney
  • Added a synergy related to honey items
  • Fixed some typos in the localizations
  • Made it clearer in the tutorial that game menu and quick menu are not the same + added an info about weather events
  • Tweaked the generation so that bushes do not spawn too close to walls
  • Optimized the loot trails that home into the player for better performance
Last edited by Radiant Sloth; Jul 5, 2022 @ 2:49pm
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Jul 10, 2022 @ 4:12am 
Demo v0.9.1e
  • Added 8 new synergies
  • Reworked the jump and smash animations of the player
  • When enemies shoot several times during a powered attack, they target the player initial position all along instead of tracking the player movement
  • Added short invincibility frames at the end of a teleportation from the void
  • Added short invincibility frames at the end of a smash attack
  • Optimized to remove lag spike at first game menu opening
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Jul 13, 2022 @ 5:15am 
Demo v0.9.1f
  • Made the tutorial easier, some jumps were a bit too difficult for newcomers
  • Tweaked the player ground marker and added one to enemies as well
  • Options panel: you can now choose to display controller key names as Xbox, PlayStation or Nintendo
  • Made the enemies a bit less reactive when running away from the player
  • Changes to Lunar enemies:
    • Purple slime has always the same attack pattern + sprite tweak + new sfx
    • Added Pink slime as a variation of Purple slime with a slightly different attack pattern
    • Batmallow now has always the same reload time and shoots two bullets at once
    • Purple slime, Pink slime and Ice urchin now have a bigger hurtbox, they should be easier to hit despite their constant jumping
    • Starfly: new charging animation + shoots bullets that spin slightly in situ instead of being completely motionless
    • Tweaked secrets enemies as well
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Jul 20, 2022 @ 3:38am 
Demo v0.9.1g
  • New title and menu background artwork
  • Added 2 new equipment items
  • Reduced player movement max speed and tweaked speed ramp up
  • Decreased gun base reload time (from 1.5s to 1.3s)
  • Increased game menu open animation speed
  • Fixed possible soft lock with Mole enemy
  • Slightly increased player jump force
  • Critical hits are now x2 damage instead of x4 previously
  • Fixed a pathfinding issue in Lunar Ridge causing lags
  • Fixed occasional camera shakes when teleported from the void
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Jul 27, 2022 @ 6:21am 
Demo v0.9.1h
  • Animated the new artwork on title screen and menu backgrounds
  • Added a new feature for combat: drone minions following the player and performing regularly some attack patterns
  • Added 4 new equipment items (2 of which summon a minion, cf previous line)
  • Added a new starting class available in the hub: summoner
  • Added 5 new synergies
  • Some changes in the tutorial: added a second dummy to practice the smash attack + removed some help messages to include them directly at relevant places in the first archipelago during the first five runs (hopefully this makes it less likely to forget/ignore useful information like the map)
  • The player smash attack value is now displayed in the status menu
  • Updated a few old item sprites and started polishing the UI icons
  • Items rarity weights for random selection in shops now depend on the current level
  • Fixed issue with enemies hurtbox still blocking bullets during death animation
  • Fixed possible issue on the generating screen
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Aug 12, 2022 @ 6:24am 
Demo v0.9.2
  • Added ghosts to the tutorial to help and show the way
  • Reworked all the GUI with polished sprites
  • Challenges have a new UI layout to better show rewards tiers
  • Challenge NPCs now give the score in their dialog line after the challenge
  • Challenges rewards are better and lunar balls challenge price is cheaper
  • Challenges have a loot animation for rewards similarly to when an enemy dies
  • Map icons can be hovered to show a tooltip
  • Dummies in tutorial are destructible and respawn after being destroyed
  • Height number indicators are now off by default
  • Curse of the void item also affects the player
  • Polished all music tracks
  • Some optimization to remove lag spikes when enemies die
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Aug 17, 2022 @ 6:01am 
Demo v0.9.2a
  • Fixed soft lock issue when falling in the void at some places in the tutorial
Last edited by Radiant Sloth; Aug 17, 2022 @ 6:01am
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Aug 20, 2022 @ 2:49am 
Demo v0.9.2b
  • Added 2 new items
  • Added 7 new synergies
  • Targeted spikes item is now rank D (previously B)
  • Status UI: hovering the slot upgrade button triggers an animation to show the slot that will be unlocked
  • Some status UI tweaks
  • Journal entry unlock notifications now use specific icons instead of the generic journal icon
  • Tweaked the shortcut quests UI to be consistent with the rest
  • Polished demo achievements icons
  • Polished many in-game sprites
  • Removed some lag spikes with Jokelf enemies
  • Optimized to reduce lag spikes with flak bullets
  • Fixed some issues with the audio during scene transitions
  • Upgraded game engine to Godot 3.5 + some cleaning and optimization
Last edited by Radiant Sloth; Aug 20, 2022 @ 2:55am
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Aug 26, 2022 @ 6:12am 
Demo v0.9.3
  • Reworked the equipment system:
    • There are now 20 item slots available, all unlocked from the get-go
    • Items now auto equip when bought from shops
    • Getting an item outside of a shop will trigger a popup giving the choice to either equip or ignore the item
    • Removed: equipment slot capacity system upgrade, inventory tab in game menu, sell tab in shops
    • Moved the synergy trigger animation to happen in-game instead of in the menu
  • Buffed the items related to honey puddles to summon a friendly bee
  • Current number of free item upgrades owned is now displayed in the status menu next to the money count
  • You can now teleport to the starting island of the archipelago on the map
  • Polished the look of smash particles
  • Fixed issues with challenges when pausing the game
  • Fixed issue with enemy bullets spinning when they should not
Last edited by Radiant Sloth; Aug 26, 2022 @ 6:14am
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Sep 9, 2022 @ 4:13am 
Demo v0.9.3a
  • Reworked the starting class system
    • There are now 6 main presets
    • Improved some starting items
    • Tokens are gained at each run depending on how far it went
    • Tokens gains are showed on the end run screen
    • Added the Random class to start a run with 3 random items
  • Added 5 new items
  • The final boss can now be hurt by all types of builds (smash attacks, dash moves, drone minions, etc)
  • Improved the tooltip when upgrading items in the forge tab of shops
  • Items not yet discovered in the journal are now more likely to appear in shops and challenges rewards
  • Some optimization and cleaning to improve performances
Last edited by Radiant Sloth; Sep 9, 2022 @ 4:14am
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Sep 14, 2022 @ 3:06pm 
Demo v0.9.3b
  • Fixed several issues with the final boss fight
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Sep 22, 2022 @ 2:38am 
Next Fest Demo v0.9.4
  • Added 36 new item synergies (total is now 60)
  • Improved how enemies knockback is handled (repel drone minion is now more efficient)
  • Enemies now remain idle during their death animation
  • Fixed issue with lost honey missiles resulting in portals not unlocking at the end of the fight
  • Fixed an issue where drone minions were not properly cleared at the end of a run
  • Drone minions can no longer become stuck below the terrain when the player falls into the void
Last edited by Radiant Sloth; Sep 22, 2022 @ 2:38am
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Sep 29, 2022 @ 12:27pm 
Next Fest Demo v0.9.5
  • Reworked how entities, bullets and missiles can still be seen behind terrain obstacles (should improve performances!)
  • Reworked enemies and dummy damage flash (should improve performances!)
  • Added a fade in animation for lunar balls appearing
  • Improved shields visuals with hexagonal patterns
  • Increased the visibility of shadow markers beneath entities
  • Enemies with a charge attack now inflict contact damage only when charging
  • Added a particle animation on the HUD to emphasize the presence of a weather event
  • Invincibility frames after being teleported back to the ground are now longer (0.5 -> 1s)
  • Flak bullets Mk3: the flak effect now applies recursively only on the central bullet instead of all three
  • Bullets: any sub bullet created by an item effect now starts with the same bounce count as the parent instead of 0 (this is to prevent flak + mitosis combo from creating hundreds of bullets from a single one)
  • Enemies are now teleported to their previous ground location if they are detected as stuck
  • Reworked how the ice friction is handled internally (no gameplay change, but should improve performances!)
  • Increased the token earnings (a bit more than doubled)
  • Fixed a few SFX issues
  • Fixed issue with music track not playing when loading a game save
  • Fixed issue with bullets having wrongly critical hit visuals
  • Fixed issue with camera aim offset not locked during challenge cutscenes
  • Fixed issue when going back to hud after dying on a island with certain weather events
  • Fixed issue with shops being empty after loading a game save
  • Some code cleaning and optimization to improve performances
  • Updated game engine to Godot 3.5.1
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Oct 3, 2022 @ 1:57pm 
Next Fest Demo v0.9.5a
  • Drone minions now wait for enemies to finish spawning before attacking them
  • Fixed issue with drone minions getting stuck (they now teleport back above the player if stuck)
  • Fixed issue with quick menu sometimes displaying the wrong playtime
Radiant Sloth  [developer] Oct 12, 2022 @ 2:02am 
Next Fest Demo v0.9.5b
  • Buffed Vampiristic boots effect trigger probability chances
  • Fixed item description for Vampiristic boots
  • Fixed issue with allied bees not hurting the final boss
  • Fixed issue with energy balls being static instead of orbiting the payer after loading a game save
  • Fixed issue with energy balls duplicating themselves when loading a game save
  • Fixed issue with honey missiles which could lead to a soft lock during certain weather events
  • Fixed issue with lightning strikes animation being interrupted before completion when triggered by Lightning bullets
  • Fixed issue with some missiles when affected by certain weather events
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